Will we see another renaissance after marriage is dead. Feminism will (actually already is happening) the rise of men deciding to opt out of marriage. After the initial shaming period is over, they'll spend time on hobbies and shit. Considering millennials are tech savvy-cool new stuff might be created. Art could finally be great again. Videogames could finally be good again. I mean / pol/ changed the world, what would happen if 70% of the male population disappeared into the virtual world to share ideas.
Will we see another renaissance after marriage is dead...
Is that chick from rebel media?
>what would happen if 70% of the male population disappeared into the virtual world to share ideas.
Look at Japan. That's what happening over there. What happened? The emergence of "the internet right" - redpilled beta males who cry about all women being whores and who blame Korean and Chinese immigrants for everything bad that happens in their society. There's also subcultures like anime nerds that prefer to fap to cartoons and "otoko no ko" - young men that like to dress up as girls. So yeah, there's your future.
good thing that's definitely never going to happen in the west then
Faggot you're on Sup Forums and that's exactly what is happening here
>what is irony
>yeah name?
JESUS CHRIST, looks like Tim Horton's is running a nice P.C. commercial up in Canada. Makes me sick.
Thumbs down
This. Everyone just retreats into their own psychological safe space, whether it be Sup Forums, anime, video games, or tumblr.
What actual shit, have we 'outsiders' done, aside from fucking with a Jew's "art" project, and shitposting online.
Every college campus has some sort of Marxist organization. After having done some research, no university has an 'alt right' organization, aside from this shit;
Alt right ideology has a strong grasp on many corners of the internet, but it's only when we are unafraid to step outside into the real world and take action that we will have a genuine impact.
But this is difficult, because everyone on the alt right is reclusive and afraid to show their power level in real life, for obvious reasons. At my university, Yik Yak is almost 50% right wing shitposts about immigration, degeneracy, and politics. But it's totally atomized, no shitposter actually knows the other, and any attempts to reach out result in a 2 sentence conversation that immediately dies. The only alt right friends I have in real life are completely by chance.
have you ever considered the reason for this?
The possibility of being publicly lynched for being associated with an alt right organization?
There's only one way to defeat feminism without losing your sex life, but I'd just be called a pedo by all the pussies here anyway.
You will never defeat feminism with your cuck mentality. They'll just go elsewhere, right into achmed hands.
Replace older women with younger girls. Simple as that.
You're a 30 yr old man, your wife (or gf) of the same age is a cunt, she treats you like a cunt and thinks she's funny. What do you do? Dump that bitch and find someone half her age. That's what a real man does.
Yeah, unfortunately what you say is the case. People need to get out and do more.
You can date younger girls without resorting to 14 year olds, Achmed.
That's the thing, as a man, i should be able to date whoever I fancy desu, without some jelly old cunt calling me achmed, trying to shame me.
The real danger here is artificial insemination.
Naturally feminism would collapse on itself due to it's retarded inability to sustain itself and raise families.
Pity the children of the next couple generations.
Also, there's nothing more satisfying than seeing the look on some old roastie cunts face when she knows you're not into older bitches.
Fucking a 14 year old is pedophilia. I could maybe grant you 16, maybe, but you sound no better than a goat fucking sand homo.
so you're all just massive pussies then?
I disagree, there should be laws in place because under a certain age, they are children, impressionable, easy to manipulate, and irresponsible, and it is our moral obligation if we wish to raise a morally upright and healthy society to hold them until they are of a mentally mature enough level be able to partake in these sorts of things and be fully aware of their actions and consequences. I think 16 is a reasonable age.
This I can definitely concede, as someone who met their wife when she was 16 and I was 21.
Essentially. I'm trying to organize something on my campus, so far I'm aware of 8 people other than myself who would be interested, but they're a bit reluctant, and word has already gotten out to some lefties and they're trying to figure out who we are so they can protest it.
Typical roastie argument.
See, you can't compete, so you resort to shame tactics. Everytime.
Maybe, I will be an achmed, so I don't feel like a bitch.
I really hate MGTOWs. They're almost as bad as feminists. Almost.
join this movement
(((Those who control the money supply))) control media and education as well.
You have to fight them smartly, not charge head long into their pitched battles.
Start by talking incessantly about Money Creation and (((who))) has the primary control over it. Then get into media (media can be the first topic brought up if you want) and education.
You can't hit your target if you can't see. You can't rebel against your masters if you don't know you have masters.
You people on here and your morals. It's quite funny, seeing as your 'morals' are paving the way for your own destruction.
Woman, the word "womb" is derived from the same meaning.
Cut from, part of. We gave up a rib for this?
Eve cursed the world into the shit pit that it is today, women are naturally and inherently twisted, backwards, degenerate, unhygenic and worthless.
They have only ever had one purpose and that's reproduction, but they're so stupid, they can't even do that properly either.
It's been possible for years to create human life without women even being involved. So why are they even still around?
Simple. Because the eternal jew uses white women to destroy the earth, white women and jews are synonymous, they are the same thing, both are enemies of the white race.
To be anti-white woman, is to be pro-white, for she is the antithesis of virtue, nobility, honor, strength, courage and sacrifice, she is literally nigger tier and must be eliminated.
We literally have machines that can create white children at will, but the jew withholds it from us for obvious reasons. They need the white woman in order to destroy.
>implying I need to compete
Already happily with someone who's quite younger than me, but it's nowhere near that young. I have a sister around that age, and trust me, no goo bag in their mid-twenties or over is getting near her without a castration.
You degenerate fucks that prey on children are the reason faggots exist, you know that right?
Bring a stick
The same could be said of the left. The left is doing a fine enough job destroying itself given how they act in real life. They act violent and brutish when protesting. This doesn't give them a good image and drives sensible people who are of the same spectrum of them to the right out of disgust.
Michigan confirmed best state
holy shitty grammar batman, i can barely understand this post
These sensible people you speak of, will never get what they want because apparently they're too 'sensible' to fight for it. Idiots.
Western morality is a curse on western people.
Feminism will be on extremely shaky ground when between 40 to 80 percent of males can't get a woman.
These men will realize that nothing they can ever do will earn them a woman and they will stop helping women out with various problems.
The (((government))) is trying to push race mixing hard for this reason and for the purpose of dumbing down their rivals.
You're sounding more and more like a fucking sand nigger migrant.
How do you define 'morality' Muhammad?
I'd rather be Muhammad with 6 wives, than little beta Joseph with none. Understand faggot?
>tfw beta virgin white think they're being funny
Go fap to porn or something bitch boy.
Those comments and dislike bar, fucking excellent
"The problem with the world is that the stupid are always so cocksure, and the intelligent, full of doubt".
Marriage and reproduction is linked with low IQ's.
>Will we see another renaissance
Probably. You can easily draw parallels with the Roman empire, its fall, and the period that followed.
>Marriage is dead
>Technology improves
>Sexbots are here
>Pussies not have to compete with submissive sexbots for resources
>Prostitution is legalised
>Pussy is so devalued that women have to offer other qualities to trade for resources
>Make Housewives Great Again
We might, however, get conquered by Islam before this happens. Then, Islam will catch up and become more and more secular as time progresses and they will leave the dark ages behind = new renaissance. It will definitely happen, but the question is "to whom?"
Its not that you're wrong.
It is just that you are confused about who the enemy is.
its not Women or Race. Its the elites. Who just happen to be mostly made up of (((them))).
Every demographic and tribalistic behavior in a group is exploited to turn civilization against itself and deflect rage against the top echelons.
I'm not talking petty billionaires like Trump either. The REAL elite.
Also nice digits senpai.
yeah, I see the westerners going into their corners to retreat, martial their resources while stacies shack up with virile muzzies and outbreed the hermits.
Yeah, having kids really confused me as to how I might be a virgin, but sure, whatever helps you feel better while you fuck goats.
>tfw Britain finally uncucks itself of these dirty Mud Slimes
Nah, England deserves to be a crater. Sweden, Germany, England, France, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Italy, Greece, Spain, all of these places need to be totally consumed in fire and rape. Only eastern europe deserves to survive.
We're not fucking goats here. We're fucking everything and you little white are trying to mock us lol?. For what? For being men. This is how cucked you people are and you can't even see it.
I take exception to the suggestion there is shame in a man no marrying.
I had females literally throwing themselves at me but the one woman with whom I had the longest relationship ended up proving she only wanted children when after an interruption in our shared domicile as part of an employment situation she went to an old bf to get pregnant despite having asked me to get her pregnant.
Perhaps the women I met were all just lose sluts after me for sex.. fine I wasn't hiding under a rock.
Whatever the case, as long as Islam is nuked to shit or reforms and stops spreading this pedophile degeneracy.
do you realize how fucking stupid what you say is? And you honestly believe you have a clue regarding anything you're bringing up
Pedophilia won't stop unless you kill every non-white.
And that's just never going to happen. They breed like maggots
You can tell women have no righteous or good in them (on the inside , I can't type it all out there is too much info )
With all these billions of sex tapes or vile pictures - the west forgotten right path .
YHWH sees ALL .me and you will pay for sins . I'd rather repent and. Not be bound by flesh pleasures and lust
If 70% of the male population disappears into the net, then the remain 30% will get a lot of pussy. That is what will happen.
You won't do shit though because your women love us too much.
And you love your women too much to upset them. Back in your shed, son.
>YHWH sees ALL
T-thanks for the advice rabbi
>they'll spend time on hobbies and shit
anime and video games are not a hobby
They're a mindless distraction, so you can opt out of life
False, that's already happened, it's called the 80/20 rule.
That's why marriage laws existed in the first place against polygamy... because our ancestors recognized the worthlessness of white women. They are sluts, sub-human, and totally useless in every regard, they absorb all of our resources, take from men who actually contribute and leave them penniless, and then spend it on female products like makeup and heels.
And for what? What do they contribute? Not a damn thing. Remove the white woman totally and completely from all places, and you have world peace.
Is pedophilia an issue in the far East?
>That's why marriage laws existed in the first place against polygamy... because our ancestors recognized the worthlessness of white women. They are sluts, sub-human, and totally useless in every regard
Is there any hansard evidence to support this? Or are you just projecting the intentions that you want.
>pre-renaissance music youtube.com
>music today
>pre renaissance art
pic related
>art today
nah nigga we fucked
The way shes wearing that bandana makes her look even more like a pig than the pink.
Fat people need to stop wearing pink because it makes them look like fucking pigs.
I don't love white women carlos...
Everyone who is ACTUALLY pro-white recognizes white women as the enemy. All women ought to be enslaved, islam knows how it goes, there's a reason white women are pouring into the arms of those who literally rape and kill them.
It's simple, they WANT to be raped, enslaved, beaten and killed. There is nothing they love more than that.
But you see, doing this gives them pleasure, and to have them have pleasure disgusts me, especially if it were by my hand. The worst thing you can do to women is ignore them. You could choke them, gas them, melt their face off, torture them, rape them, doesn't matter, it's nothing compared to the lack of attention. Their entire worthless lives revolve around attention.
The reason the white race will fall, is because you're absolutely right. White cucks will continously give them attention and chase after them, little do these /polack/ retards realize, is that women conform, women are followers.
White "men" bend the knee at a whim for pussy wherever they can get it, because they're so desperate and retarded, we will be wiped out in less than a decade (hopefully). So my contemporaries (stupid barbarian cucks that they are) will be permanently erased forever, and will be halted from staining the memory of our ancestors with their filth, any longer.
End the defilement
Speak for yourself.
Some of us have found women that aren't completely degenerate sluts and pride themselves on it.
White women fuck dogs, animals, cows, niggers, sheep, they shit in eachothers mouths, vomit on eachother, sniff eachothers farts, run around naked in the street, even the "innocent" christian ones look for every opportunity by the time they're 10 years old to dress as skantily as they can and get away with it.
This is what womens liberation has always looked like. Women, by nature, are raving whores, degenerates, disgusting savage filthy dirty sub-humans. It is what they are.
The only time they were anything other than this is when they were ruled with an iron fist by men, with laws in place to literally kill and execute them should they commit adultery, and even with such harsh punishments they STILL committed these abominations en masse.
It is fairly obvious that this is what all women naturally are. Our ancestors very clearly knew this.
Yeah you're not a male lol. Quit larping sarah.
thanks for answering my question
The more likely explanation is that Kings sought to curb violence by giving the average male a family to be distracted with.
If only the Alphas breed, the rest of the males get very restless and unrulable. They can pick up and leave to find work. They can stay and be lazy as fuck. They can cause trouble all day if they wish because they have no family to care about.
No wonder Barry is off on his gay Polynesian adventure
dem feet
This guy is right. The only thing that can save us is an abrupt collapse, but the unfortunate thing is that it most likely won't happen quickly. The current trends will continue, decade after decade. Degeneracy will increase, people will slowly get poorer while a few rich (((gentlemen))) get richer, the arts will decay even more. Then one day when we're old men we'll wake up and realize: Holy shit, our country is like Brazil.
Barry Going His Own Way
>Some of us
Exactly. Only some of you.
Stop wasting your time and come to Islam, friend. Together we can fix your women, so that most of you, not some, can find a decent woman. You don't have to settle for 30 something divorcees either.
Yay! A small flat ass!
Muzzie bro's don't really seem to care so much about wiping us out, as they do about making shit strong again.
Whites are too cucked, and we need to learn from our "enemies"
>a britbong without sense of honor
Why am I not surprised?