This guy is my personal hero because he kind of looks like me and he killed 5 white american scum
Fuck whites!
This guy is my personal hero because he kind of looks like me and he killed 5 white american scum
The weird think is there are now so many fatal terror attacks caused by muzzies most people wouldn't even know who he is. Even on pol. Despite the fact the press tried to tell us all he was a regular everyday white guy with no agenda other than shooting em up. Something most normies actually believed.
What a world we live in.
Looks pretty asian desu.
I look similar to him too, but my face is longer and more chiseled. But as far as I know I am mainly Central, and some western/eastern blood.
>because he kind of looks like me
New topic:
Why are 99% of non-whites so fucking ugly?
Lel he ugly
>Britishit calling anyone ugly
God that's ironic.
>white American
no such thing
>(((remove kebab)))
better bad dentistry than to be a literal monkey
What I wanna know is. Does anyone even recognise him? Know who he is and what he did?
Or can you commit a terror attack and be literally forgotten about only months afterwards?
You're as bad as the Serb poster during the elections
Yeah, I genuinely have no idea who he is or what he did. Guilty as charged.
Day of Spray is coming. Roaches must be exterminated
Not surprising you don't know user, they've done a great job hiding this one...
September last year, Cascade Mall in Burlington WA. Arcan Cetin (however spelt) a immigrant went on a terror attack gunning down custimers in the women's clothing section of a Macy's.
Media reports at the time showed a still taken from cctv of him looking very white wearing a black 'kinda heavy metal t shirt and jeans'. Some said he was hispanic looking. Reported it as another spree killing. Nothing to see here, move along.
We all found later he was a turkroach and commuted this atrocity in the name of al-lah. Except we didn't find that out later because it wasnt news any more.
I was wondering the same.
freedom is coming to your town, soon
Trump killed a couple hundred of your cousin's the other day
He wasn't a terrorist, he just assimilated into our culture a little too much
TFW You stone your female cousin to death after incest rape
Shit bait 1/10
>beer consumption
beer is for plebs who cant find enough food...
Fuck drumf! and fuck white people!!
way mq bu kadar boktan bir yem tiradı 23 reply almış ebsoooooooooooo :DDDDDDD
This is so... Türkisch..
Can you imagine why nobody liks you?
bruh look at what a frog shared in another thread about Islam in France
are all turk niggers this ugly?
genocide turks
Who're u callin a monkey?
He shot up the macy's because his girlfriend who dumped him worked there. He was an abusive person and couldn't stand her dating someone else so he shot up the women's clothing department of Macy's.
Nigger roach will die in a nuclear fire.