Ha, OP doesn't like Trump being a russian puppet. He must like USA, what a faggot. am i right?
Anthony Nguyen
I really really like this image
Cameron Cruz
These shills are getting smarter. Literally attempting 4D underwater mental gymnastics to make you feel like they are a Sup Forumsack sliding away from God Emperor. This whole Russian shit is a fucking meme. Don't let this one shit attempt to shift demographics slide you lads.
After Donald Trump was hit hard by the 2008 economic collapse and was unable to continue borrowing money from U.S. banks, he became a vulnerable target of Vladimir Putin and his Russian associates. Russia funneled Trump more than a billion dollars in loans and loan guarantees through a German bank. Russia bought a house from Trump and vastly overpaid him for it. Russia offered him a stake in an oil company. Russia lured him to Moscow and created blackmail material on him. Putin surrounded Trump with Russian operatives, and co-opted people who were already surrounding him. Russia used a carrot and stick approach in which Trump would find overwhelming success if he played along, and find ruin if he didn’t. The Russian government oversaw every major aspect of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. That level of orchestration appears to have extended into the transition period and continues now that Trump is in the White House, in exchange for appeasing imperialistic moves and for removing U.S. sanctions against Russia. This report lays out the details of the above summary, and includes supporting source links to trusted news outlets for verification. Ongoing reporting on Trump-Russia can be found on the Palmer Report website.