Russia has only one real city, which is Moscow.
Everything that is south to Voronezh is a churka land.
Everything north to Vologda is for crazy people who like being cold.
Everything east to Moscow is Siberia (look at previous point).
St Petersburg is full of detestable intelligentsia.
Hence, Moscow is the only place to live in.
BUT, here comes the big "but".
Even Moscow is a depressing, decrepit place. Study picture, neighbors drinking coffee with peeled paint.
I rest my case.
See you tomorrow.
Daily reminder to btfo RIDF
Looks cozy and more heartfelt than any polished place in the US.
you motherfucker
>being part of the poorshit russkis
At least I'm white. Hi Ahmed.
>mfw my whole tribe left Russia thanks to German grandfather and his two brothers
t. NEET living with mommy in a Moscow appartment that didn't see any renovation since the Soviet times.
you shut it
Nice Copypasta
>not churka land
What a disgusting pic. I've come to hate muslims.
Isn't that supposed to be from a industrial city to the north?
I'm starting to see your stuff on other websites besides Sup Forums. Are you just one guy or is there like a team?
The average Russian earns less than the average Chinese and lives in a police state.
looks comfy
what did you mean by this?
My lifelong dream is to move to Norilsk. How do I do? I don't mind working as a slave in the mines as long I can afford my own apartment there. I've read that houses are pretty cheap over there anyway.
This is something we should have a non meme discussion about, Russia isn't the savior of the White race as some say, he's a smart geopolitical player and his intervention in Syria is good for us, but I wouldn't assign any moral justifications for his actions, as I think he is just an intelligent opportunist. Russia has countless problems with corruption and being an ex Soviet country ruled by the Capitalist Jews we allowed to take over after it fell.
I forgot to clarify, by "him" I mean Putin.
I've been to Moscow and it was fucking awesome. Idi von liberashka pidor
>be bogan cunt tourist from shithole
>WOW Mexico is so nice!
Are there any anons from Norilsk? Please someone reply to me.
Stay in your country for fucks sake, why would you want to live in the country of poverty AIDS and abortion. Are you 15?
Shut the fuck up.
Still waiting for someone from Norilsk to tell me what's life like in there and how do I get in.
>ruled by the Capitalist Jews
Ehh, no. It's ruled by KGB officers and Russian and Jew Businessman who are okay with not playing politics in exchange for KGB not destroying their monopolies.
>Jew Businessman
yeah that's what I meant, don't a lot of them go to Israel to avoid the law?
You are just contributing to population displacement if you do this.
what are you getting at here ivan
you may be in the early stages of psychosis. call your mum. if she thinks you're losing it then trust her assessment
russia has a longer control of social control and secret police than most. it uses this accumulated knowledge to exert power. in this it is an enemy of our civil society
>don't a lot of them go to Israel to avoid the law?
You don't get russian jews. When you make fun of holocaust, jew greed or jew stereotypes in America they lose their shit and call you a nazi.
In russia, on the other hand there is an entire body of humourous jokes about russian jews and their endless struggles for more money, that are in large part assembled by jews themelves. Because if there is one thing russia is good at it is making people laugh at themselves. Look up Rabinovich anekdotes. Here's a sample, translation stolen from Tv Tropes.
>The most famous contemporary Rabinovich joke involves Pamyat, a Russian ultra-nationalist (and thus antisemitic) group:
>Pamyat: Pamyat headquarters, what is the nature of your inquiry?
>Rabinovich: Is it true that the Jews have sold Russia out?
>Pamyat: Damn right!
>Rabinovich: Woohoo! So...where can I go to get my share?
So we don't have a bunch of lunatic Jews who are afraid of prosecution and so promote multiculturalism, all those, as you noted, fled to US and Jerusalem, we have a bunch of greedy bastards who compete with all other greedy bastards on equal terms but happen to be Jews. Multiculturalism cost russians an Empire, anyone trying to promote it gets removed from power/authority very quickly.
Russia ever was and forever will stay shit. And your average thick-browed muzhik will forever be cheering on and feel immense pride in his smelly little (or rather big actually) pool of shit. And will defend this shit, unto death if need be. Such is the tragedy of Russian Nationalism.