This thread is for Discussion of Libertarianism, Capitalism, AnarchoCapitalism, and the physical removal of communist fags from our board of peace.
(pic related is the gasdskek flag I made (not finished yet)
>Post sneks
>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads
>Safespace and Archive:
hoppewave | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | physical removal
hoppewave | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | the argument (右翼死刑囚)
h o p p e w 𝓪 v e | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | end democracy
Based Hoppe physically removes democracy
Drop it like it's Hoppe
Let's Get Physical
I Need a Pinochet
Hoppe's Kitchen - How to make Wiener Schnitzel
Leftists getting Physically Removed, So To Speak
Other urls found in this thread:
>The Law - Frédéric Bastiat
>Economics in One Lesson - Henry Hazlitt
>Free To Choose - Milton and Rose Friedman
>Hayek’s The Constitution of Liberty - Eugene F. Miller
>Liberalism: In the Classical Tradition - Ludwig von Mises
>Articles by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>The Economics and Ethics of Private Property
>A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline
>Democracy - The God That Failed
>A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism
>From Aristocracy, to Monarchy, to Democracy
>The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production
>The Private Production of Defense
>Economic Science and the Austrian Method
>What Must Be Done
Articles by Murray Rothbard:
>Big-Government Libertarians
>Race! That Murray Book
>More on
>Man, Economy, and State with Power & Market
>Anatomy of the State
>Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature, and Other Essays
>The Ethics of Liberty
>What Has Government Done to Our Money?
>America's Great Depression
>For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto
>Class action lawsuit
You can't sue my if there is no legal system
>In a free market the judges aren't a monopoly that gets to do whatever they want.
I would simply refuse to go to trial with any judge you'd pick. I would pick own judge, and refuse to go to court unless you agreed to him. You have no way of forcing me to accept any lawsuit without violating NAP.
>Their main goal is to protect private property.
If this is a society where all interactions are voluntary then why would I ever agree to your lawsuit or your judge? If you force me to go to court without accepting the judge that I want, then that's non-voluntary because I will not agree to that.
Reminder that nearly all of these sources advocate for limited government.
>libertarian in Europe
Libertarianism is political nihilism and will lead to being dominated by more assertive political movements.
you're thinking of democracy
>Murray Rothbard and his disciple HHH
>coined Ancapism
>any form of government
Democracy has actually been shown to be a pretty tough nut to crack, actually.
Libertarianism is marxist ideology that looks to dismantle working capitalist governments and replace them with an inferior system that can be taken over by authoritarian leftism.
Wow? These came back? That's great to see because these threads dissapeared as soon as r/TheDonald made the board a trump safespace
Democracy is easy to manipulate though
As opposed to what? Monarchies ruled for centuries, democracy needs a lot more time to prove itself.
>capitalist governments
>Libertarianism is a marxist ideology
take your pills you are spewing bullshit
make it cyanide pills
>violating NAP
You violated it by damaging other people's property.
>why would I ever agree to your lawsuit or your judge
The insurers decide which court it goes to. If they don't work it out they have to go to war. Which is expensive so they'd rather avoid that. If the insurer just decides to not back the lawsuit they'd lose their customers. There won't be war just to dump garbage somewhere. Further there would likely exist a military organization comprised of multiple insurers. If an insurer is willfully protecting those that would breach the NAP without taking them to court, they'd get booted out. Then they're all alone. It's an immense amount of risk just to dump garbage.
you're confusing libertarianism with left libertarian or libertarian socialism
anything choamsky really
Fuck the state! Thanks Based baguette man! Remember to sage anti libertarian threads!
Quads of truth, I will thanks for the remainder !
How I forgot, what should I add to improve the flag ?
>Monarchies ruled for centuries
Basically extinct now. Looks like democracy won.
>You violated it by damaging other people's property.
Not in my opinion.
>The insurers decide which court it goes to.
And no matter what they pick, I won't agree to it.
I thought you used actually by mistake twice on the previous post, but now I see you're just iretarded
and it's slowing destroying itself as extremists on the both side keep growing
>thinking democracies last forever
>implying that democracies are actual democracies
statists need the helicopter
>OMG people have different opinions how will civilization survive?
Some kind of devastating weaponry to let others know not to fuck with this.
Nuke ?
Should I add road for the kek'z ?
>I won't agree to it
Well that's too bad then. Companies can decide not to go to court today. What happens to them? Why do you think you won't get destroyed?
Reminder that Libertarianism is a Jewish psyop to control both sides of the debate (the only alternative to Communism is to let Jews practice their usury) and diminish Catholic social teaching
Reminder that Libertarianism is in no way compatible with Catholic social teaching which teaches equally against capitalism and socialism, and that usury is a sin
Reminder that the founders of Libertarianism were Jewish
Reminder that Libertarianism started being pushed by the National Review after it got taken over by Jews
Reminder that usury is the source of all the major economic problems and not state interference
Reminder that while a collectivized society is undesirable, the type of individualism preached by Libertarianism is meant to break people's ties with their communities and nations and allow them to be enslaved by International Jewry
Reminder that Libertarianism is a utopian ideology that is not achievable but would be undesirable even if it was achievable
Reminder that Libertarianism is just classical liberalism and republicanism taken to its logical extreme and therefore it is not right wing
Reminder that Libertarians associating themselves with the authoritarian statist Pinochet is just a way for them to damage control their failed ideology
Reminder that Libertarianism cannot be logically separated from gay marriage, legal drugs, legal prostitution, secularism, open borders, and other degeneracy pushed by Jews
Reminder that these are only a few objections but the other common ones (who will build the roads and such) are equally valid
Reminder to sage these threads propagated by the same three autistic faggots
Reminder Libertarians do not belong on this board
1)never said democracy means civilization
2)political extremists seeks to destroy democracy by implanting authoritarians measures
democracy is playing Russian roulette with nukes
>Companies can decide not to go to court today. What happens to them?
If the plaintiff has a legitimate grievance then the government steps in and orders the company to comply with the lawsuit. But there is no government in ancapistan. There is no reason why I would EVER agree to your lawsuit.
>Why do you think you won't get destroyed?
By who? You literally can't do anything without violation NAP. You're completely helpless.
>not using Rothbard for anti-capitalist, anti-hierarchy ends
>not reading Proudhon and realising that the best markets have worker ownership of the means of production
>not realising Agorism is a left-wing idea.
>being this autistic
an atomic cloud in the backround would be fun
and edgy
but fun
>never said democracy means civilization
I never said that either.
>political extremists seeks to destroy democracy by implanting authoritarians measures
NO! Nobody ever could have foreseen this! Oh wait, they did foresee it which is why we have checks and balances to prevent that from happening.
>without violation NAP
You're the one that damaged property.
>There is no reason
Ancap isn't pacifism. If you break it you pay for the consequences.
Make an anti-road logo opposite the kek logo.
>not reading Proudhon and realising that the best markets have worker ownership of the means of production
Proudhon was blown the fuck out by Bastiat and he went full ad-hominem and authority fallacy after their debate
>implying checks and balances even work
>You're the one that damaged property.
You can't prove that. You have no evidence. And even if you did have evidence, who would you even show it to? The non-existent government?
> a piece of paper stops violation of constitution
t.never opened a history book
He is probably retarded
>law enforcement doesn't exist
Try not to violate the NAP
already debunked your bullshit,isn't working
>You have no evidence.
Then why not go to court?
>who would you even show it to
The judges and the people investigating.
Why would companies start wars without any proof?
>people who control law enforcement will use it against themselves for respecting X ammendment
Goin' hard all day brother
>Then why not go to court?
Because I won't agree to it. As far as I'm concerned, your baseless accusations are not worthy of concern.
>The judges and the people investigating.
Who is investigating? I certainly never gave any permission for "investigators" to go snooping around on MY property. Investigators will be physically removed.
The US basically used to be somewhat libertarian. Hell, there weren't even actual police forces in cities til mid to late 1800s I think, and that was response to growing street gangs in cities.
You used to actually be free in America way back when.
>being a libertarian
Seriously, leftists are such violent apes with no respect for freedom that the only way to vanquish them is to align with neo-Nazis who are also violent apes with no respect for freedom. You wouldn't wanna be called a cuck, would you?
Implying all forms of libertarianism have no govt, lmfao kys senpai
>Who is investigating? I certainly never gave any permission for "investigators" to go snooping around on MY property. Investigators will be physically removed.
private detective,also you have no evidence for proving the detective violated your property :^)
Leftists are a threat to private property and ejecting them from society is legitimate.
How is it Marxist? Didn't think seizing the means of production and equally distributing wealth was libertarian at all. Quite the opposite.
>shit people want to steal you is stealing
stop reading Proudhon
Can I be a left-Hoppean? Throwing bigots, racists, conservatives and capitalists into gulags to maintain a libertarian socialist order.
>also you have no evidence for proving the detective violated your property
I don't need evidence. His dead body is enough. I had my bodyguards shoot him the moment he started snooping around on MY property without MY permission.
Redpill me on privatised law enforcement. How does it work? If someone shot your parents, can you kill them legally or does that violate the NAP? What happens if you get shot?
Fine so you have smoke pouring out of your factory or you're dumping shit in the river but you dindu nuffin. Yea good luck against the insurers then. And I don't think you realize that your insurers wouldn't like dealing with you either. You'd have to be paying through the nose AND risking getting literally killed.
> don't need evidence. His dead body is enough
yours too if you violated the NAP
I feel like a broken record always having to post this
It needs to be on the pastebin
Oh, hey there user, how you doing?
>libertarian socialist order
If you kill the rich, who's money do you steal?
>not knowing what social anarchism is
Read Kropotkin, faggot.
I didn't. I'm the victim of baseless accusations. Sure this crazy farmer guy says that toxic runoff from my factory might have caused his crops to fail, but that's just his nut-ball theory. I already had my people check it out and there is no evidence that any by-products from my facility could have caused that to happen. Of course, I don't need to disclose what those by-products are, though. That's a company secret!
Saved it to my c/p txt-file.
you had a private army
why don't make more of it for profit and protecting people live from jewish agressors
>after that an alernate timeline was created where Hitler became the equivalent of Solid Snake but with antisemitism and made a cooperation with Ford for creating new tanks and uncle Adolf wrote "mein Kampf" but talking more about out-jewing jews instead of fighting so our actual world is a white libertarian utopia
it answers like 80% of all the fucking strawmans we get regarding law
I've had my people look at it and they're quite certain that my factory is very eco-friendly.
he owns the crops
he can legit nukes you retard
He can't prove that my factory caused his crops to fail. That's just his nutball theory. He's blaming me for his own failures as a farmer.
people don't all have double digits IQ you know ?
you thrown your toxic shit on his property
assume your bullshit
My people have taken a look at it and assured me that there is no evidence that any toxic runoff was dumped anywhere near his property.
Not if you murder everyone who stands in your way.
I mean physically speaking
not by bullshiting
Please take off the kek symbol it looks like some fucking plebbitor did that shit
Then I will join
libertarians are just as bad as anarchists
>quads of truth
Seems he really didn't unload a shitton of toxic waste near the farm.
Tbh if they didn't fill the board with wall to wall (kek) coverage of the God Emperor, I'd be fine.
>My people
Not sure why you think you'd survive being a massive asshole.
>no evidence that any toxic runoff was dumped anywhere near his property
Right and you're willing to risk war over getting investigated. Stupidity like that deserves to get nuked.
He might have even dumped toxic waste onto his own land just so he could blame me for it. He's had an irrational grudge against me ever since the factory was built!
t. Statist cuck
Well fuck you then. It's not subjective, and you've rejected a more peaceful solution.
Say hello to the helicopter.
Get removed faggot.
>dont worry guys, people can regulate themselves lol!
>in a truly free society everyone is rational lol!
>founding fathers
If you don't like freedom, I'll take it off your hands, bootlicker.