I am black, and I have tested higher than 90% of my classmates, and have skipped a grade. i have an IQ of 163. What is you guys opinions of me? Why do you people hate me so much?
I am black, and I have tested higher than 90% of my classmates, and have skipped a grade. i have an IQ of 163...
Other urls found in this thread:
>trying to succeed in life
Uncle tom much? That's not exactly keepin' it real, is it Tavarious?
Iq and such is good to have but it doesn't mean your personal reasoning or moral ethics are right.
However, good job at not being dumb I suppose.
I hate ignorant blacks that are bad people.
It's a stereotype for a reason that most blacks are criminals, rapists, welfare abusers, lazy in general, ugly as a syandard etcetc.
Hopefully you arent.
10% of your class has an IQ higher than 163?
Hot to spot a retard
>my mommy says I'm smart and my iq is higher than einstein's
Yea me too pal, I identify as a rocket surgeon. Fuck off back to the jungle smokie.
So me trying to make something of myself means I'm a sub servant retard who is looking for white approval? Are you fucking retarded?
>what is you guys opinion of me?
Pretty obvious you're a liar. Good chance you are none of those things.
Yes and yes
Why aren't you pro-black?
Post BBC
this, niggers cant into statistics
Dick pick or it never happened
Looks like a nigger took an online ''IQ test''
Post a signed document or fuck off.
I hate you because you currently infest a white country. Go to Africa and it will be different.
and a liar
Annnnnnnd it's over. OP BTFO in one sentence.
KWhQxlye Who says I'm not?
>Role-plays on a Kenyan bongo drum forum
>High IQ
Pick one.
This darkie seems on the verge of getting it - he will be a valuable asset to his people once they're inevitably shipped back to Africa.
>I'm 13 and in 9th right now,
Lol bye.
maybe there are only
there's a difference between a black and a
Your still a nigger. And I'm still white.
go away neil degrass we dont fuckin care
I don't hate you at all. You are exactly the sort of person who should band your people together and bring them out of degeneracy into greatness, defining your culture, and creating a nation for your people.
See ya dude
yaMoXKk4 What?
I only hate ghetto blacks.
>''you guys opinion of me''
>uses and twice in a single sentence preceded by commas
>163 IQ
Think you might have added an extra digit somewhere in there
Congratz you have the same IQ as me after 15 years of THC, alcohol and mdma abuse!
If you're so smart, why do you assume everyone in a group of people thinks the same? Clearly if you're so intelligent you can understand not everyone thinks like you do, right?
>using the word black
or are you just a TRS civ nat jew?
>I am black, and I have tested higher than 90% of
At least make the bait realistic...
Sy8+wA8k When 98 percent of the post on this Sup Forums page are anti-black, pro-white propaganda, I can only assume that most of the people here do not like me.
>iq 163
> failing to realize that it isnt u people h8 m8 gr8 b8 i rate 88
Based civic>Stormfaggotry
>I am black, and I have tested higher than 90% of my classmates,
In HIV maybe.
So you have IQ of 163 and still 10% of the class is smarter than you. LOL
There is no way that you have an IQ of 163. If you had an IQ of 163 you wouldn't be asking this stupid question. Blacks on average have low IQ's. Low IQ's lead to violence and crime. Lots of black people in an area then means lots of violence and crime. It's impossible to maintain a functioning Western society with a majority black population, see South Africa. It doesn't matter that YOU, one individual is different from the average, all that matters is the average. How can you not understand something so basic Mr. 163 IQ?
No one hates you son, we hate the people who further the stereotype of African Americans
being gross smelly pieces of shit who work harder not to work then actually working.
Unfortunately you will be lumped in with the 60 percent of your race who are like this because it's
the internet and keks but keep up the good work.
Most of the people here hate everybody though
Go to Africa and find ways of making your people more intelligent through eugenics.
Obviously this nigger is dumb, are you look how he types. This has to be bait, and civic nationalism is a joke. It's basically what we have now, and it sucks ass.
We hate brain dead,degenerate,...niggers who think its ok to act like monkeys then cry oppresion when someone attacks them for what they done
I don't believe you. Post pics.
Listen nig. I dont hate you. But stick to your own race and empower your own people. If you arent a jew troll. Like 80% of shills on here
>tfw too smart to use proper grammar
Fuck off Tyrone
"What is you guys opinions of me?"
Can't even speak English and thinks he's a genius
Maybe educate your idiotic race mixing bix noods on why they should go back to africa and make them build their own fucking nation.
whatchu readin for, thats so white
Give us some proofs, or go to jail, Tyrone.
For a start, you don't use proper grammar:
>What is you guys opinions of me?
>i have
>I am black, and I have (should be I am black and have)
>have skipped a grade
I think maybe you've skipped all the grades
>Why do you people hate me so much?
Because you're a lying moron.
If you were a white person with an IQ of 163, you would be one out of 75.000 people, which would make you one of the 2500 smartest white people in the US.
A black person with an IQ of 163 would be one out of 10,000,000. In other words, you would be one of the four smartest black people in the US.
I don't hate black people.
I hate niggers their is a difference.
i don't judge based on the color of somebody's skin
I judge based on ones actions.
>inb4 SJW
>inb4 reddit
Fuck reddit
why are you not going to africa and using your superior intelligence to bring africa into a golden age of science and security?
Give us some proofs, or go to Kenia, Tyrone.
Einstein only had an iq of 160. Do some research before you b8 m8.
>sub servant retard
Are you trying to say subservient?
>I am black, and I have tested higher than 90% of my classmates, and have skipped a grade. i have an IQ of 163
with an IQ of 130 you'd be in the 99th percentile of your peers
i fucking hate bait threads. yours isn't even funny or elaborate.
this is truthfully one of the largest factors in keeping the black man down.
i hear sweden has a similar mindset. 'if you go and succeed, that means you think you're better than us'
Get gud shillfuck. We know you hated /HWNDU/, but you don't get to pretend it didn't exist
Go back to africa and fix your homeland
>what is you guys opinions
IQ 163 yet can't adopt proper grammar.
Even the high IQ can't make these apes look civilized.
Jamalstein Laqueishenberger
>sub servant
>IQ of 163
Get out of here, nigger.
>163 IQ
>cant figure out how to reply
Yup. They've successfully psy-oped themselves into insignificance.
>White society ebil
>no use trying to better self
>sell crack because no future because muh systemic raycism
>oh shit i'm in jail
>fuckin prison industrial complex keepin the blacc man down
fascinating, really
Although OP is obviously a liar and probably not even black, if I imagine this were true, most people who are 'racist' are judging GENERAL black behavior, not each and every single SPECIFIC black individual on planet. If a black person invented some new technology or was just an all around good person, helping people in need and being an upstanding guy I would think he was awesome, if he just stayed out of my way and wasn't a dick I would think nothing of him. The problem is that 99% of black people are just shitty people and are just making problems wherever they go. They steal, try to fight and attack people for no reason, they seem borderline psychotic and are a drain on public resources. Name one black run country, city or town that isn't a shit hole. Protip: you can't. People don't dislike blacks because of skin color, it's because of behavior.