General thoughts and feelings about Asatru and other Norse Pagan revival movements?
Norse Religion
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Whites are the only humans who have a soul, Odin's Valkyrie can only recognize us
We all become one under the sun
Blood and all return to the soil
>Whites are the only humans who have a soul
I dunno. I feel like the Mongolians are decent proof that it's less about melanin and more about getting kicked in the nards by the cold and lack of sun to make you a stronger being.
is it intellectually defensible?
like how christians have apologetics?
are there any norse apologians?
or is it just a given to its adherents that it's fiction?
Well the sticky issue with this is that the Saga's blend mythos with historical events, so not all of it even ''is'' fiction.
But for some its purely lifestyle and for others it's more of a real thing. Some feel that things like Runes and rituals are more like distractions from the core of belief, too.
I have a Slavic pagan necklace since I am a Slav.
Paganism is the true religion of the indo European peoples
Odin and the gang are ok. Great stories there no doubt. Jesus tho...
Who submited to christain bulls
It's a cool idea in theory but I've never seen anything come out of neopaganism that didn't seem autistic and dumb, either in its cuddly new-age form or the 1488 variant that gets shilled on here.
Literally autistic.
Every neo-pagan I have met has been a degenerate and/or fat neckbeard.
Pure protest against their Christian parents.
>fuck you dad!
>sager christcucken
Christian bulls who were enslaved by Jew matadors. And we still have the forest spirits, while you just have chains and a bunch of rape in your DNA, and not he good kinds, the Jews forced Christian mindslaves to rape places like Africa and the Middle East.
purge the faggots from your religion
I'm a member. Mostly as a protest to the Christianity which was shoved down our throats as children. Since I can remember, I've hated Christianity and when I learned about the other big ones I also thought they were stupid.
The only connection I've ever felt to any of this skyman stuff was to Ásatrú. I don't believe in it but the stories are fun and the rules set for men to follow make so much more sense than the Bible stuff.
This thing belongs here, not some sandy and sunny middle eastern crap, be it Allah or Jeebus
>Every neo-pagan I have met has been a degenerate and/or fat neckbeard.
Pretty much this. Yet to find one that isn't absolutely cringy.
I am interested in this, but I can't find any information. I look up Paganism or whatever and there is nothing. Where is the lexicon for this religion? Was it mostly lost like many say? How can you revive a religion or belief that has no true successors? Where can I find more info?
Memes for teens
>lol muh north white snow viking ancestry i walk in the dark alone im depressed nobody understands me
>Christian bulls who were enslaved by Jew matadors
I want to visit Finland
You asking people that worship a god that's willing to change his gender for a prank to purge the gays?
Giving up 2 thousand years of Christian identity to larp about being a tree worshiper because you have daddy issues and want to act like a rebel?
What a fag
Is there like a pagan bible? How do you even become a pagan? Why can no one answer this if it's not a meme religion?
>Lutheran, Roman Catholicism, Russian Orthodox
neat illusion, looks like the dog in the thumbnail was speared
Ive met a few pagans.
They all had huge personality defects. They exactly personify why most people need religious belief to function properly.
I guess it takes one to worship deities that are even MORE batshit than the normal ones. Still waiting for someone to tell me they attend temples of Zeus.
Purge your pope, faggot.
There's not a single ruling "bible" so to speak. There are the Eddas, the Sagas, the Hávamál (closest you can get to a "word of God" since it's quotations from Odin). Those are a decent start.
>Inb4 "muh christian preservation*
Ethno-religions are a thing lads.
Well, its 1000 years here.
No, not rebelling or daddy anything. I just don't like it.
Welcome dude
There are a lot of Asatru/Heathens in the military. I'm one of them- I've met at least twenty since enlisting last year.
Thanks man. I've listened to some audio books from Finland and I know one who lives here.
Do you like living there?
The Sagas, or Eddas. Basically attack the world in pursuit of glory and personal growth in every way legally allowed to you, while also trying not to let other more powerful men and women dick people who cant defend themselves. If you want more, read the damn thing.
Thanks, I'll look into those. Any links, or should I just start searching? I was surprised there isn't a website or something with links to the texts, basic info and stuff like that. I'm having trouble finding anything. I'm not interesting in wearing a necklace and claiming to be a pagan, I'm interested in the actual meat of the belief. I'm what you might call a religious nomad. I've been through many faiths, born as a Christian. I've moved on from Christianity not because of rebelliousness, I actually respect Christians and most of the teachings, but because I think no one should be beholden to a single belief. Everyone should nurture themselves and find which faith fits them best.
You guys are ffucking retarded
Bow before our Father who Art in Heaven
Met one. She was super hot too.
Turned out to be totally insane. Not sure what I expected desu.
Yeah it's alright
Physical locations don't determine your happiness though my man, it's all in your head and heart, I suggest you drop the Pagan
Your view of Christianity is warped because of people, people make mistakes and behave wrong, read the NT for yourself instead
It would be interesting to visit Iceland one day
Tell him to stop fucking around with Job and come make me.
Asatru here. What I've gotten from reading the Eddas, Sagas, and Havamal is the following:
>Pursue wisdom/knowledge
>Honor ancestors
>Family is all
>Various ideas of how rune magic could work
>inb4 magic lol
Basically the same shit as prayer in Christianity, just a different way of it.
Cringe faggotry for people who want to believe they won't go to Hell for sucking cocks.
GTFO queer.
I've got one for the Hávamál, plus a hard copy at home.
It's a relatively short read, but contains quite a few bits of good wisdom.
To be fair, it was Satan that fucked around with Job
I'd argue divination is a little different from prayer, at least in theory.
I mean it was essentially a back room bet with god to see how much lucy could fuck with him before he totally lost his shit.
and god was like "Lol k dis'll be good"
I would hold him accountable in that.
>christians under the false belief that they live in a christian society when in fact all of european customs, traditions, and holidays are literally pagan/heathen just renamed a bit
Rune casting is closer to meditation than most modern forms of prayer. I'd argue stuff like blots are like modern masses/prayer meetings rather than rune casting.
I know man, I'm happy where I live. But I still like to travel.
It might. Like I said, I'm not a practicing pagan, just like basically no one here is a practicing christian. I just like those stories better.
Here your tax money goes to the religious group you are registered or directly to the state if you choose not to register in anything.
I picked them because they are chilled and they have beer. I'm not serious about it.
Awesome, thanks for the link.
No, runic divination is mostly a modern tradition. I mean rune magic in the form of how Egil handled it-- using them for healing, for instance. Further, how Odin describes them in the Havamal. For specific uses. Necromancy, healing, seduction, convincing/charismatic speech.
I say we create a Heathen/Asatru/Norse general on /x/. Anyone down?
I practice it. It's made me a much better person. I've only gotten benefits from it and it was an easier thing to buy into than Christianity since it's grounded a heck of a lot more in reality and human nature than Christianity.
>>Pursue wisdom/knowledge
>>Honor ancestors
>>Family is all
>Basically the same shit as prayer in Christianity, just a different way of it.
You don't know jack shit about Christianity, fool.
>Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.
>I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled? But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished! Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
Will google translate be stronk enough for that site?
>ancient culture = religion
Stop. You can live in the way of your ancestors without being a LARPer.
Tell Odin to send his Valkyrie again, I missed her the first time.
No they aren't. At best you can argue for culture.
The Stories of Odin and the sagas don't qualify as religious texts anymore than beauty and the beast.
They also aren't norse, they are continental but have been nordicized over time. The Norsemen just reinterpreted everything from an earlier time period.
Read "The Everlasting Man" the ancient tales are heroic, but they do not answer life's burning questions.
i wish i could LARP with you guys, my ancestors were celts instead of nords though
we were probably more badass than vikings, we ate eachother
That has nothing to do with the function of prayer, but okay.
>You don't know jack shit about Christianity
Odd. I was raised in the Bible Belt, studied to be a preacher until around 17, and even after falling out with the religion due to its more deterministic/fatalistic tendencies, I still hold some of its teachings in high regard.
But, you're right. I know nothing of Christianity.
Ah, good to hear. I would read it anyway though :P
Most don't practice here either, I think, but I believe that's changing slowly.
Have fun man, traveling is fun. I finally get to do that during Easter holiday after many years of just working. gon b gud
>It's made me a much better person. I've only gotten benefits from it
I just checked it out and it seems to be allright. Did not read it thoroughly though.
>The Stories of Odin and the sagas don't qualify as religious texts anymore than beauty and the beast.
Same with the bible to be honest. It isn't to be taken too seriously. You get values and such from the words and use them in your own life. You can get values and morals from many works of pure fiction. It isn't the word that matters, it's what the word says.
>I know nothing of Christianity.
He's right, you don't. If you do, it's completely distorted beyond recognition.
Darkness does not mix with light, you're mocking God my friend.
I dunno, I think Glima is pretty cool.
>and even after falling out with the religion due to its more deterministic/fatalistic tendencies, I still hold some of its teachings in high regard.
Yeah, you're a son of Baalim.
You were never actually a Christian, as those without the Holy Ghost can't make sense of the gospel.
I am the opposite, I was raised by Catholic apostates that never went to church aside from the rare holiday service of infant baptism.
God chose me at 38 years old.
135 IQ tested by the State of commiefornia. I thought all christfags were rural and suburban retards until God lifted the veil.
>studied till I was 17
Oh boy! You must be so wise!
Re-read Romans, and if you're still blind then maybe it's God's will?
it's a good thing in that it connects white people with their homelands, but too many cucks and leftie women are into paganism so they're destroying that too with their insistence that even European religions are up for grabs to all comers and need to be remade in a more inclusive, diverse spirit. I'm not even advocating for segregation, but their motives seem less about sharing something beautiful and more about their political agenda.
He now makes human sacrifices once every 9 years which pleases Odin and thus makes him better
This should be the #1 priority for them. Too many of these 'heathens' are neckbeards and blue-haired landwhales with a penchant for Wicca and other fake crap like that.
>Where is the lexicon for this religion?
Closest thing to a 'Bible' that they have is the Eddas. You have the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda. Both are good reading. The problem is that these were both written down well into Christian times so the accuracy is debatable. Archaeological evidence also fails to indicate solid patterns that would indicate particular beliefs: different regions seem to have had their own religious and cultural traditions with their own archaeological 'find footprints'. In short, it's a decentralized convoluted mess and that's why I can't believe in it.
You make Christians look insane.
That's sad. The same thing happened to Christianity.
>there are 47 genders
>some men are born with vaginas
Spiritual motivation to better myself physically, mentally, spiritually, taught me to in practice reject nihilism and hedonism instead of simply preaching it.
I guess so, by Romans' logic.
For he says to Moses,
“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”[f]
16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”[g] 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.
Not sure how you can justify a god who would create some knowing that they were doomed to hell from the start. But, it's your life, friend.
Not the guy who originally posted, but can say the same for me.
Since picking up Asatru, I've been pushed to better myself physically; hold to my oaths; it's reinforced my belief in caring for my family; it's made me seek to actively improve my frith (the community around me), and it has also brought me closer to my ancestors.
Your greentext has nothing to do with anything I said. Also yes, sometimes insane people are just that, insane.
Ok I guess that's pretty cool
So Paganism=NoFap?
A good starter for anyone who's interested.
It's not necessarily part of it. You can pursue that if you want but I have quit porn.
But the belief, the idea which no one can get out from under is there is a significant power beyond human understanding. This is illustrated best by the Christian worldview. It's the only one which respects the freedom and dignity of man.
Am I the only one who finds Asian women to be non-attractive?
Not really sure how you can distort something that's written in plain black/white.
God dooms or boons those he creates from the moment he creates them. Like a potter, he makes some jars to place on a shelf, and others to break upon the ground. How is that righteous? Fair?
Christianity is a slave religion. It teaches you that it is good to weak. It is good to not have luxery in your life. You should love the people who fuck you over. The Jews are the chosen people. Blah, blah, blah...
Christianity is designed to enslave you. It's not our native religion. It came from the middle east. It destroyed our culture and erased (burned) most of our true historical documents.
For me its either 10/10 or total dumpster fire. Not usually in between.
How is that?
Plenty of other religions respect freedom and dignity.
Buddhism, Taoism, and many eastern religions. Not only Heathenry/Asatru, but it -definitely- encourages dignity and freedom amongst its followers by emphasizing the "business" of its gods. How, ultimately, the gods help those who help themselves.
I feel like I'm speakign with people who've never bothered to give a real look outside of their own bubble.
we need luxery and it is not good to weak
>What a fag
Oh, the irony!
christianism is anti nationalism
>everyone is equal
>give the other cheek
>bla bla bla
For me, I like a natural beauty in women. If they are wearing makeup, it's a turn off for me. I want their natural face with no man-made junk covering it. The problem with most Asian women is without makeup, many of them look very very similar to one another and very normal to me as a European. I'm sure maybe Asian males see it differently, but I can't. Many western women can be amazing without any makeup, and that is what I set as the standard of beauty. It's sad to me that many western women have turned to such a lifestyle that they must sleep around and be dolled up all day.
Yeah usually they just look like aliens to me. There's that one picture that gets reposted all the time of an Asian girl with a huge ass and tits oiled up in short shorts that always gives me diamonds though.
even though christianity and nations co-existed for thousands of years, christianity is now all about open borders, multiculturalism and globalism.
and the "no greek or jew, all are one in Christ" passage isn't just talking about whether or not someone is more saved than another based on their pedigree like the context suggests, but it's about the dissolution of heritage/ethnicity/culture.
Many Christians are drilled into from a young age that if they are not Christian and believe in Jesus they will burn in hellfire. They cannot worship false idols, etc. I think this is a very unhealthy view of religion and stops them from exploring other religions. This is not a healthy view. Buddhism teaches that one may try and follow the teachings of Buddha, but only commit if they feel that they would benefit from such teachings. There is no coercion. It is a healthy existence. Religions that must mandate you are to be one way or you will be severely punished leave no room for exploration, no room for free thought. They are dangerous in my eyes. These being the religions. such as Christianity, Islam. I believe humans are free thinkers, capable of their own will. Religions built by man should be something to learn from, not something that stables your life. But that is my belief.
Jesus is the spotless Lamb of God, His word manifest in the flesh. Born to a blessed virgin. He was crucified, died, and he resurrected on the 3rd day. He ascended to heaven and is at the right hand of the Father. The Holy Ghost dwells within us as helper and teacher, He convicts us. The Father Son and Holy Ghost are one.
My soul has been purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ, by His grace through my faith in Him.
I believe this literally.
>wah wah wah God doesn't fit into my narrow worldly perception of right and wrong
It's absolutely absurd and arrogant to think you can impose your standards of justice on the God who created you. That's literally Luciferian.
God created man and gave us free will.
Just because He knows every choice we will make, doesn't mean we all don't make our own choices.
Cry harder for Pharoah, edgelord.
You sound like some sort of socialist pussy butthurt that "life isn't fair", and that God didn't create some perfect socialist utopia where you never made poor choices because you are a commiebot without free will.
>I believe this literally.
As many do. That doesn't make you any less insane. As a non-Christian, those words mean nothing to me. I respect your ability to believe in them, but do not expect me to think you insane when you say things like that.
>Religions built by man should be something to learn from, not something that stables your life.
that would be everyone's view if they thought the 'truth' revealed through it was constructed rather than revealed
As with most races there are exceptions but no you aren't, I think they look like ayys.
>on the God who created you
God did not create us. Our mothers and fathers created us. The materials and energy of the earth created us. Circumstances created us. God is made in the image of man. Beings existed before man. If a being in the image of man created the earth, the universe, and all things, why is he created in the image of a being that evolved slowly over millions of years after other creatures came to be which had no semblance of any human. What a shortsighted worldview to view the creator of the universe as ourselves.
>Cry harder for Pharoah, edgelord.
>You sound like some sort of socialist pussy butthurt that "life isn't fair"
If this is a Christian, no wonder your religion is failing.
I'm not socialist though, friend. I'm extremely right wing. It's like you're trying to find a justification for disagreeing with me by painting me to be your anti-thesis, when we probably have very similar views.
The truth is goodness and morals. The human condition allows this as we have the capacity for it while other simpler beings do not. A man in the sky, life after death, all of this is additional for a purpose. If there is no heaven or hell, if there is no reincarnation, if there is no harem of 40 virgins, then there is less drive to do good. Simple people need such a drive if they are to do good. Not everyone carries the genes for empathy unfortunately, and many of these religions were heralded in much rougher times.
Any scholarly works (papers, books) to help track the evolution of the myths, text integrity etc.?
Like you'd see in Bible studies. I mean, i assume it exists....
Most of the Sagas are untouched, but the Prose Edda/Havamal are written with a large christian influence thanks to Snorri. Beyond that, everything's in the air. We have oral tradition still being passed down in some regions of Scandanavia and Iceland, and some papers mentioning the Christian influences on the aforementioned, and that's it.
>The truth is goodness and morals
if there is no God, there are no moral truths.
>man in the sky
are you on the spectrum?