1) You let people vote
2) You count all the votes
3) The candidate with more votes wins
Are you following, America?
It's not exactly rocket science.
1) You let people vote
2) You count all the votes
3) The candidate with more votes wins
Are you following, America?
It's not exactly rocket science.
Other urls found in this thread:
>62 million votes are worthless because she got a measly 3 million more
there is a reason why the electoral college exists, europoors
Take out the illegals and dead-persons votes and Trump has both the majority AND electoral college.
get out, cuck
>there is a reason why the electoral college exists, europoors
American thinking he can teach an European about democracy.
That's an urban legend.
HRC won California, which is the most important state in the USA.
>direct democracy
So full retard that even the ancients threw it off.
CA recently (and by recently, RIGHT before the election) allowed FELONS and INMATES to vote.
Which way do you think a prison full of spics will lean?
A popular vote for a president is not direct democracy.
Voting for representatives to vote for representatives is silly.
The real question is why is USA still a democracy? It should be a fascism by now, it's its natural evolution.
America is the oldest democracy that hasn't been crushed under it's own weight or conquered. Kys
That's not the reason the college exists you fucking moron, that's the reason the Senate is a thing.
>It was also peculiarly desirable to afford as little opportunity as possible to tumult and disorder. This evil was not least to be dreaded in the election of a magistrate, who was to have so important an agency in the administration of the government as the President of the United States. But the precautions which have been so happily concerted in the system under consideration, promise an effectual security against this mischief. The choice of SEVERAL, to form an intermediate body of electors, will be much less apt to convulse the community with any extraordinary or violent movements, than the choice of ONE who was himself to be the final object of the public wishes. And as the electors, chosen in each State, are to assemble and vote in the State in which they are chosen, this detached and divided situation will expose them much less to heats and ferments, which might be communicated from them to the people, than if they were all to be convened at one time, in one place.
>Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper No. 68
The Electoral College was put in place to stop a person who is dangerous to the Union and republican form of government from being sworn in as POTUS, not this "muh our voices count too" shit. The Federalists are very clear on this. Stop your revisionist history bullshit.
>The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.
>Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper No. 68
That is the definition of a direct democracy you fucking retard
Only the white vote matters, user.
We can't let the illegals vote in a communist government.
No, direct democracy is the public voting directly on policy/legislature.
A popular vote for a president is still a vote for a representative to act in your interest, i.e. not direct.
What would be more silly would be to alienate most of the counties in the country just because cities are populous.
Who said we were ever a direct democracy? We've always been a republic.
1) Homeless euro faggot living on the streets
2) Contact Shareblue
3) Shill a post on Sup Forums
4) Profit???
This. If you want to see the foul ups of a democracy against a federal republic, look at my country. Ontario gets to basically do whatever the fuck they want, and with Cuckdeau bringing in more "voters" to his cause, it's only going to get worse. Canada has a simple system of government which is easy to bypass if you're a refugee
I think we all know what the REAL results would've been...
And that's not about as silly as candidates not giving a shit about like 90% of states because they're non-contested?
A popular vote means a republican would have a reason to campaign in California or a democrat in Texas.
Commiefornia and New York globalists dominating all states would destroy any remaining purpose of a "federal" government. They might as well secede.
Where's the evidence that dead people and illegals voted in the election?
You need evidence not "you just know because Clinton is a nasty, corrupt woman!" I fully recognize that she is a lying bitch and I'm glad she's not president, but you can't just say shit and not back it up.
The big city bathhouse faggots should rule over the entire united states. Reason #1 to eliminate the electoral college.
USA is not a democracy. It was founded in what's called a Representation Republic.
Take a minute to read about the difference:
>most of the counties
Highland County, Virginia: population 2,236
Fairfax County, Virginia population 1,118,683
...but all counties are somehow equal.
You only like the EC because your party hasn't had a non-incumbent win the popular vote since 1980, and only two such wins sine the 1920's, unless you count Nixon's 43% "win" in 1968.
So your only two real wins in nearly a century are Reagan and Eisenhower, and Ike was practically a communist compared to modern Republicans.
Which os exactly why we have an electoral college. So california doesnt determine the election completely
The US is a democracy and a republic silly.
California should determine it because it's the only state of the US that really matters. Silicon Valley is there nuff said.
A popular vote wouldn't bring in more contention. It would remove contention. Candidates would only focus on populous states like California and Texas while all the rest wouldn't have a say in the matter. It would immediately provoke secession. The current system isn't silly in the slightest. There is no legitimacy that can stem from a popular vote which is held in spite of the rest of the country.
Only if you consider 'Democracy' extremely narrowly and in America's own image.
>Commiefornia and New York globalists dominating all states would destroy any remaining purpose of a "federal" government.
If you're going to defend the EC, get a better argument.
Under a popular vote system, EVERY SINGLE VOTE in California, New York, Texas and Florida (which would never happen) still isn't a win.
Let's add the next four biggest states?
Still nope. Every single vote in California, New York, Texas, Florida, Illinois, Georgia, Pensylvania and Ohio STILL isn't a majority.
But take a closer look at the EC. Because all you need is 51% of a state to get all its votes, 51% of voters in 12 states can win against 49% of the voters in the same 12 states, plus every single vote in the 38 other states.
p.s.: The twenty smallest states have a smaller combined population than California, but control 40% of the Senate.
You do realize that we have to restart the election if we only counted the popular vote, right?
Yeah, pretty much.
If you have a problem with that, by all means, be better than us at it.
Go on, we'll wait.
dead and illegal votes happen EVERY election, moron... Not just this time.
EVERY 4 years hordes of retards get 8 year prison sentences for this shit. Do you live on a rock, or was this your first election you could participate in?
The only thing unique about last election was the massive number of FELON CA voters.
>Voter fraud
Y'know I've got to call you out on that bullshit
>you manufacture votes and stuff boxes
>find manufactured ballots in trunk of car when needed
America is the only place on earth where freedom of speech is a rights.
Also their electoral college system is a lot better than anything Europe has.
>Real European
Nigga even your flag is just a bootleg Serbian flag
It's a stupid reason, though.
>only California matters
>not the agricultural states that keep the rest of this country propped up
> cities have higher gdp
> therefore people living in cities are wiser
You dont let dead people or illegals vote. You get a much different outcome that way.
We are a continental republic, not a democracy. The states are the units of sovereignty in federal elections.
2 years*
If only the stupid cunt had read the rules first....
o wait, she knew and thought it was fair until she lost.
fuck off shilltards
The electoral college was developed to add checks and balances between states. As an example... So states like California can't dominate the union.
Does Sup Forums unironically believe Hillary won the popular vote because of "illegals and dead people" voting?
Who cares about population? The fact of the matter is that the Democrat platform only appeals to people who live in densely populated areas. They're dying because they can't appeal to the common American. This country should not be ruled by a few coffin nails jutting out of its corners. Only a fool would say otherwise. To say that 3000 communities across the country should have people scratching their heads, disappointed that their choice wasn't adhered to, so that 200 communities could celebrate, is absurd.
I'd like to see your evidence, not just "YOU SHOULD ALREADY KNOW THIS"
I do hear about voter fraud in every election. It's only about ten each election. How am I supposed to believe that three million fraudulent votes were counted when there is no evidence of mass voter fraud other than "hurr it's a conspiracy"?
>> cities have higher gdp
>> therefore people living in cities are wiser
> One state votes overwhelmingly for one party.
> Entire situation fucked.
No. The EC is in place for a reason, you dumb nigger.
Hi, CTR! How does failing feel?
Sort of. It was actually meant to empower rural areas and keep urban areas from dominating the vote. In that regard it is functioning exactly as intended.
It's the same reason most state capitols are small cities outside the state's major metro area.
It's clear you love tyranny by breeding.
I bet anything you wouldn't support it if CA and NY were 70% republican and if immigrants voted 70% republican. It tells me you're full of shit. We don't want your filthy agendas dominating every state.
Fuck off and secede.
Please switch to a different logical fallacy, I only have two "strawman" pics.
Sorry I forgot to sage. I did this time.
Millions of illegals voted and double voted.
those votes came from Commiefornia so it doesn't matter
What's the situation over there? Is shekels the new krona, or what?
Jeez, you're a real faggot-type shill. You should take better notes from your peers.
Like I said before, the only real difference in this election was the felon and inmate votes. Sure, there may have been a few thousand illegal and dead votes, but california is the real problem here.
There are well over 3 million inmates and felons living in California. That alone is what gave Hillary the majority.
potatoes won't keep you nr.1 in world mate
Artificial Intelligence will
>dead and illegal votes happen EVERY election, moron... Not just this time.
>EVERY 4 years hordes of retards get 8 year prison sentences for this shit.
Lol, nope.
This year only three people got caught fraudulently voting.
All three voted Trump.
Nobody went to jail.
Except that's not the reason the Electoral College was put in place, per Alexander Hamilton, the man who invented the Electoral College.
The Senate was created to keep large states from dominating the smaller states. The New Jersey Plan was drafted to give each state equal representation, while the Virginia Plan was drafted to distribute representation based on population. The Great Compromise allowed both plans to coexist by using the Virginia Plan to make the House and the New Jersey plan to make the Senate.
>Virginia Plan
>New Jersey Plan
That's not a strawman argument at all. Unless you're actually trying to say that Hillary didn't know about the Electoral College.
America is a big country, euro-cuck. We don't want a beaner president every four years.
People don't need to buy artificial intelligence nearly as often as they need to buy FOOD, moron.
lol, if we lived in a democracy sure. But we live in a constitutional republic. Read much?
Electoral College. Learn about it DUMBASS!
>saving images as ifittsnotatrumplieitsfakenews.png
Jesus, get a better job, faggot
First: Citation needed.
Second: Explain how this country is apparently so good at curbing fraudulent voting when so many states refuse to implement voter ID laws.
We'd already be at least three different countries at this point if that's how things worked, because New York, Florida, and California would end up determining all Presidents.
So no.
The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a constitutional federal republic composed of 50 states
See this Your precious Clinton Archipelago is unsustainable, you should try leaving your liberal campus for once and see how middle america puts the food on your table.
reee stop talking as if democracy and republic are incompatible
the US is both
this triggers me so much, every fucking thread about this amerilards are like "WE'RE NOT A DEMOCRACY WE'RE A REPUBLIC", aaaargh
Felons only permanently lose their vote in 10 states. On the other hand, there are two states that don't have any restrictions on felons voting, and neither are California. California requires a felon to serve their sentence and probation before they get to vote again.
>Felon voting rights by state
>California voting requirements
>Not reading the constitution
>not researching the viewpoints of the philosophers that the constitution was based on
Are you even trying?
if you removed all those illegal immigrants that voted in sanctuary cities, trump would win the popular vote
Here's an accurate representation of the election. Refute it if you can. Pro tip- You can't!
>Mass completely blue
Fuck me man, why do i live here?
They put the food on the table through massive subsidies. Urban areas literally pay for the livelihood of rural areas.
The populous doesn't elect the president directly: the states select electors to vote on their behalf.
This was done so that there would not be too much power concentrated ton the more-developed, urban, densely populated states. Had we not done it this way, those states would've never agreed to join the union.
Rural states were always skeptical of the prospect of densely-populated rural states taking too much power over the countries political system. Even with the electoral college, we've still had problems with those states feeling underrepresented. After president Abraham Lincoln was elected without a single Southern vote, several Southern states left the union because it became blatantly obvious that the electoral system didn't represent them, leading to the bloodiest war in our nations history.
Although I have been skeptical about the electoral college, would not want our presidency to be decided via direct popular vote. This country would be doomed if populous coastal cities in states like NY or CA were able to swing elections all on their own.
>you love tyranny by breeding.
>I bet anything you wouldn't support it if
>It tells me you're full of shit.
Thanks a lot user, I had to go google a new "strawman" pic.
I hope you're happy.
BTW: What if somebody said "we don't want one race deciding the election, that's racial tyranny"?
Fuck..wrong one.....
Americans can't into civics, even when it pertains to their own country.
The only reason subsides exist is so we have a stable food supply you mong.
We're a republic with democratic traditions. Democracy sucks as an institution. There's no sense in siding against the wills of communities in favor of the wills of bulk majorities.
Fucking retard. Even this ignorant leaf knows that the U.S. is not a democracy but a Constitutional Republic. Learn the difference you cock sucking Chefur.
The United States is not simply one country. It is a union of states. Hence the name. More over, the founding fathers of this nation explicitly cautioned against the dangers of a pure "mob rule" democracy.
I say it should be most states wins. you wins states by winning most counties in the state. no ranges or electors, just counties
I'm not saying the subsidies should be eliminated. I'm saying the rural areas rely on money flowing from urban areas. Without cities paying for everything middle America would be nothing better than any third world shithole.
>You're a faggot.
>Th-Th-That's a strawman argument~!
You don't argue much, do you?
>That's not a strawman argument at all
Sure it is.
OP is objecting to the absurd nature of the EC in general.
You're painting him as a Hillary supporter.
I've been opposed to the EC since the late 1970's.
Does that make me a Hillary supporter?
And your strawman is flawed besides.
Regardless of whether she "knew the rules", the president doesn't have a mandate.
Its all about USA voting not the people.
For example lets go to an extram. Moust of the countrys population is in one state then all the candidates have to satisfy is that state and thats it. Fuck other states.
Its a good system.
Its stupid to not have it.
>Direct democracy
So basically entire country votes one way, but California and NYC could vote another and the latter would win?