Pol your fucked once the swoleleft comes for you
Pol your fucked once the swoleleft comes for you
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P f f t
>so they can be strong enough
What so right wing guys are naturally stronger than beta liberal guys?
hang yourself sliding shill
Lol the rest of the cucks of the world may have trouble but I live in a stand your ground state. Also:
>implying any of these libshit betas have ever been in a fight and even have the first clue about it other than wildly swinging.
Get a gun, any gun. They will be defenseless and submit if you simply just aim it at them.
It doesn't even have to be a real one, it could look like a real one and they'd be scared.
Also this, most of these libshits don't know how to fight other than dumb swinging and punching. I'd imagine you could easily dodge and counter their shit.
Ironically weightlifting might make them more right wing
Yeah that shit is photoshopped. Anyone who works out regularly understands the meaning of hard work for personal gainz. They conform to their gender identity and fuck bitches who do the same. They don't partake in degenerate behavior because it negates their hard work. They have good jobs because they constantly improve themselves and need money to buy supplements.
Liberals don't lift. This is a lie.
Of course
>be a little chubby
>throw on a small shirt
Look at the swole left everybody
How many times are shills making this thread?
Every time I look at the catalog, there is this one.
I stacked bales all winter long, you ain't going to get this white boy by just weightlifting once a week or so.
>Is average built at best
Wow if this the guy to represent leftist getting "swole". Then don't worry.
>has no muscle tone
>is red head
>is a fat manlet wearing a tight t-shirt
just because you lift doesn't mean you can fight.
>Implying muscles can stop bullets
"At his best, he could squat 335 pounds, bench 200 and deadlift 280."
More like Swolen gynecomastia.
>stand your ground
So jelly, im in commifornia
I just noticed that "no pepe" sign
>Seriously getting offended over a god damn cartoon frog
Oh look, I remember this thread from a few hours ago
The only thing here that is "swole" is your dick, you yellow-skinned gyppo beggar
What the fuck? Why do you have deadlift 55lbs less than squat?
it's a ZOG media created phenomenon to counter BronzeagePervert's frogtwitter.
The right wing bodybuilders were all banned on the same day that salon/buzzfeed/etc. ran swoleleft stories.
> Liberals vote away their rights to own firearms, don't own any personally because "muh Sandy Hook"
> A couple of them go to the gym
> Conservatives with the support of most blue-collar worker and military personnel
> Many own firearms
gee I wonder who would win
>Doing deadlifts
What's the point?
"Squatting" == sticking your ass out with weight on the bar.
"Bench press" == bending your arms slightly with weight on the bar.
There's no cheating at deadlifts though, so he's stuck at shitty noob weights there. With his physique he's lucky if he can bench 150 or squat 200 for 1rm.
>404 traps not found
>arms just past dyel
Top jej
>squatting more than you deadlift
I see your point. Guaranteed shit form. Definitely not atg
>mfw they start lifting, get testosterone and become right wing
What a loser. I would love to see him try and do something
650 deadlift / 540 squat checking in.
...because it's a great compound lift to build CNS recruitment and works your entire posterior chain at once?
Why wouldn't you do deadlifts?
lmao what a waste of time
Lifting has jack shit to do with fighting
It's all hips (not even hip drive, just hip rotation and leverages), explosiveness, technique and experience
getting squats over 225lb is a waste of time, you could use that time refining your striking or grappling technique
So in a typical leftist way there's loads of implied violence
I used to do 135lb weighted dips for 6, 70lb weighted pull ups for 6, and squat 315lb for 6
It didn't help me jack shit in striking, I punched like a fucking girl, I became good at it once i learnt how to use my hips and relax all my upper body
Now i actually lost muscle and i actually hit harder because my arms are lighter, my forearms are denser and my hips are more explosive than before
God that fan art is cringey.
I'm a professional alcoholic that smokes roughly a pack a day and look more in shape then this faggot.
Either way I'm too lazy to bother working out, I'll just shoot someone for putting hands on me.
And he's a ginger no less! I'm literally shaking in my hobnailed jackboots over here!
99% of all liberals are fully grown adults with the physique of preteen children. Not to mention they are the most beta cucked faggots to walk the earth.
No endurance no speed no technique probably written by plus size "positive" person who knows not
I'm telling u I know I know
It's a whole different game
What pointers do you have and where can we learn?
>left are naturally low test due to being whipped into submission by women and minorities
Doesn't even matter anyway. Could be one of the strongest men on earth and he'd still fall to a bullet.
Also >left fighting nazis
>nazi is shortened nationalsozialismus
>german for national socialism
>maybe if i appeal to the left girls will like me
Learn what, how to punch? learn to pivot your feet and good boxing technique (rolling the shoulder, dropping your hips while punching, etc), it's slow, but that will release your hips in every punch so then you will start having that muscle mind connection with your hips. Once you get used to it you can stop pivoting your feet and just using your hips for punching fast
Even recovering the punching hand is done with the hips, this guy explains for the jab:
This guy also explains it:
Use a punching bag for testing your results, you should feel your glutes getting sore after a while if you punch correctly
This is him a year ago and now
> Express political views leaning right.
> Attacked by violent left-wing thugs.
This is why the left is viewed as childish.
>chest hair
You're a big girl...
He is thicc and juicy now tho, mirin hard keep me posted
no homo
On the left, he looks like Phil Fish. On the right, he looks like he just ate a shit ton of Big Macs.
He looks like a god damn loser.
They'll never punch.
>throw punch
>charged with assault because leftist police state
>relegated to shitty jobs for life
All that work and they still look like a massive faggot and will still be unattractive to quality women.
Where the fuck are the nazis? Are the referring to Trump supporters?
>my hips are more explosive than before
What about you butthole?
They can fight me close range but are too scared to touch a gun so i will just use a gun
I got hemorrhoids from lifting
>those stickers
Not as strong as a 12 gauge
>a literal neckbeard.
>These liberal guys are weightlifting so they can be strong enough to fight Nazis
Are they trying to be over-the-top cringe? Or do these people actually believe they're some kind of hero?
Huh? The animation is pretty smooth
Don't worry it is just his autism speaking
>lift weights
>finally have testosterone
>realize this leftist garbage is a waste of time
>pickup chicks instead
what is their endgame?
American living in Holland.
As someone who's been in street fights and has spent time in an American jail, I can tell you getting swole and learning MMA is gonna do fuck all if someone with actual fighting experience wants you hurt.
What I find strange, is that so many wyhite knights wanna fight, but can't into negro tactics. Seriously, study up on how the ayran brotherhood did hits in prison. That shit works.
This thread again
> Weightlifting to fight
If your main reason to weightlift is to engage in fights you are fucking retarded. I know a lot of ripped guys who can't fight shit, and get their crap beaten by much smaller guys. These guys might also just end up stabbed and it's game over.
>pickup chicks
No, these guys who hang out in the steam room too long.
it's copper crab, isn't it?
All that training and all you need is one 9mm bullet.
>study up on how the ayran brotherhood did hits in prison.
Can you provide links on that, please?