Why are white women the most desired women on the planet to marry, black men want them spics want them and gooks want them.
Why are white women the most desired women on the planet to marry...
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OP is a faggot
She's ugly as shit.
They hate themselves and wish they could be superior white men
so they try to make their sons a bit more white
or they have the "if I can't be a 6'3 Nordic god, no one can!" mentality.
Because white women are objectively the most attractive women on the planet. Everyone else is some combination of brown/browner/brownest skin eyes and hair.
Only in white women do you reliably get red hair, blonde hair, blue eyes, green eyes, freckles, milky skin, etc. that are undeniably more attractive than some shade of mud.
Because they're looking for the girl that looks the most different from them so their kids have a better chance of survival.
Kek nobody on this board wants to be Nordic (I1 haplogroup). Literally accomplished nothing except being most (((humanitarian))) during refugee crisis. Alpha men come are anglo, med, or somewhere in between. I have literally never seen an alpha swede.
Additionally, blonde hair in men is low testosterone. shades of brown is fine, black is fine, but its important to note that the reason why men hair color changes in puberty to darker colors is because of testosterone. Men who's hair color stays the same as when they were a child are usually low-T and not leaders.
Pic related, blonde cuck trying to be alpha. His brother has darker hair and is a real chad.
Check em. Also finally its important to note that pale skin is beta on white men. Alphas get a redddish-yellow tinge over time, even if they are anglo-saxon (fairest people on earth because of geography, not low test). See alpha leaders like Trump and Farage
Look up "neckbeard" on Google and see how pale and pasty they are. Now look up "alpha male" on Google and compare them with people of similar race.
They are genetically inferior subhumans and they know it
Youre an idiot. Blonde hair has nothing to do with test levels.
If niggers like you are so great why have you been slaves for centuries?
Fucking jealous niggers always blaming others for their issues.
>t. virgin
mmmm, okay buddy, males with baby blonde hair are almost exclusively low test. Trump could never get baby blonde hair since he simply is too high-test. Low-T autists vote democrat/leftist.
Literally nobody said anything about blacks lol. Schlomo, if you want to be an alpha you should learn from blacks. Whites need to become high-test again, they are slowly (especially among nordics) becoming effeminate and beta.
Yea buddy
1) there's a lot of them
2) they're easy
3) we love how butthurt white bois get when they see us together having a good time
4) they're really fucking easy
Explain the Justiciar Knight
this, i pay you if you fuck my wife she wants a white son
because everybody is attracted to beauty, beauty reflects good genes, it is natural to want children with good genes.
>Good genes
If i racemixed with a white scum my son, allah forbids, could have hairless body and a fair skin
My son would look like a fucking faggot
Mentally ill (his attack took less balls, and more just mental illness), and not even that pale nor that blonde (tho above avg) . If you think other Norwegian males have similar balls/test levels, you're kidding yourself.
>tfw Germanic
most turks looks like faggots, greedy faggots
you sound like an ugly bitter woman jealous of a beatiful woman, dissing her to feel better about yourself.
You have shit genes, are underachievers and poor.
nothing wrong with fair skin. Pale skin looks faggoty on men tho
would you rather want your son to look like this
>he posted before returning to his hairless pleasure boy in the orgy dome
or look like this
Why would you want to be covered in hair? Why would you want to resemble shit?
nice poor mindset, tan is and was always associated with the unskilled workers while the elite wasn't tanned.
But then again you are not very smart, you're an inferior colonist, those who couldn't handle europe.
You gonna post a source or is that too much to ask of a dumb nigger?\
Why are every single strong man olympic champion whites?
Why did whites dominante the entire globe?
Why are all women around the globe attracted to white men?
Really activates my almonds.
The same faggot during full moon.
In the Ottoman Empire men were preferred to be brown while twinks and women were supposed to have fair skin
white race is a sissy race
nice trips
As a Hispanic I would want my son to be more white so that he has a better chance in this country
t. Koksal Boba
Kek, you can only kill it with a silver plated atomic bomb
And where is the Ottoman Empire now?
I'd rather my son was human, even if that means hes a faggot
in the ottoman empire, your elite was mostly european while the low population was brown and anatolian
>reading comprehension
are you retarded? Nords didn't conquer anything. It was alpha anglo saxons and mediterraneans (including france). Why don't you look at their countries instead of outliers like lifters dumbass. Iceland, a pure nordic country is literally a fucking matriarchy which banned strip clubs. The men don't lead but there is a small amount of extreme high test lads who lift.
If i had to choose than i would rather have my son look like this than vid related youtube.com
Well they can have them. I want a modest woman, and I don't care what race she is.
Stfu Xiaping
>to marry
more like to fuck.
asian women would be the ones to marry.
Erdogan looks like a European, he could be greek and noone would doubt it.
They don't plan to marry them. They plan to fuck them and marry their own
White women have a reputation for being huge sluts
lolno, he looks like a unholy mix of middle eastern, european and central asian
>spics want them
I doubt it
It's true.
>Using black in relation to people
NIGGER detected
Nice joke kinsman
I agree with this assessment. There was a study of wild animals that found the darker they were the higher test they were, the more violent and sexually active they were. This makes sense perhaps whatever aspect of the body produces melanin also produces other chemicals such as testosterone.
she looks most alpha in that picture
>Why are every single strong man olympic champion whites?
Because these countries are rich enough to have a shitton of lazy men lying around working out and eating well.
This is the answer.
>lazy men
>working out
I don't think you understand how this works.
He is onviously Turkish. One look at his tiny pin dick and there is no doubt.
Bodybuilders are homosexuals and therefore lazy.
Hottie, do you know her name?
Are you fucking stupid?
>Be white woman
>Be slimiest sluttiest creature on earth
>Be cause for death of every great white civilization ever
>Be the main followers of feminism
>Race mixes the most
>Total trash, no personality "dude weed lmao"
>Ugly as shit without makeup, literal 10/10's become 2/10 when they have no makeup on
>Be cause of every bad thing happening the west and in the world as we speak
>Be the main puppet of the eternal jew
Best how?
Right? Middle Eastern women are better
Guys, what do we do about the makeup Jew?
Calisthenics is where it's at bruv
What is this abomination?
The average white female when given face paints.
Nords didnt conquer anything? What is all of the northern europe? What is russia? And was it not the Germanics who brought down rome?
White women brought down rome you idiot. They invited in rapefugees just like they're doing now, caused division and class warfare, they had mini race-wars in the streets, each group (and there were many) fighting for power. Which left the door open for shit tier naked germans to fuck their shit (which the white roman women of course enjoyed).
That's not a victory you cuck.
JESUS CHRIST, looks like Tim Horton's is running a nice P.C. commercial up in Canada. Makes me sick.
Thumbs down
Are women in Azerbaijan really hot? I know nothing about this country
white women without makeup are still more attractive than any other race
Not really actually sorry kiddo
no. there's a reason there is not many lesbians in this country. But I wouldn't mind a Japanese woman.
How do you like living there? Genuinely curious
She has no tits, no body.
nice cherry picking, fag
They're easy, plentiful, and fuck chads and non-whites for curiosity and as a matter of politics. It isn't just that black men want them its that white women are willing to breed with black men and make white men pay for it.
Also, they have it very very easy, so creating drama is something they like doing, and rebellious sex with black men are a common approach.
Also daddy issues aplenty.
>black men
Hmm... my Guess is that Op is a filthy nigger!!
Hollywood movies and pornography. Without them, they'd stick to their own races.
They give the good suc and their pussy aint sideways
Show me just one that isn't totally disgusting without makeup.
Go ahead, find one.
Because they're going extinct
White men are also the most desirable for that reason.
Asians are desperate for advancement and betterment of their families
Spics and Sand niggers will fuck/rape anything that shows kindness towards them
Niggers muppa duppa muh diq
Kikes know they're ugly and yearn for better aesthetics and a sense of purpose.
But Whites are going away year after year majority White countries are now losing over 1% and it's looking like an exponential increase now with the pro immigration strategy.
So get it while you can
All the black women I know don't even wear makeup lmao many of them are genuinely hot
the reason white women can't be even remotely attractive without makeup is because of their pale skin. It looks so....... bland.
But you see white men are the total opposite, none of us wear makeup and check this out
If every female took off their makeup for a day, every dude would either turn gay, or go for sheboons and chinks.
Niggers are the ugliest. Even niggers hate their ugly pubic heads and nignog noses.
>flat, unevolved nigger nose
I would call it and olive red
>that pic
>after looks almost as bad as before
>shaved off eyebrows for the sake of makeup eyebrows
>nose ring like she's fucking cattle
>dyed hair
>generally looks like a Finn
cherrypicking confirmed, go fuck yourself in hell jewbroni
Larger nostrils to blow hot boogers on your cuck while she succ
Pick one.