Why is it always the white girl pared up with the black guy?
Why is it always the white girl pared up with the black guy?
Why is the black guy fucking science related? The only science they do, is finding out how to kill each other and steal shit.
>le black science guy
Niggers are nords now.
Don't forget the gay demasculated white male that isn't considered a threat.
why is the white guy gay though
le tumblr nose
and the white boy is a faggot
where do you get this gay shit?
I see some Sergei fella in the google home page
Why the fuck is the white guy missing a hand
Because it's literally the hottest thing ever?
The white race is the most beautiful, elegant, refined, and "human" of the races... Naturally, our women are of a caliber of feminity and beauty unmatched. They are princesses.
The black race is the most ugly, brutish, unrefined, and "animal" of the human races... Naturally, their men are of a caliber of masculinity and ferineness unmatched. They are monsters.
There is nothing, NOTHING hotter than seeing the latter horrendous monster absolutely BRUTALLY, SEXUALLY ANNIHILATE, RAVAGE, AND MAKE IMPURE the former previously pristine princess.
For thousands of years we kept them apart, but now we can finally indulge in the ultimate taboo... The absolute ultimate in hotness.
Quick! How do I upvote this?
>filtering an ID
>this retard still doesn't realize for the past YEAR ID's have been thread specific
He's the only able-bodied straight man in that picture.
He touched the Muslim girl and her brother avenged the disgrace.
'Cause they need a contrast. If not, they look like a brownscale
this is a surprisingly good reason.
because ((( Google ))) is part of globalist Jewish gang ..
Probably the clearest insight into the mind of a liberal. Take note, everyone.
>has a black person's brain inside his skull
Why do you think retard?
Race mixing lowers IQ according to the super secret MK ultra genetic experiments.
CIA literally kidnaps children for trillionaires genetic experiments, proactively jewing humanity.
Because they know no white man would ever touch a woman after she's been with a nigger.
>NWO population control
>Rothschild bow to them
Children's section of the local library.
There literally isn't a single straight white male in that picture.
They aren't even pretending anymore. Diversity is about getting rid of straight white men.
The only white males are cripples and fags.
Really causes one to contemplate.
does this violate the NAP?
because I'm sure this does violate the NAP
Bmwf is the optimal pairing.
I think i just retched inside when i saw that
Oh shit, Heathcliff.
Gay is a religion now?
Whos is the one that's looking directly at you???
reinforcement of what's "acceptable and normal". Same reason why villains and characters with evil hidden intentions are always white (or at times not even that, just men in general with creepy intentions)
Jews bruh. The negro I their biological weapon against all races, not just whites.
It's why they keep the African baby boom going, so they can spread their negro all over the planet and they're spilling everywhere.
They use their media to promote the negro to all women and paint him as some sex god to get the whores all riled so they have mixed, rootless babies who will worship their new Jewish overlords.
Why are you even asking? White men are considered the root of all evil in left-wing ideology, so of course they're not going to show a straight, white guy in a positive light, unless he's portrayed as a liberal pussy.
but she's not paired up she's just havin some fun with her friends :)
>wheelchair and cane dudes in the back, not holding a letter or doing anything significant
wow nice "inclusiveness" message you ableist fucks
really makes you sick
>Naturally, their men are of a caliber of masculinity and ferineness unmatched
>Get btfo'd and enslaved by every civilization to come into contact with them
You don't end whiteness by pairing white men with other races, goy.
Your autism is showing senpai
I'm so tired of the diversity meme.
Who but the most psychotic thinks people of vastly different backgrounds will just get along fine? Whites like whites, blacks like blacks, Muslims like Muslims, etc.
agenda "well as long as it doesn't hurt anyone..."
Look at horned sign in the back
No worries if ur filled with spirit then you probably had revelation that humans and 21st century will be judged
That's probably what they feed to kids in school
"Well we are all friends ! We are all good! Yay!"
It seems google's image algorithm just adds more pictures of blacks, but hardly any race mixing.
>American Couple
>2nd suggestion: Obese
ayy lmao Google Bantz are pretty good gotta admit
Why are the white guys all cripples?
how 'e=' is science related retard?
Look like more gay propaganda to me.
Not true. You are an idiot who believes (((their))) lies.
>he doesn't know what e equals
Holy shit you retarded cunt
the muslim would murder the gay guy not stand in the same row as him, its all false
I'd really like to know this as well. (((They))) are not even trying to flood the country with Africans, it's spics that we're getting en masse.
Not one regular person in that entire sketch
>white men are all gay, old, or crippled
this shit is not on Romanian google homepage....just saying
It's just women and beta fags. Notice all of the women have to be in the center of it.
Because they were meant to be together, like peanut butter and jelly.
>Jew right in the center
>Jew behind the Muslim and the shitskin tranny
What is Google trying to say?
are you serious?
you're supposed to complete it in your head so it says "e equals" you think m c squared
If it makes you feel any better they are more likely to die from the cold since their body needs more sun than whites and will develop vitamin D deficiency and die.
Gee, i don't know who could be behind this.
Does it go into detail on how they molest her?
>Why is it always the white girl pared up with the black guy?
pic related
Because even the niggers realize that their women are disgusting pigs.
Look it up. She literally couldn't think of another symbol to use, so she just made this one up to mean "equality". They really let any shit go these days.
>they are both masturbating
heck yeah kiddo
"""Art""" by 15 year old Sarah Harrison. 20 bitcoin says we could find her tumblr page.
A 15 year old from fucking Wisconsin
Conneticut actually, but still, fuck wisconsin
This is the shit her high school pushes on her. No fucking wonder.
>we got a handicap guy
> a gay dude
> a muslim chick
>a jew girl in the middle
>with a what seems to be bisexual arab guy
>next to a white girl in between two dudes
>other one is a black guy
>old man included, hand on the black guys shoulder encouraging
what did they mean by this guys?
whats their end game?
God I love being a white alpha male. Niggers can't do shit to me and I can openly be racist to their faces. Love hitting a jig in the jaw when he thinks he can talk back to a white person because so many are soft and weak. The strong and fighter class whites will always be here to stop the niggers and protect our own race.
i never notice these things. how much fucking cuck porn do you watch?
Why is their no Hinduism :(
There is a muslim, a gay, a jew, and a christian, something something isn't right
look at the shadow above the christian
then look at the shadow above the jew
the light-skinned males are 1> a cripple 2> a faggot and 3> another cripple
he's also a math whiz drawn by someone who doesn't know what math is
Because all white men are crippled at this pic. Some postapocaliptic antiutopia illustration probably.
Found the """artist"""
eastern religion aka true mysticism is bad for globalists so of course they dont represent it
Sounds accurate to me desu
Japanese/Korean are the most elegant and refined.
Abbos are the most monstrous.
I would not want to see those fuck.
mudslime bitch needs a waistwatch with crimson cylinder embellishments
Pure coincidence, Go-er, guy.
I wonder if she even knows any niggers or towelheads
>all these free you's
shit, i should start posting like this too LOL
Clearly not. 15 year olds are retarded.
>le stem darkies
>1 white fag, 2 white cripples