>mfw I want to be a Nazi but I can't because I'm brown
What do I do, Sup Forums?
>mfw I want to be a Nazi but I can't because I'm brown
What do I do, Sup Forums?
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Vocally defend nationalism for all peoples including whites
stop being brown
>implying race is only skin deep
get plastic surgery to look more european too
Tell whites they are worth more in their country as you are worth more in your country. And ignore civ nat aussie Nigger jew
>ib4 born Ameritard
no, you ain't an american and you will never be
just be a honorable person and resist degeneracy and you will be whiter than most whites today.
Your brown- ness will actually give you a lot more room to speak crime think and "hate facts".
Even Hitler allowed non- whites as soldiers into the Wehrmacht.
Why are Europeans so jealous of Americans. America is not a white country.
civic nationalism is cancer promoting race mixing, decline of cultural values, crime, uncertainty...all in all degeneracy, leading to third gen Niggers who got raised and socialised into Nigger culture asking for the same right
Civ Nat is the predecessor of communism
Nazi Germany - Socialist - Aryan Nationalism
Communist China - Communist - Anti- Japanese Nationalist
Soviet Russia - Communist - White Nationalist
Civic Nationalism is better than what you lot have to offer and looks good to actual working class people who don't have time to jack off to stormfront every hour. People like Ben Carson, Gad Saad and Thomas So well are more influential and important than you'll ever be.
USA has always been a civic national nation. The difference is that in the past all newcomers were encouraged to respect the Anglican foundation to the nation (freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms, classical liberalism in general).
Historically though we had cool off periods for immigration but now that is verbotim.
Europe is not America though. They have historical nations and them denying the existence of the various indigenous ethnicities in Europe is disgusting and hypocritical.
So you unironically say, that black countries and Asian countries should be made piss poor and stupid, so everyone thinks at one moment, lets ALL go to the glorious west.
You are kind of racist and bigot TRS
and let me add. Anti Nationalist
I feel you USA. I identify as a brown male and just want to praise Hitler and a cock, but only one of those will let me. :(
Be a panafrican leader
>Kémi Seba
Be like this guy
Or this guy
250 Shekel you are a mixed or full Nigger who is aware of the degeneracy of Nigger culture and is so edgy to believe, because he betrayed his own race, that he might adapt to white culture.
News for you Nigger, culture memes are hard wired into your brain and DNA. Go back to your country of origin and make it great again
Didn't say that. I'm arguing that capitalist countries are better than socialist ones. Look at Japan and South Korea vs N Korea. Or Chile vs Venuzela. Genetics doesn't play into it. Economics does. You can carry on being an edgy teen on the internet but there are good Blacks and Brown people who actually want freedom and have contributed to us, like serving the armed forces or becoming doctors. What are you gonna do to them? Kick them out and say "haha, feck off nigger?" How are you gonna sell that to working class whites?
Or also this guy
Or this guy
and him
I am not black but even if I was a non- white person can still oppose immigration for a number of reasons.
I do disagree with Americanizing Europe and non- European countries as well. Globalization is killing cultures and replacing it with a degenerate corporatist and cultural troskyite slush.
grow out of it you retard
>have contributed
me me me me me me me me me
Fucking degenerate not appreciating the fucking PRIVIGLEGE getting a head start and the ability to make YOUR culture great again. Those who stay in a comfy west for ma pension, ma friends, ma gibsmedat, where WHITES have fought over fucking 2000 years to have a decent live are to put it bluntly traitors in every sense and of the word. To their people and to those giving them ressources for that they make the world great again
>Genetics doesn't play into it. Economics does
meme lefty detected. Get off whatever meme degree you studied
>ib4 economics hard science
Read the part about mememememe
Doesn't he just fit the Ameritard description so well?
That is an argument against unfettered immigration dumb ass. We hollow out the prospective middle and upper middle classes in developing nations.
In some countries like the Philippines, half of all college graduates immigrate to another country. You are left with a situation where they develop more slowly than they would otherwise or worse produce a death spiral where the status quo of a few elites and a massive underclass remains unchanged.
How am I a lefty? You're the one who calls himself a Nazi(Psst, hey retard, they were fucking socialists). Answer my question now, unless you wanna quit like you retards always do when I ask the same question. What do we do to immigrants or their descendants who integrated, are normies or red-pilled and contributed to our culture? Do we say "Yeah, you're a citizen who was born here, served in the forces, lost body parts, but your black so fuck off!"? And if that is what you want to do, how are you gonna sell that to everyone else in the country?
Be a national socialist anyway. Take out the parts specific to ethnic germans in the 1930s and it's a great ethos for any ethnicity.
Boost capitalism, Pick wisely between companies,
1 person can be the differences between
a Burger costing $0.99 to $1.49. Be That Difference!
If there's one thing Sup Forums doesn't tolerate it's self hate.
by selling ethno food, asking for special gibs medat for minorities and learn their children the way of the ancestors? And I can't state it enough, those who stayed are traitors, your parents and grand parents are traitors, like my parents are traitors for being 68er scum and letting the yidish plague burn the land.
>How to sell
Easy, history, an accurate one. Triggering ancient memes hardwired into the subconsciousness of those who no more about the territory and culture than ma 100 years thought by the yid.
>How am I a lefty
your post buddy gave your away
>contributed to ""our"" culture
Ad you are the yid
you sir are a communist or at least some one who ate the economic jew.
>Filtered ID
Time for a merchant thread, get your rares out
This. OP, being a Nazi is ridiculous. They're socialists and /pol has never been in favour of that. If you wanna be considered the same as everyone else just embrace freedom and liberty, speak without a shitty accent and don't associate with people who act like niggers.
Nazis were a dismal failure. There only utility in today's world is edgy memes.
Even other authoritarian conservatives (note nazis were revolutionaries not conservatives) all failed against the liberal juggernaut. Franco, Salazar, and Mussolini all failed to maintain traditional societies.
The only authoritarian conservative that did anything that had any sort of success was Pinochet and that was both because he had the most basic goals (suppressing communism and raising his country's living standards) and that he voluntarily stepped down as opposed to waiting until he died (Franco and Salazar) or got killed (Hitler and Mussolini).
As it stands authoritarian conservativism can only hold off liberalism and cultural Trotskyist shit during only the tenure of the regime's leader and founder.
You have an advantage to redpill normies for the problems this world is going through.
If you get yourself a coalburner, don't be afraid to speak of your concerns with our people's survival.
Speak up against the degenerate ghetto culture that is holding non-whites to a cycle of victimization and rage.
In the end, try and also be happy. Just don't give up altogether
Sure nigger, and North Korea is a Peoples' Democratic Republic lulz
also requests welcome
Do what I can, but remember no one has all the merchant
>Not answering the question I asked in two consecutive posts
Good to know you can defend your points.
>posting merchants
Edgy. If you carry on saying nigger and posting more Jew memes you'll look just like the rest of us!
>Not knowing North Korea is best Korea
Benis :D
no you tried to get the discussion of topic. And btw, who are you to expect any one to answer you. Be happy about (you)s
Yes you can friend.
See, you can do it if you try
Become a Hotep (assuming you're black)
Exactly this. Idpol and cultural trotskyism has everyone at each other's throats. Respect yourself and respect others.
Degeneracy hurts everyone.
Sure lol. Stormniggers mad that people expect him to prove his point. Nobody cares any more spaz. Carry on posting rare merchants
And this
>kike detected
This guy is red pilled as fuck. I'd vote for him.
>op is nonwhite
>stormweenie crashes thread with no survivors
really makes you think
Funny that most white supremecists are untermensch or not even white
for you
>I want to be a Nazi but I can't because I'm brown
You know that's BS. True national socialism is for everyone.
Yep. I'm a kike. I'm also a nigger tranny muslim commie. But at least I'm not an edgy 40 year old who's done nothing with his life and needs to find reason to live from his ancestors who look down on him in disgust as he jacks his cock off to pornography erryday.
why are european posters so desperate for ethnic nationalism to replace civic nationalism?
On aside note. How Am I a Stormweenie arguing for self responsible cultural ethno states
>really makes almonds pop
You get some cool badges when you join bro.
>why do majority white countries want to keep being majority white
14-88 race war now!
Independent till the end
You can be a nazi just be sure you are a subhuman to the white man so you will always get the shit roles in the new world.
You can also do that pedo-ex-black-freak did and turn your self white.
Well why are Europeans telling Americans whether they're American and what to do in their own country?
Soviet Russia wasn't white nationalist
It polluted itself with The central asians
To be fair civic nationalism is very recent in europe. The Americanization of European nationality only got very underway in the 1990s.
You can be a nazi if you don't act like a nigger
>implying all nazis were white
I don't know? Maybe because what america does others follow.