>be afghan refugee with wife
>come to Germany
>thank Merkel so much that you decide to name your new born daughter Angela
>1 year later,their asylum gets rejected and they may face deportation back to Afghanistan
>be afghan refugee with wife
>come to Germany
>thank Merkel so much that you decide to name your new born daughter Angela
>1 year later,their asylum gets rejected and they may face deportation back to Afghanistan
that baby looks white
1) They won't be deported, they're probably actors
2) This is how governments regain popularity for DECREASING deportations
It's a trap.
I'm convinced, open the gates.
In skin tone only. However, Afghans do have the potential to have light-coloured eyes and hair unlike other sandniggers
It figures Germany would deport the white looking mudslimes and keep the shit skinned ones.
We need bulls, not kids and women
Problem is, I am hearing about people getting rejected and having to go back. It's quite common, I believe.
But on the other I keep seeing more and more foreigners and the government isn't telling what their plans are.
If you have 1,5 million coming and 500k get rejected, thats alot, but still 1 million get to stay.
Only single 20 year old men thanks. Also they have to be browner than that. That kid doesn't even have brown skin and black hair, can't have that.
>mfw the first post is a burger post
>no headscarf on the woman
that kind of shit doesn't fly in the new germany.
Not even actors can hide their disdain for this shit anymore
It's interesting
>anyone believe that a woman that old is the mother to that kid
>they may face deportation
how much does this shit story continue?
it's half a year old.
they're not going back.
half a million of them are gone. nobody know where the fuck they are.
gas germanistan.
what are the afgans seeking refuge from ?
>inb4 "themselves"
Think that fugee got bleached on the sly
No, no, no. Europe doesn't allow such things. Only "very mature" 17 year old unaccompanied male children.
Merkel will step in and they stay
screencap this
What the hell is that cunt's problem. One day she says they will be going back after the war is over, the next day she is begging for more if them.
It meant only pay
to Elsa Rae
Blacked is weak jew faggot