Which race is the most diverse phenotypically and behaviorally?
I tend to think that blacks have more variation within their group than whites or Asians.
Which race is the most diverse phenotypically and behaviorally?
I tend to think that blacks have more variation within their group than whites or Asians.
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if american is a race i'd say americans
Fuck off.
human race
What is it? Western Africans are sprinters and Eastern Africans are marathon runners?
And north africans are goatfuckers
leopard bikinis/lingerie looks so trashy
African genetics are all over the place. USA is populated by West African mulattoes. Obama is a Kenyan mulatto which explain why he looks nothing like Martin Luther Kong.
the American race was supposed to be almost entirely anglosaxon
we fugged up
Africa has a lot of genetic diversity 2bh
better map
It's a race that contains everyone from Leslie jones to Thandie Newton, Gucci mane to Obama.
But.. they all look the same.
They have similar shades of skin, but their facial features change drastically. The further north east you go the more semetic they start to look.
Yes Africans are the most diverse genetically. All races outside of Africa are bottle necked by the population who left in the first place.
Eye color does vary for blacks.
The 1st place: is that even a human?
might be hard to see but there are some differences visually
All bikinis are degenerate. One-pieces are the true redpill
Western Europeans, close second would be Middle-Eastern/North-African/Pakistani/West-Indians, but they're SO diverse it's really questionable to call them one race.
Most hair and eye colors that exist are unique to Europeans.
literally jews
not even joking
looking at their genetic code we can see that in the past they did A LOT of inbreeding, resulting in them having quite a few genetic diseases.
that said, it turns out that in some circumstances these "diseases" can lead to a high level of intelligence.
even though they did a lot of inbreeding in the past (which can still be seen in their genetic code), now they are probably the most diverse "race"
really makes you think. white people are real people of color.
>pic related
Sub-saharan africans
yes, very haram...
I feel like that's always implied, but perhaps a needed clarification.
Asia is incredibly genetically diverse
There are extreme differences between West Asia, Central Asia, India, South East Asia and East Asia
Africa is also very diverse
Native Americans also have a ton of diversity
White people are 0% diverse, filthy goyim, they should all blanda up
Slightly different shades of brown are not really a notable variation...
My benis
Shadilay! KEK! XD
There are blacks with green eyes and even the rare blue eyed one.
> it turns out that in some circumstances these "diseases" can lead to a high level of intelligence.
That's not how disease works, stop talking out of your ass.
Mindy Kaling doesn't look any better even with an eating disorder.
white people can have a lot of variety within eachother, in terms of eye color, hair color, skin tone, etc.
We literally range from Aryans, Mongols, Arabs, Niggers and literal fucking aboriginals.
Some people behave decently and respect others, maintain hygiene, while others are meh and the rest basically behave straight up creepy, rude and shit on streets.
They all generally look the same.
Tuaregs, en.wikipedia.org
Some look Arab, and some look Black.
I totally forgot about you guys. I recast my vote to India.
because their parents both carried blue eyes they got from white slavers
Tuareg is not a race. Tuaregs straddle the line between black and Arab, but would be considered black in most western countries.
only one in that photo is black lol, the rest are mix race or white
>white slavers?
There's no such thing.
Black Americans by definition are mulattic.
Honestly, I don't care anymore. White Genocide is happening and most people are too brainwashed to see it. I tried my part. While I *could* kill a few rapefugees, before I get shot myself or at least into jail, it's completly useless if (((they))) just import more.
When the white race is gone, everything will turn to shit. I have not doubt about that. (((They))) won't be the surperiour rulers of Earth, no matter what (((they))) believe in.
Yes, just when (((they))) think they won, out the ashes of european civilisation, between rivers of trash, shit and moslems fucking goats... a single genius nigglet will rise. The exception to the chaos rule of stupid apes. That nigglet will build a real working mass cannon (out of scrap he found) and somehow manage to shoot all of (((them))) into space. With that (((they))) haven't only been kicked out of every country but earth itself. (((They))) will pop in space without sound but you'll still get the impression you hear a "Oy Gevalt!" hear and there.
Then the apes kill the nigglet for being different. The last Great War then will begin. Because the Nigger-Apes starve they'll fight with the moslems for their cum drenched goats. The niggers win because of their overhelming numbers but after the goats are gone, nothing remains. The end.
Yeah, don't comment on this, I like this fantasy and I just know in my hearth it will happen just like that after the white race is gone. In my final days I chuckle for a bit thinking about it and with my last breath I say quietly: "Told you!".
>Africa is also very diverse
That's a point of view
Technically, the Africans have the most genetic diversity of anyone on the planet. There are more genetic differences between two African men from nearby tribes than there are between a Norwegian and Japanese man.
Pretty much all races except for Africans, though, are descendants of the same ancient Aryan race (broken off into dozens of branches, some raped into new races, some amicably mixed) so you could technically say that the Aryan race is fairly diverse at this point.
the genetics are very different from tribe to tribe
>Most hair and eye colors that exist are unique to Europeans.
What do you mean by this though? Europeans aren't the only people born with these traits, and they're not the origin of these traits, so how are they unique to Europeans? I'm just wondering what you mean is all.
You are right! One tribe is close to orangutans; other to gorillas...
Is this a matter of opinion or fact? If opinion, it's the Europeans. If fact, the South/Central Americans.
Bitch looks 12. I guarantee she can't save a grown ass man. Also looks like nigger lover.
Speak English, you fucking cuck
Would Africa fair better if it established ethno states?
Is your pic suppose to demonstrate the lack of diversity between whites?
The caucasian race is the most diverse.
Yes it is, McCarthy.
every continent would fair better if it had ethno states
Genetics or not they all look alike indeed
I don't know why Sup Forums always talks about how multiculturalism doesn't work but then throws this rule out when talking about Africa
I'm sure the continent would still be shit but a lot of the issues they have stems from all the tribes hating each other
>Muh white girlz
Kys pleb
Indians or middle easterners unless you consider them all caucosoids
America is now a race
American white supremacists on suicide watch
anything around mediterranian
Bro, med is not a racee, caucasian-white is, and has many phenotypes inside.
>A psychiatrist wakes up in the morning and goes to work
>He meets a person on a street who says "Good morning"
>The psychiatrist goes on and thinks "I wonder what he meant by that"
you can believe whatever you want
or you can disproof me by pointing out what is actually wrong in what I said.
Oh wait, americans now teach feelings are stronger than facts at their universities.
genetical diseases occur when an organism tries to cope with with a situation, but produces some "unwanted" side-effect on the way.
Like the sickle-cell disease or tay-sachs disease.
The same can happen with desirable side-effects though, and the best example is increased intelligence in jews,
either look it up or fuck off
Martin Luther Kang lmao
Mestizo. We have a mix of nigger, withe, cuck european, native.
I literally want to hit that nicki minaj cunt in the head with an iron rod. Jesus fucking Christ just that face itself makes me rage.
Why are you so jealous mi amiga?
Some people just have an appearance that is fucking annoying. This bitch is a fucking degenarate on top of that.
When it comes to negresses, it's not about the face, we try our best to ignore that part.
It's about the ass and thighs
which are the worst part
>literally the only difference is how much of other races they have in them
>top left dude is obviously very indian or white mixed
>are bottle necked by the population who left in the first place
That's not how genetics, natural selection, and evolution work.
top left guys is ethiopian, likely the origin of all european/eurasian races.
Didn't we all come from monkeys? Regardless, the race we came from was very different from actual humans.
there are neighboring tribes in africa that have more genetic variation between them than can be found between two randomly selected people from anywhere outside of africa, because the non-african population dwindled to about 1000 people at some point during the ice age.
this is a good indicator.
>Believing the evolution meme
top kek. You're a monkey?
Yea that is correct, look up world record holds for track and lifting events.
West Africans dominate sprinting
East Africans dominate endurance
Eurasians dominate strength
It's actually pretty shocking/red pilling how virtually every record in each of the fields is held by someone descended from those ethnic groups
you don't know what you're talking about
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defo gamer bitch