HA! Read it and weep, drumpflings :'))

HA! Read it and weep, drumpflings :'))

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(((((major survey))))))

Gas the KiKes

Drumpf aside, won't it be kind of biased, where most of the presidents were before these historian's lifetimes while Obama was just a few years ago.

Drone strike children, 12th best...

i want to shove 60,000 dollars worth of hot dogs into every disgusting orifice of this disgusting half-breed nigger untill he dies of being killed to death

>untill he dies of being killed to death
Finns can really paint a picture with their words

Nice source
>I put words next to a picture it must be true!



Haha.. Remember you can't spell Drumbpfcuck without "dumbfuck"!!!

nice try shill, Obama never killed a single muslim, why would he when he is one?

I live in the decaying liberal heart of Oregon, and most people whom I know will agree with me when I state that Obama will be remembered as one of, if not the worst president in American history. Even the leftists.


Nigger, yes he did.

>what is the middle east war
Dude you're not even worth of a bump

you leftist shills are getting desperate. Obama is a mulsim, why would he kill other muslims?

To increase his public image in D.C.

dc is all liberals you retard.

Based president.


>implying i'm lefty
Muslims attack other muslims in every state they fully inhabit, even with retarded justifications such as "they're less radicalized".
The fucking middle east war is still involving muslim on muslim violence

they called 100 people in both california and new york sir

The article is legit.
Drumpfkins btfo.

I don't even understand it he basically completed none of his promises and made healthcare the disaster it is now and you get 12th best? The fuck were the rest doing?

Obama with his gay ambassador in Palm Springs
Now he ditched his beard, Michelle/Mike, and is in Polynesia with his male only feat.

David Geffen is now bunking with Barry

Most Americans support and like Obama.

12th? I'm suprised he isn't number one. Guess the article is biased.

Then his policy candidate would have won.

Most Gays


I'm an Independent but holy fucking god, you are stupid. I've been all around D.C., and I know as fact that Obama had children and women drone-striked. If you don't believe that, you're fucking retarded, because the evidence is everywhere.

He was droning the fuck out of muslems. Also, who cares if he were a Muslim? Still a based president.

He also got the noble peace prize for doing absolutely nothing other than being black... and?

Also I don't care lol


Well he did have a boyfriend before...

>Receive Nobel Peace Prize
>Immediately bomb another recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
Truly great.

The power of a good relationship with corporate media is thus; mutually beneficial and deeply insidious.

Majority voted Democrat.

He didn't really fuck the country up too much since he never had the chance - Republicans blocked him on pretty much everything. That puts him above a lot of presidents, especially Bush 2, who made Obama look pretty good in comparison.

He's not 12, but he's not the worst ever either like a lot of Republicans would have you believe.

People always rate recent things too highly. The fact that he is only 12th best when he just left office is not good for him. He will slide as people forget about him and he becomes remembered as "the black one."


Top kek he's been out of office for two months there has been no time to study any mid to long term effects of his policies. This is complete garbage.

I know you are pretending to be retarded but the electoral is balanced for population after the two senators so clearly she didn't.

He improved America considerably after the Bush fuck ups.
Obama #12 bitches!!!!!
Trump has the lowest approval rating in history btw.

kys, Reddit cuck.

He is likely to go up from #12 in the coming years. Especially with our current clusterfuck of a president.

> 97% of historians agree

Don't ever go to Reddit. Why does Sup Forums unironically say this every time it's btfo?

>have entire media shilling for you 24/7 and treating with with kid gloves because you're only held to black person standards
>still hit 39% approval
Best president ever guys



SAGE goes into the OPTION FIELD

>12th out of 44

We'll see how he's ranked in twenty years.

the economy was going to recover no matter what, I don't think he gets credit for that

too late
corpulent ferret is your president now

DR*MPF BTFO!!!!!!!!


>the only president ppl can remember in recent history


Muslims hate Muslims

Stephen Grover Cleveland is counted twice.
Shows you burger education has always been shit, can't even count how many presidents you've had.

>Best black President gets ranked 12 points behind best white president.
Seems like a standard deviation to me. Ay yo, hol up!

>first black president
>not even top 10
That is Top Kek

Trump will issue an EO that will expunge Obama from all recorded history. So, 12 is as high as that colossal faggot will go.

>What is Libya?

Are these the same retards that ranked Kennedy (the last true Democrat) lower that fucking Johnson?

he had 2 out of 8 years. he barely did anything other than a bunch of Executive Orders and Obamacare.

If anything he'll be remembered as the one who stopped it from coming back as quickly as it could have.

these are the same people that jizz their pants over fdr and woodrow wilson aka they go to liberal universities and love commies

its like saying 99% of scientists believe in global warming. Well ive been hearing about this global warming since the 70s wake me when shit actually happens and its no longer 11 year solar cycles.

He had seven years in office. What would have been the 8th year was all of his vacations on the tax payer dime. .
Over 300 golfing trips alone.
Over $85 million tax dollars on his entertainment.

you all know a real Sup Forumsack would have never posted this here

of (((historians)))

>tfw US History PhD
>tfw professors at undergrad 50% Jewish
>tfw professors at graduate school 75% Jewish
>tfw the ones who aren't Jews are usually the most comically shabbos philosemite people you'll ever meet

Literally trained for a job I'll never get because I can't keep the redpills in. At least it was free due to scholarships.

You're wrong, and time will show.