One problem: how am i supposed to get a girl to like me if im a xenophobic bigot..?
One problem: how am i supposed to get a girl to like me if im a xenophobic bigot..?
Other urls found in this thread:
>xenophobic bigot
don't mention politics/racestuff to her
manipulate her
drop subtle redpills
and like 2 weeks later she is like
"wtf I hate jews now"
Risky @_@
Yeah, its actually disturbingly easy.
No problem leaf, most Chinese girls are like that too
trust me, there are some fucked up chicks out there who are just as racist as you are
Cant date immigrants... too easy for them to fly home the second they feel like it
>Yeah, its actually disturbingly easy.
If you've got the right chin and cheekbones.
Some men are just born with the wrong bone structure to get laid.
Meant for
Don't worry mate- You won't get any girl simply because you're a leaf
Cmon bruh im 6'5 blue eyes.
My gf likes me, and her family is from the other side of the soon to be great Wall of America.
Have you tried pretending your not from Quebec?
Easy, just redpill her slowly. Works great.
Dont there not good enough for you.
>Not being half french
Run along my americlapistani
If you have to GET someone to like you, there are much bigger problems. Just being a white male has gotten me over 20 different bitches. Girls want to pursue.
Will I ever find a gf like her?
Thank you my G
Stop being a xenophobic bigot then?
>get fit
>make a white girl laugh and then start ignoring her
>go talk to a shitskin girl to make the white one jealous
>repeat, repeat, repeat
This is the only way to make women racist.
Looks like a trap
Try not being a faggot.
Have you tried rape?
>falling for the vaginal jew
Find a nazi gf
I try my dude i try. I dont make rude comments ever but i think people can just read it from my involuntary body language
You do know that girls hate immigrants too, right? They hate being harassed by chinamen and Arabs too.
Source: current gf and 2 exes hated non whites too
Only if you're already reliant on her. Otherwise the worst that happens is she gets triggered and you have to find a new one.
If you have a strong personality your significant other typically becomes a reflection of who you are.
It's an interesting psychological topic imo.
Yeah well ive triggered so many that im done trying that shit
Wut girls love refugees. It makes them feel powerful or something
This is gonna sting- I am not a bruh.
I'm a ... dare I say it... gir..l
(tits or gtfo I know)
That explains why your last post seemed to come from a small craniumed retard
That's the spirit!
Where the fuck do you live where girls like immigrants? On my first date with an ex we talked about how Arabs were ruining Toronto. They don't want to expose their views because being liberal is hip and cool but trust me when I say girls hate immigrants even more than men.
So... when are you going back to your cuckservative echo chamber on r slash the donald, madam?
fucking reddit I swear to god
/d/ actually
Yeah... 'ex' ... frig off bub
I love it when guys say Madam (Ma'am, ect)... you may actually find a nice Nazi girl after all
Good luck!
Be the alpha women don't give a shit about any of that.
Their main concern is security, I've had women drop trough in less than 2 hours that were on the complete opposite spectrum.
Stop being a fucking leaf.
You know girls will throw themselves at your dick when you confidently go against their ideas or the common crowd.
where do i find one that's not mentally retarded?
like, what sort of places?
everywhere i go all i see are just used up sluts
Honestly - it's essentially all the places you have likely been told NOT to approach girls... THAT is where you will find them.
- in aisle of grocery store
- at dog park
- studying at the local library
- at the gym
>it's essentially all the places you have likely been told NOT to approach girls
I hate this shit. why is everything a fucking shit test with women
do women not understand that this bullshit makes men fucking furious?
It's not a test.
Somewhere down the line a group of terrible feminists acted like their statements reflected all women and it confused you guys.
Try not being a xenophobic bigot.
I've mostly given up trying to convince you people of this, but you can oppose multiculturalism and immigration and not believe that all cultures/races are equal without turning yourself into an ugly caricature.
> all cultures/races are equal
Is it safe to assume that you do not have a girlfriend/wife?
A lot of middle Eastern women who aren't Muslim are redpilled about Muslims. My gf is Egyptian and hates Muslims.
who's the blonde bitch? sauce
Can we have an expanded conversation on this?
Ever since I became redpilled gradually over the past few years, I've noticed I find less and less girls to be dateable. Most are repulsive urban liberal marxist degenerates. I need to figure out how to get an in-between girl to come over to the right side.
Actually what?
I'm genuinely curious what you're trying to say. I mean, I get that you're trying to be insulting, but insults only sting when they make sense.
In a LTR of 4 years' standing, anyway. You're going to have to find a different insecurity to needle here. Try dick size.
Hide your power level like the rest of us. You don't have to be a flag waving sperg to further a political agenda.