Should heightmixing me banned?
Why do we allow tall men to waste their good genes on short women and bring more manlets into the world?
Should heightmixing me banned?
Why do we allow tall men to waste their good genes on short women and bring more manlets into the world?
>Should heightmixing me banned?
Yes, womanlets need to learn.
Tall guys = chads.
Stop manlet genocide.
>Why do we allow tall men to waste their good genes on short women and bring more manlets into the world?
Don't understand it either. Why are so many guys attracted by short girls?
I've always only had quite tall ones but ofc not taller than me. That's weird as well.
>most cutest couples
what dialect is this
It's woman english, their inferior intellect makes them unable to grasp proper grammar.
OP is a height Nazi faggot. Fact!
>father is brown eyed manlet with black hair
>I'm 6'2 with green eyes
wait what?
we should not deny tall men the sexual fantasy of bottoming out against the cervical knot of a qt3.14 5'2"' girl.
Maybe we could just breed out long vaginas?
Manlet detected
it would eventually breed a race of hyper-midgets that would take over the globe, so no
I thought only guys were shallow about looks.
that pic is true
i hate to admit it (5'9 guy here) but men should be a few inches taller than their mates.
oh and just for the record i refuse to mate. my shitty genes need to die (also balding)
this is the first time i've ever seen this word and i fully support it's memery
>6' tall man breeds with 5' woman
>makes a 5'5" son
Why would you do that ?
she's quite dreamy in that pic
A 1-3 inches is the best because you can push her up against walls and shit and don't have to crane your neck. I don't get the fetish for a girl whose like a foot shorter then you.
yep, probably
I've been saying that for years
What about your mother?
Why do the jews create this propaganda to push the extinction of tall people?
I'm 6'1 and I love short girls.. Like 4'11" short
my mom is a womanlet.
but also has green eyes
But think of your children
potential manlets should be killed in post-birth abortions
We call that a Standgebläse
I wish someone would love me
Think of your children.
"Most cutest?" Typical Tumblr cunt doesn't even know the purpose of the -est suffix. Also, why does Sup Forums push the feminazi manlet meme?
what's a worse sin? racemixing or height mixing?
Absolutely disgusting
It's more about nutrition growing up I'd say. My dads average height, maybe 5'11", mom was like 5'5" idk and my brother and I are both just over 6' tall. Both sisters are tall as well. Only downside is we're all brown hair/eyes so our genes are fucked anyways.
>Men under 6' are considered a sickness
>Government should care
>Retirement and free gibsmedat for life
How lankets can compete? Can we meme this?
5 9 Manlet here. I think we should ban tall people, huge waste of resources. Useless in battle, useless in anything but sports for the sheep to watch, and the whites can't compete in sports anyway.
this tbqh
manlets should be sterilized and given free gibs me dats for life to keep them happy
Your mother's husband.
pretty sure it has more to do with how tall her father was. when i was a little kid i was short for my age and extremely paranoid i would grow up to be a manlet. my mom is 5'6 and ny father is 6'-
the doctor averaged my fathers height with my maternal grandfathers height and told me i was likely to end up being around 6'1.
im 6'2 .
>most cutest
My mom is 5'4" and my dad is 6'0". My brother is 6'2" and I'm 6'1". My grandfather was 6'3" so that's probably where the taller genes come from. As long as there's someone in the family with tall genes there's a chance you would not produce manlet children, but a lot of it is still luck regardless. Hopefully I can find a woman who's 5'9"+ so my offspring will be tall as well.
It's like dating your 10 year old daughter
I hope that any daughter i have takes after the mother because all the women in my family are less than 5 ft 2 inches while all the guys are 5 ft 10 to 6 ft 3
My dads a Manlet, but my moms 5'11
I'm 6'3 significantly taller than the rest of my family
he probably is thinking of children. im 6'2 and used to date a girl who was 4'10.5 and when i was impaling her on my cock all i could think about was children ;^)
the best possible nutrition can't help someone who is genetically destined to be short. nutrition is only a factor in reducing height, but never increasing it.
How does that even happen
>and the whites can't compete in sports anyway.
u wot m8?
Who is pol trying to impress with height women? They could just date black guys and improve their odds of getting a tall man.
She-Manlets blown the fuck off, i am 6,3 and i dont want a fucking midget as my partner.
Fuck manlets, either sex.
No idea but when my younger sister realized she would never be more 5 ft 1 she had a mental meltdown
>22 years old
>but late bloomer with puberty
>only part of my body that has hair is the bottom half of my tibia, crotch and ass, unnoticeable amount starting to grow on my arms
>and improve their odds of getting a tall man.
u wot m8?!?!
What is going on in here? Are you retards new from reddit or how do you know so little?
Lel most blacks are 5 ft 8
I'm all for the gas thing
please make this happen, O kek
>am 6'4
>5'2 so
what do
am I unable to continue relationship?
No. Long vaginas are a must. You don't actually want a short girl, unless you're inexperienced or are actually into the autistic iku-iku shit.
>Why do we allow tall men to waste their good genes on short women
That's not how it works- don't talk about this subject unless you actually know anything about it.
For the record, my 5'2'' wife has produced two sons with me (6'3'') and they're both above the 90th percentile in their respective age groups for height.
That's funny, it's not a big deal at all for women to be short.
Jesus dude stop eating toast sandwiches and move on to beans on toast at least
Anyone under 6'1" should be shot, honestly.
>the autistic iku-iku shit
Manlet locked on
what kind of thread should this be?
>Jesus dude stop eating toast sandwiches and move on to beans on toast at least
Tbh throughout my 3 years of university I would barely eat. We're talking I would only eat breakfast once every five months or so, and would often only have one meal a day. On the plus side I only have alcohol max three times a year and don't smoke.
My husband is 6'2" and I'm 5'1". He said that he will bury me in the backyard if our sons are under 6' tall. How screwed am I?
Tall guys with short girls looks really perverted to be honest
Yeah Im 6'4 and like short girls. Any girl that is over 5'8 I wouldnt date.
jesus fuck
heightmixing is a gateway to pedophilia
Don't forget that shorter women are more likely to have the proper hips for making babies. Wider hips = bigger brains being able to fit through, too.
Healthy fertile women are short and curvy (but not feminist chubby "curvy", just nice big hips and an hourglass waist), I honestly believe that's the ideal shape for child birthing.
My wife gets pregnant extremely easily, has very healthy painless pregnancies, went from 2 cm, totally normal to fully dilated full blown labor in less than six hours, and pushed each of my ten lb. boys out in less then ten minutes.
From my own experience, a large percentage of women who are obsessed with a guys height have daddy issues.
Just eat something man. Start lifting too you'll look at least an inch taller with solid posture
This. 4'11-5' is the perfect female height. Men should be at least a foot taller than their woman, and any man shorter than 6' is a disease.
It is kind of funny Chad Jockstrap marries a 5ft QT and then gets pissed that his kids can't compete in sports.
Really makes you think
Because a 5'4" "curvy" chick somehow has wider hips than a 5'9" chick. Okay moron
It's like being with a child
>Just eat something man. Start lifting too you'll look at least an inch taller with solid posture
I started lifting back in September. Eating a lot better nowadays too.
Tits or gtfo
This is not how it works, you utter fowking mow-ron.
t. 6'7" master race
Especially if she shaves her vag
That has nothing to do with height. It has to do with race
>tfw 180 cm tall
>tfw girlfriend is 186 cm tall
You're not, your children or at least your sons will most likely be tall as long as other members of your husband's family are too.
woah there thats a bit drastic don't ya think?
She thought she would turn out like her cousins but she didn't realize that our aunt has a different father than our dad. And all of the women in my moms family are at 5 ft 6 to 5 ft 9
I'm pretty sure she would, yes. She could have wider hips without having to be as giant as the 5'9'' woman would.
Which races then?
Pretty sure it is womanlet propaganda
There is always a way.
manlets are a majority m8 how would lanklets even compete
big guys are easier to shoot
would this mean as a short guy it would be easier to find a gf if they can't date tall men?
Somehow I thought in the second pannel she was kissing a llama in the mouth wtf
Height is not genetic.
Guys who go for short women are dooming their son's to manlethood.
Don't fall for the cute short bitch meme.
t. Dad 6'3'' mum 5'2''
Me 5'9''
>Height is not genetic.
>Dad 6'3'' mum 5'2''
>Me 5'9''
You got cucked hard.
Dad: 5'7
Me: 5'10
and yet
Your logic isn't adding up.