How can I lead a moral life?

How can I lead a moral life?

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Get off the internet and go and do good works

Stop being a degenerate is a good start
admit when youre wrong
have a useful degree
have a steady job with career prospects
take care of the people around you
have many babbies

>No drugs
>No alcohol (except red wine once a month max)
>No sexbuddies
>No junk food
>No tobacco

>Get money

But don't do it to improve your country do it for yourself

>Stop being a degenerate is a good start
define degenerate
>have a useful degree
Hitchens has a degree in Politics and Philosophy. I doubt very much that a STEM degree will give you any preparation for a moral life. That has always been the area of liberal education
>have a steady job with career prospects
How is this moral?
>have many babbies
If society is degenerate then surely anti-natalism is the moral choice?

>don't do it to improve your country do it for yourself
What's moral about that?


It's moral because your country obviously isn't

There is no moral in individualism

always tell the truth, to yourself and others

Never come back here again.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.
Love your neighbor as yourself.

Follow the teachings of the God Emperor of Mankind.
Kill the mutant
Abhor the alien
Burn the heretic
And remember the 3 virtues
And Valor
Ave Imperator

What if the child consents tho

Those are up on my list of useless degrees

Try Engineering fields, Law and other career defining degrees

Stop being a degenerate as in treat people the way you want to be treated without being a naive ass-kissing tool

>Having a job
>How is this moral?

A steady job builds discipline, social skills and work ethics

also, stop comparing yourself to others and society in general, its a waste of time as you'll find that most of society is either a degenerate themselves or only live to please others in fear of being branded a pariah

A moral life is a life of self reliability and the skills and confidence to make something worthwhile of it without setting limitations that are fucking useless like so boldly claims to improve life so much

Fuck a non-degenerate life. Just don't go overboard. It doesn't matter we are a spec of dust in nothing and if there's a God do you think he gives 2 shits you sometimes put your penis in something where it shouldn't have been?

You sound like an immoral to me

Being pragmatic is often considered immoral, but i can live with the idea that not everyone considers an objective view to prove insight

Become a catholic.

Rejecting The Lust And Impurity Of Hell

First decide which moral framework to follow and why you choose that framework

Then follow with no compromise until the reason you chose that framework forces you to revise your morals.

There go and do it.

That's kind of my question tho. How does one choose?

Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath.

Morals come from Values

What do you value user?
Honestly what is it that you find beatiful true and just?

These things are your God as a moral man and they will tell you what to do.

Get your ass down to mass

He's right.

What am I even doing here anyways, you're all just a bunch of edgy teens living through the lives of others around you and if individualism displeases you then you need to seriously grow up.

Our whole world is fucked up, 99% of the people will want to fuck you in the ass sooner or later so just make your own path and try to become a better person for yourself and stop loitering around in your life wasting your time with futilities like posting in here

You are definitely the kind of person who watches a cripple drop to the floor and walk past him

Individualism is the cancer that killed society, and pretending your own life is the only thing that matters is the number one reason people started caring more about their clothes getting wet than the little kid thats drowning in the river

fucking grow a pair

>he fell for the neoliberalism meme