If Trump proves to be a Russian puppet, does Sup Forums care?
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No, Sup Forums is a bunch of kremlin bots.
we are the russians, you developmentally disabled shill
half of Sup Forums are probably russian puppets
by just suggesting that i've made myself his useful idiot
yea, i'm am advance IA automated bot made by russian hackers to brainwash 12 year olds to convince their parents to fight the evils of the juvenile left.
They could literally have videotaped evidence of Putin conspiring with Trump, and feeding him lines, and talking about plans to dismantle the US government on multiple copies across every single non-Infowars news site in the world, with verified evidence and no proof of doctoring, and they would STILL cry Jews/CTR/Deep State/etc. This is where we are at
"4D Chess" is actually code for Russian dominance.
how much does the left care about the democrats being a russian puppet?
not to mention a ukranian puppet, a saudi arabian puppet etc etc...
Define "puppet".
democrats are going to say that taking one rubble from russia means that trump has turned traitor and is working for the russians.
This includes a russian staying at one of his hotels and tipping a bellboy
I would say a lot.
Trump called for Russians to find Hillary's missing 30k emails at a public rally. If there is a conspiracy, 60 million well-armed Trump voters are in on it. You gonna come after us too?
Wasn't Jane Fonda the one photographed on a commie AA gun in Vietnam? Why are liberals suddenly "patriots"?
find one democrat that has claimed to be 'concerned' by a bank transfer of 1 billion rubbles to podesta.
I am waiting.
As long as Trump makes good on his promise to deport brown people out of the country, they dont care if he's a traitor or not.
This is the mentality of these bozos.
Assisted into office with Russian money for Russian interest with continual influence.
But Trump is plays 5D chess
This is retarded. The closest thing thing that Trump did to "colluding" with Russians was when he went on national television and encouraged them to hack them again.
If OP turns out to be a biased piece of shit, doesn't anyone take his thread seriously?
They're as deluded as Trump himself. They make their own reality. If something doesnt go their way, they blame whatever scapegoat is the easiest to blame.
Right now they're in full "B-B-B-BUT HILLARY! B-B-B-BUT OBAMA!!" mode.
you mean like the evidence we have of a billion rubbles being transfered to Podesta's account?
not a good week to bring this weak shit to pol leftards
JESUS CHRIST, looks like Tim Horton's is running a nice P.C. commercial up in Canada. Makes me sick.
Thumbs down
everyone is biased. I'm not giving my opinion, just asking.
Of gorsh
However, if Putin really masterminded the restoration of the US economy and all this government power being devolved back to the states and therefore people, we'd also have to seriously rethink Putin
Unfortunately, Putin doesn't seem that honorable or well-intentioned, even if he is an actual non-evil human being compared to the Marxists and globalist pigdogs
>how much does the left care about the democrats being a russian puppet?
I think its time to let all this shit out, from both sides. Russia has been influencing world politics for years and it's time it all comes out no matter who is behind it.. I mean, the U.S. does the same thing too, we undermine foreign politics and influence and it's wrong.
And I'm saying this as a Democrat. Let the people that fall be examples not to collude with foreign governments to undermine democracy.
I agree with this user, no shilling. But I assume ((((They)))) would rather see it all burn than do this.
Although having a foreign power influence your election is bad, it doesn't necessarily mean that the candidate in question made any deals with said foreign power. It's not uncommon for foreign governments to try to influence the outcomes of results in elections, but they're less than likely to make direct deals with candidates.
Even United States has put many people into power without them even realizing what we were doing.
Although Russia likely had every interest in trying to influence the outcome of our election, I highly doubt that they approached Trump directly to make a deal with him. Perhaps the Russian government could've had a closer relationship with the White House, seeing as how Trump is the kind of narcissist who becomes easy to approach if you butter him up, but that's probably unlikely now that all this Russian conspiracy bullshit has popped up and Trump is trying to save his precious image.
I actually doubt that Russia has that much to gain out of continual influence in Washington, other than the leasing of a few sanctions. I think they were thinking that Trump would be easier to negotiate with than Clinton would've.
Why am i supposed to side with mexican and jew communists/globalists before white, nationalist countries again?
reasonable response.
there is no question trump made deals. Obama set the trap and he fell for it hook line and sinker.
Obama kicked out the russian embassadors, a complete dick move in which he gave them 24hours to get their families and move out for no other reason that "the russians might have hacked the election". No proof was given, it was insulting and Obama should have gotten a lot more shit than he did for it.
Russians contacted the trump administration to complain and he probably told them not to worry, he would fix it.
That is all that the democrats need to drive this shit for the next two years. sad
But they don't, because there isn't any evidence.
Russia is our ally. If President Trump has business interests of any kind there, then making him a "puppet" is just spin control.
>Russians contacted the trump administration to complain and he probably told them not to worry, he would fix it.
But that's not what the libtards have been saying: they've been saying that Trump has been a Russian "puppet" from the beginning and that Trump only got elected because he conspired with Putin.
all 120 /ptg/ inbreds literally eats drumpfs cum. daily
you missed the post above that showed trump told the russians to find the 30k missing hillary emails.
Nice shill thread you got here
I just rosemaryed this shit, come at me bro
Liberals and dems will say whatever they need to sink Trump and claw power back for themselves. It does not matter what the truth is whatsoever.
Cuz that's exactly what happened eh? Makes you think/can't let him get nuke codes
Russia should be our ally, we need them to find Isis and fix the ISIS mess.
Obama and Hillary cucked them on ukraine though, they don't want that shit to come out.
Russians hacked the election? not half as much as Ukraine tried to for Hillary
sounds like that's what you really believe. as in, your entire mindset is based around a fantasy scenario involving trump that you've concocted in your head. nothing about your beliefs are remotely grounded in reality.
>Russia is our ally.
being this dumb
$.15 rubbles have been deposited to your Google Wallet account.
the sad part is I can't even tell if you are being ironic.
that is how braindead the left has become
That was my post.
That wasn't exactly a conspiracy: he flat-out said it in front of a crowd on national television.
Anyway, although I was a Democrat at the time I said that, I couldn't help but agree with him a bit: the fact that the Democratic Party is so afraid of hackers leaking their corruption and foiling their plots by creating democratic accountability, just goes to show how horrible the party is. Maybe if those idiots didn't scream "muh Russia" repeatedly, and actually took responsibility for the shit that was exposed, then just maybe they might have not lost what little remaining faith their constituents had in them.
you desperately want to believe that every single person in russia is a paid operative. you've concocted a narrative that anyone who disagrees with your opinions is a foreign agent. once again, your worldview is based around an entirely fabricated scenario that exists nowhere outside of your head.
This is really the most depressing fact about politics I know of... and I'm a political science major.
Yeah Drumpftards will be so before when it's proven they colluded with Russia in the election. When is that gonna happen though. So far, only evidence of a witch hunt.
Oh come on. An actual Russian shill would at least use a proxy.
>Calls someone a shill for asking a hypothetical question
If it weren't for it being a containment board I would be in favor of nuking Sup Forums the same way /new/ was
democrats got away easy. at least hillary lost, please have her run again in three years
>If it weren't for it being a containment board I would be in favor of nuking Sup Forums the same way /new/ was
Then why are you even here if its so bad?
We already have a Chinese puppet as our leader and nobody bats an eye
We have much more in common with Russia than we have with ISIS
>being this dumb right back at you, faggot
they don't because they're essentially a fifth column that stands against literally everything this country stands for
if you think about it, they hate everything about modern america and want it destroyed given that they are almost all life losers
> Sup Forums is a bunch of kremlin bots
What pisses me off is when they come with Polish, Canadian, Swiss, German, American, Australian flags. Fucking false flag shills!
someone has to speak for reason
I don't like Putin but I hate the left more
I'll put it to you like this. If Putin had not white skin these people would call it racist to even think he could be controlling anything. It's what happens in this country when you call out Trudeau for being too friendly with the Chinese
You must be friendly because China is the future USA on steroids.
>someone has to speak for reason
you're only speaking for retards that think its zero hour production for ancient psyop methods though
And before Keystone XL was approved China was the only option to sell oil.
I rarely come to Sup Forums anymore. This is the first time in almost 2 months and only clicked this thread to see the responses.
Some of us realy like Putin so yes
and now you can fuck off back to /qa/, scooter
Actually I spend a lot of time on /fit/ and /tg/
Left my dislike
I'm sorry dude, but if you no longer see any quality or virtue in this board, I advise that you just leave it altogether. One should never post to Sup Forums with the ambition to change it: it's just impractical. You do not change Sup Forums; Sup Forums changes you.
I thought we were all Russians spies, was I lied to?
>Wasn't Jane Fonda the one photographed on a commie AA gun in Vietnam? Why are liberals suddenly "patriots"?
Wasn't Richard Nixon the one who was elected (twice) on the promise to get America out of Vietnam? Why are conservatives suddenly "patriots"?
Nah, I'd just say Trump is being bipartisan and reaching across the aisle to appeal to the hippie boomer dreams of the Russians taking over America and running things properly.
The chunks need to be fought against. I'd rather the USSR be resurrected and become the new US than the fucking chinks
It's because of the yellow rats that our country is becoming minority white. They're ruining our cities and economy for their profit
No Soviet ever fucked with my housing market
If Trump was a Russian puppet the real question is how did it work, how did the FBI and 3 letter agencies not detect it during the actual elections?
>No proof was given,
What is it about Sup Forumsacks that they think the nation's intel community is going to comprimise their sources just to run the evidence past a bunch of neckbeard NEETS?
Should I?
Did you care that Obama was a globalist puppet?
Does it hurt being this stupid
>Not being Russias ally equates to being an ally of a terror state
Weeew lad, you have adhd or something dont you?
i thought warring in foreign countries was the pinnacle of patriotism? i mean why else would all you tolerant, progressive liberals want boots on the ground in syria?
you do realize where russia came into relevance regarding trump in the first place? during the election, he repeatedly stated that he wants to work with us to destroy ISIS. that was it. he never said a word about lifting sanctions, cutting trade deals, virtually nothing that would truly benefit us. he wanted to wipe out ISIS without having to put a single US soldier on the ground.
apparently that's bad. working with russia to destroy a terrorist organization is apparently the wrong thing to do. tell me, why should ISIS continue to exist? why would anyone oppose a brief military partnership to eradicate a terrorist cell unless they support said terrorist cell? where is the logic?
Trump is a Russian puppet but, get this, the Kremlin is a DNC/Soros puppet. the democratic candidate for 2020 will have views/politics that are more progressive then even Bernie Sanders and they will still win in a landslide over Trump.
You will regret not lending your meme magic towards Jeb! being the republican nominee and President.
Because if can't see the evidence then why should we believe them?
The source isn't important, but any evidence and it's validity is.
But leftists like you seem to have no problem with the idea of kangaroo courts and "guilty until proven innocent" and "fuck facts, it's how I feel that matters"
Until I see some actual evidence then I'm not buying it. Why should the public trust any of those agencies or the media on just their word when we all saw first hand how much the facts got twisted for a narrative during the election.
Seriously, fuck anyone who doesn't demand to see the evidence.
>Keep Your Distance Senpai!
>Чтo тaкoe Poccия?
>Tы жeнилcя нa этoм, cын.
>Я нe мapиoнeткa
>Пoддeльныe нoвocти
>Nyet Comey
> Дocьe
>No Soviet ever fucked with my housing market
Literally took everything my grandparents owned. And they were the lucky ones because they weren't shot or sent to Gulag.
>false flag
Was Sup Forums ever anything but ?
That would be unfortunate, but still better than the alternative. Under Russian rule, vodka and bikinis are allowed, whites will not be genocided. Under Sharia, we don't even get that.
I just wanted to call you retarded, russianfag has given you all the info you need.
The best way to find out is to produce evidence.
the DNC email 'hacking' (which sounds more grown up than phishing) consisted of an email that a 12 year old could put together saying
>please send me your gmail password.
the dnc run this email by their security personnel who told them they needed to send them their password.
Dafuq are you going to prove anything from this, other than the demtards are retarded?
Don't hand over your gmail password to anybody that asks for it in your next election
Your retard is showing.
I'm just asking, no reason to get offended
I remember Sup Forums before flags and it was very different.