Have we been, dare I say it, blown the fuck out?
How can Amerisicks even compete?
Have we been, dare I say it, blown the fuck out?
How can Amerisicks even compete?
And what is that as a percentage of median income? Also, what is the average wait time?
By having the best healthcare in the world, despite being very expensive. Even cucks like Bernie admit it on live television.
I'll bet you know Bernie's state has ads running in Canada about the superior American healthcare in comparison and how they should come to his state to get treated, as many Canadian and European government officials do.
>best healthcare for the wealthy = best overall healthcare
When will this meme die?
It is more important to give Israel hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid. The state if isis is on the right side of history.
In America, you have to pay the doctors more since we have the best medicine in the world.
In spain we do have the best public healthcare
But the rest of europeans take advantage and our left even wanted us to give it to migrants for free
Every thread about healthcare the Canadian government shill comes out from the shadows to shill for our shit healthcare, kys you subhuman.
kill yourself
>Cheap healthcare
>Widely available healthcare
>Good healthcare
>and our left even wanted us to give it to migrants for free
Thankfully, Spain isn't a significant migrant destination.
The wait times are starting to rise in the US as well, unfortunately.
yes it is, but all of them are legals
we even have like 60000 sikhs
milions of pakis, americans and chinks
Flight to Madrid: $800-$1200 one way.
Flight home from Madrid: $800-1200 one way.
How replacement: $7500
Living in Madrid for two years: $30,000?
Hahaha, okay.
Yes, we don't pay Nato anymore, all is for our free healthcare and the gibs, maybe free wine if country gets better who knows, sorry burgers
What are you trying to prove dumbfuck?
While you're debunking a random picture created just to make a point, your country is turning into a third world shithole
>longer wait times
It's always this one single metric you keep shilling.
We pay less taxpayer money per capita for healthcare than the US, have far fewer bankruptcies due to healthcare costs, and have far cheaper drugs even when bought through private plans.
When approximately 1% of Canadian patients go to the US for treatment, is that a sign of a failed system?
Its very precise.
You ignorant cunt. Educate yourself.
Yes, if you like Poco in your leg, hombre.
>Friend of mine goes to spain
>Accident at the pool
>1 tooth replaced in spain
>Back in germany
>They need to cut out a part of his jar
>Spanish health care
>Flight to Madrid: $800-$1200 one way.
>Flight home from Madrid: $800-1200 one way.
confirmed never left his flyover state
I bet you love that French media telling you everything is fine over there while poking fun at Americans on the side.
Your country has been taking in mass immigrants for over a decade longer than even Sweden.
Yes in fact it is, because only the wealthiest or the most desperate can have the means to travel. I bet if their hotel and travel costs were paid for it would be a lot more than 1%.
Why are any Canadians even leaving your utopia to get medical care anyway?
Thank King Nigger for that
exquisite bait
Why don't you drop it with the migrants?
Or deal with the fact it's literally the only thing you can mock europe for, third worlder americuck?
Your standards of living are pathetic, your country is owned by corporations and lobbies who can use you morons like cattle for profit
And you're so happy with it "yeehaa muh freedom !! go trump "
You're a disgrace
>owned by ( corporations and lobbies)
But we have the best Goyim, don't we folks!
t. frog is jealous, that's the frenchie way
>confirmed has never bought a one-way ticket across the Atlantic.
RyanAir doesn't fly to the USA
There is a lot to laugh at Europeans for other than taking black dick.
You are all little socialists on the inside who hate corporations and the wealthy and then wonder how such a young country like America can go from nothing to the most wealthy nation in the history of the planet while you sit there twiddling your thumbs.
Then fucking move to spain you obnoxious cunt.
Who would want a spic doctor? That's like an Aboriginal pilot.
>third world shit hole
Meanwhile Paris is overrun with Africans literally sleeping in the streets. At least we're beginning to kick our invaders out, you keep letting them pour in.
No please
Have you ever used American healthcare? Prices on the bills are inflated and no American will actually pay that much. Just paying cash on the spot with no insurance drops the price by 70%. Insurance companies negotiate their own prices, and won't pay the full amount either, but usually have an annual max out of pocket for patients of only a few thousand dollars.
Most Canadians live near the border. It's very easy to head down south.
>Why are any Canadians even leaving your utopia to get medical care anyway?
Want to point out where I said our system was perfect? I'll wait.
How about I point out where you implied your system was better than America's system.
>better = utopia
I'm still waiting.
>living in an EU shithole for 2 years costs less than 40 grand
How bad is Spain? That's like Mongolia-tier.
I see you are too dumb to differentiate between hyperbole meant to poke fun at you and an actual argument so I will rephrase.
If the Canadian system is better than the American one, why are any Canadians leaving at all?
Wait, is there Americans on Sup Forums that think any European country has more shitskins than the US itself?
Yeah, we are turning into France.
Its much better than Leafland you fucking SJW
Oh yeah, America sure has the best healthcare. Works great if you're rich and can pay for fancy treatment. Just middle class and getting treated at your local hospital? Get ready for high chance of mis-diagnosis, mis-treatment, or, if lucky, everything goes well and you only owe several thousand dollars.
>If the Canadian system is better than the American one, why are any Canadians leaving at all?
Because it's not perfect.
And your question is based on a fallacious argument, anyway, as Americans are leaving the US for medical treatment, too.
I made some calculations and you just need 150,000$ to live 30 years easily here in Spain if you alredy own a house and want a NEET life without too much expenses.
Right now we are maintaining our 60% figure. I'm not sure you realize how large America is population wise. You could dump 100 million niggers in America and we'd still hover at around 45% white.
I never said the American system was structured better than any other system, only that it has the best actual healthcare treatment in the world if you can afford it. You are the one making the claim that your system is better.
nobody beats USA's government in creating expensive under performing programs
See: healthcare, education, military, homeland security, war on drugs
We should have let you ungrateful faggots stay invaded by the Nazis. The world would have been better because of it.
What's the average price to the customer? If you're worth a shit and have good insurance you would be liable for only about 10% of that number.
That would be stupid considering our country is so big.
>only that it has the best actual healthcare treatment in the world if you can afford it
I'll concede that, but again, many Americans aren't getting that kind of treatment (or are being financially ruined because of it).
And I'd argue that this point is moot for routine surgeries like hip replacements when comparing to other developed countries in the West. I wouldn't feel I'm taking an unnecessary risk getting my hip replaced in Spain or Austria instead of the US. But certainly if I had some rare or aggressive cancer, if I had the means I would pay to get the best current or experimental therapies (which will almost be developed in the US).
Healthcare is private here. Occasionally you'll find a public hospital, but most are private for-profit
Americans ITT are delusional if they don't think our healthcare system is completely fucked
>(which will almost be developed in the US)
*almost certainly
Wow this delusion, you are 40% white MAXIUMUM. I have seen the people you consider white, and guess what - they are not.
I'm not sure you realize of large Europe is population wise. You could dump 100 million niggers in Europe and we'd still hover around 70% white. You are already a minority, wake up and stop projecting your cuck fetish 24/7.
In %. And Europe has a larger population than the US so I don't get your point.
Population percentage does make a big difference. Although we have more shitskins, we also have more white people.
I think you'll see other places like Sweden and the UK flipping minority white before America does just due to sheer size difference.
We have our own problems too
it's privately owned except the government still dumps more money into it than countries with universal healthcare
it's a scam
>this is what leftards actually believe
>best medicine in the world
>implying your medicines aren't made by kikes
Whoa there, Goldberg.
1. You are already a minority. Even if you don't count the illegals.
2. You talked about Europe. Talking about specific countries would be me talking about specific states. California what? 35% white? I don't count Mexican mutts as white. Like Zimmerman.
Average wait time is not too long if you put time in perspective, how insignificant is human history compared to the life of the universe.
Yes I talked about places like Sweden, which you aren't that different from even though you'd like to think so. Norway is giving classes right now to their migrant population on how to sleep with women properly. Sounds familiar to something some other countries are doing doesn't it?
Yeah... you'll wait a year for each hip replacement and die of infection soon after
"There is a lot to laugh at Europeans for other than taking black dick"
Is what you wrote and I replied that the US, the home of White Americans such as you (for arguments sake), is already a minority.
Then you bring up Sweden, that is considerably better off than the US in any single way. Your PC culture is worse and you have just as many non-Whites raping. Difference it's so common in the US it doesn't reach national news.
You have no argument. You wish Europe was worse off to feel better off about your miserable country and life.
American PC culture is not worse.
I can still go outside and call someone a dumbass without getting taken to court for it like in Germany and other places with insane hate speech laws.
You sound like you drank the kool-aid over there. America bad, Europe good. I get it.
Then do it, you faggot.
>In Spain, the average household net-adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 22 007
>The U.S. Census Bureau reported in September 2014 that: U.S. real (inflation adjusted) median household income was $51,939
>USA has double median household income than that of Spain
>Still pays almost 6 times as much
Your argument doesn't work, that is actually the single biggest issue in the U.S. healthcare system, the fact that you pay for healthcare significantly more than any other comparably wealthy country, and you get same to worse healthcare outcomes. Compare it to Great Britain or Germany, both of which have universal healthcare and still pay less per capita tax dollars than the average American pays for healthcare
Or you could get an advanced degree and work to cure them yourself.
You can't be taken to court for calling someone a dumbass. Or you can be taken to court, but win. Just like you could in the US.
Actually in the US you could probably lose if you couldn't afford a proper lawyer.
I'm not anti White Americans, I don't wish this. You are the one projecting your fantasies and that wants Europe to be shit. It's no contest between each other. We have a common cause.
>France not waving a white flag and surrendering right now
Clearly sage
yea, but what this doesn't tell you is that Spanish doctors replace your hip with a pig's, and then steal your kidney
Do you not know about Germany's hate speech laws? You can literally be taken to court for insulting someone.
Good thing I got a tiny piece of metal in my neck in Iraq so I'm "disabled" now and get my healthcare for free. Suck it tax payers
USA PC culture is no where near as bad as Sweden how high are you?
>american healthcare consistently ranked as around 30th in the world despite being the largest economy
>yeah but how long you gotta wait to get your prescriptions for 30 different pills you don't need and to get part of your kid's dick chopped off haha checkmate socialists
So tell me, how many years need to study a medic in USA to become a doctor?
>muh wait times
Meanwhile, I'm not bankrupted by Cancer treatment.
you dont pay that though unless youre stupid enough to be living in america without health insurance
I guess you aren't technically bankrupt if you're dead.
You checkmated him.
you get it here for free
instead you just pay a shitload for health insurance and Medicare/Medicaid through taxes
Explain me once and for all, why the fuck healthcare is so expensive in the US?
Why did the free market not work when it comes to healthcare?
I've heard it's because the healthcare is basically a monopoly, since the government imposes many limitations and bureocracy sio there's not true competition. Is this correct?
You are referring to a law from the 19th century that I can't imagine is practiced.
Yes it is. I have lived in the US for 1 year (had a great time btw, so not salty or anything) and I know way more about Sweden than you do. You know Sweden through exaggerated memes, I know them as a neighboring country and through my gf who is Swedish.
Swedish (and German) PC culture is bad, but far from the the rest of Europe, but not far or equal to the one you have. You know it stems from the US right? American (((feminists))).
My first job covered my insurance. My second job didn't and my insurance used to be $115 a month, before Obamacare, and I got fantastic coverage with a minor deductible.
You really think living in a place like Denmark I could get away with having only $115 deducted from my paycheck for healthcare?
One reason is government policy that tries to regulate insurers and drives up price.
But the underlying reason (which the government is trying to compensate for) is that it isn't single-payer.
it's a big moneymaking racket for everyone involved- the healthcare providers, the insurance companies, the politicians that get money from lobbyists to keep it going, all the useless bureaucrats throughout the whole system
they do their best to keep the system opaque and confusing by having you pay someone else who pays someone else so people don't realize they're being robbed
why are you arguing about hate speech laws in a thread about healthcare?
covered insurance jsut means that you get lesser paycheck by that amount
Your job covering insurance is part of how they compensate you for your work, you would make more if they weren't paying for a healthcare plan for you.
I Norway it would cost approximately $0. I know, as someone in my family has had it done.
way to talk out of your ass.
Keep in mind the only reason American healthcare is expensive is because:
>Universities have wildly increased tuition and all other related expenses entirely based on the fact they hold a monopoly on higher-education fields like medicine, chemistry, engineering etc. Universities now focus entirely on being businesses first (i.e. taking your tuition money and spending it on their shitty NCAA teams) and will now demand more and more money while making themselves more and more "exclusive" because there aren't any reasonable alternatives. You are slaves to the higher education, medical, and pharma industries.
>insurance industry can charge whatever it wants and effectively utilizes oligopolies to continuously bilk customers out of more money with fewer benefits; the second they were forced to set aside their kikery in the slightest way (thanks to obamacare) they immediately started throwing temper tantrums and started trying to force up premiums to make it look like the legislation was at fault.
>entirety of medical field is FILLED to the brim with sociopaths that obsess over making money and being "successful". Every doctor you've met in your life is probably an entitled piece of shit that thinks their memorization of books makes them the savoir of mankind, so they constantly demand to be payed more and more.
That should be easily corrected... people just have to protest for the government to completely leave alone the HC system and the free market should work its magic
A quick google search shows that it is being actively practiced, and yes I have talked to Germans on here who say the same thing. You seem naive about anything outside of Norway.
>Norway is giving classes right now to their migrant population on how to sleep with women properly.
We're not Germany. Our anti-immigration party is part of a coalition government, and last year we had a record low number of refugees, at a little over 3000.
If you are Norwegian or a parasite yes