EU allowing the Spanish a veto

>The EU has put the future of Gibraltar at stake in the coming Brexit negotiations, in effect backing Spain in its centuries-old dispute with the UK over the British overseas territory.
Please tell me you're not planning on following the traitorous Scots and stabbing the United Kingdom in the back Gibraltar?

Other urls found in this thread:

Us Anglos gotta stick together

It's pretty clear by now Brexit was a mistake. The only people still insisting on it are Farage shills.

Fortunately there's still time to stop it. Brexit CAN and WILL be stopped. Everyone should email their MPs and put pressure on them to turn this sinking boat around.

You can find out who your MP is by checking your postcode here
Remember if they're Labour or LibDem you're safe, but if you're unlucky enough to live in a Tory constituency you will need to make a good case and say you will not vote for them in the next GE unless they oppose Theresa May's insanity!

They rather be an independent principality if they don't get a favorable deal after the brexit. That's what happens when you trust in gypos mixed with monkeys

How much is Soros paying you, cuck?

Or are you an Ahmed who is sad to see the British caliphate's days numbered.

>Or are you an Ahmed who is sad to see the British caliphate's days numbered.
Not a single paki will be deported because of brexit. White European migrants will be the only ones to suffer and instead we will get a second flooding of """commonwealth""" migrants ie excrement from nigeria, ghana, jamaica and india

Evening Rasheed.

gib raltars :^)

Do you want a General Election lad?

Spain can barely keep control of Basque and Catalonia let alone the prospect of taking on Gibraltar

It would surely be a good thing right now. Theresa May is taking us out of the EU on her own terms. We need due process and parliamentary scrutiny.

We should call a GE and independence referenda on Scotland, NI and Gibraltar then a second EU referendum once the terms of Brexit have become clear.

soo they want to punish people for not wanting to be a part of a shitty country like spain or a shitty "trade union" like the EU?


how is Spain wanting Gibraltar any different from Russia wanting Crimea?

We told you you would get screwed. We were not bluffing. You should have listened.

Yea, i'm not taking the word of a Spaniard.

>how is Spain wanting Gibraltar any different from Russia wanting Crimea?
Well said.

It's okay if the Jews are on your side. They know Spain taking over will just run everything to shit and everything will be liquidated down the line.
On another note, aren't you all tired of fighting? Why don't we lay our heads down and take a little nap

How do you propose to swing this against a 99% fuck you?


I can see the future:

>Gibraltar realise that there's no advantage of being outside the EU.
>They ask Spain if they can be part of the country.
>"No way, Joseph!". Now Gibraltar is in the middle of nowhere, sucking the richest cock.

>Take land from Spain 300 years ago
>Settle it with Brits
>See they want to remain in the UK!

Wew it's the Plantation of Ulster all over again

I think it's too late for that. The Brexit train can't be stopped.

Once your parliament voted to give your government a mandate to get out of the EU, it's only a matter of time.

>its a unite kingdom injecting their shitty populations in corners of the world and them claim that the land is theirs episode

Gibs are half indian anyway.

>The Spaniard wakes up, his wet dream leaving a slimy trail over his sheets
>The sound of his local mosque rings out morning prayer
>His morning radio blurts out reports of another armada of refugee ships have been rescued and imported
>He shakes his weak and feeble fist at the thought of the Rock standing firm and strong against Spanish immigration policies

You can go read The Telegraph every day to find ways to cope with your cognitive dissonance.

They have a daily "explanation" for every Brexit drawback.

gibraltar is fucked if they have to go through customs to get to spain, so maybe

They can't, Utrecht say that British or Spaniard so they get the fuck out the EU, and one tax haven less

The Falklands was never yours.

Tony is that you?

The falklands existed before Argentina was a country
You have no more right to it than us

Such a Beautiful Country so corrupt it's sad. Your population has given up.

>>The sound of his local mosque rings out morning prayer
I didn't know this was what Londoners wake up to.


good shitpost

If you Brits have the stones to fight for what's yours there are plenty of US vets and militiamen that will volunteer to join you. I've been hankering to kill some sandniggers ever since I came home from Iraq and Spaniards are pretty fuckin close


gibraltar is made up of spanish people who think they're english cos they eat fish and chips

What do you mean with 'allowing'? Spain has a veto because that is how the EU works.

Stop role playing you fucking faggot. UK and Spain aren't going to war. England just needs to accept they cucked themselves and the UK's days are numbered

So your breath smells of semen?


Pls invade and balkanise us.

>he doesn't know that Spain was a muslim country for 900 years until the 1700's
You have 2 million Muslims living in your country right now, which is 4.5% of your population.

Les Malouines sont à nous à l'origine...

Nice shitpost

>This entire post
Good bait

I'm down with Mattis murdering the EU over this

Referendums are fucking awful

>he thinks I'm joking
>Islam was a widespread religion in what is now Spain and Portugal for nine centuries, beginning with the Umayyad conquest of Hispania and ending (at least overtly) with its prohibition by the modern Spanish state in the mid-16th century and the expulsion of the Moriscos in the early 17th century.
>In recent decades, immigration has resulted in a resurgence in the presence of Islam, with nearly two million Muslims currently residing in Spain,[14] a significant portion of whom have obtained Spanish citizenship.
>Spains current population is 46 million

>make alliance with the US
>US places their aircraft carriers on the beaches
>go ahead Spain, make my day

Give back Gibraltar to Spain

You're a gobshite in written form. Extra bureaucracy is never good.

Besides 94% of Gibraltar voted to remain in the EU, they are not your friends

>Extra bureaucracy is never good
So why do you suppose British companies having to deal with piles of paperwork every time they want to sell something beyond the channel is a good thing?

your whole fucking country is a 300 year old British settlement on stolen land

by your logic the US still belongs to the natives


Europe is so great because it's diverse. Not diverse as it's been twisted in modern times.
Different cultures and traditions.
Centralising everything. using uniform packaging and melding everyone into one watered down version is not a good idea.
It's as far from a good idea as you can get.

>until 1700's
You skip the Spanish history lesson child.

>until the 1700s
but thats wrong, you fucking idiot

So I guess that we're not going to have a deal then.
The EU know we're not going to give it away, so I don't know what they're playing at.

What's it feel like to know that you'll always be a neet virgin living with mom, that you'll never shoulder a weapon in defense of your society and taste the blood of those who would bring it down? Go eat some tendies robot the men are talking

>EU tries to make UK give up territory, essentially.

>forgets the UK is a nuclear power.

Come on hans, I Fucking dare you.


No thanks muhammed

Do they not teach history in your Public Madrasas Achmed?

>EU makes threat

Do they actually have any power or is this the equivalent of a UN non-binding resolution?

The only thing that Spain can AND will do is kick Gibraltar out the EU with Scothland and all the other land that belong to the United Kingdom, they have to go back. Maybe after that the EU can push the Gibraltar thing in the Special Committee on Decolonization but inside the EU we can do nothing

If this is apparently what the EU does now, when are they pressing Greece's claim on Constantinople?

>tfw you inject 323 Argies into the sea

>The falklands existed before Argentina was a country

I mean, that's not true. We got it off the Spanish after Argentina seceded.

Doesn't it say a lot about the EU that they would take such vindictive action against Brexit?

Their behaviour confirms that Brexit was the right choice.

That is the deal: EU backs Spain on Gibraltar. Spain won't veto Scotland remaining in the EU after becoming independent.

agreed. i want to make them hurt.

>if you're unlucky enough to live in a Tory constituency

Counter offer: stop being cunts or we will nuke you.

you cute, mad little englishman.

Just nuke Berlin already.


I don't know, you're the ones throwing a hissy fit and gluing our photographs to love doll faces because we want to see other people.

time for you to die, shill cancer.

>gibraltar is made up of spanish people who think they're english
Fucking this. I have gone to Gibraltar a bunch of times, the first time I went there I asked a man something in English and he replied in Spanish. I didn't met a single person in my stay there who didn't reply me in Spanish. The only British thing there were the buses, the traffic and driving to the left. That's it. They're merely Spaniards LARPing as English.
Nevertheless to say that they're the most arrogant and self-centered assholes I've ever had the chance to meet, next to Norwegians and the Swiss. I don't give a fuck about the rock, I just want to have good relations with post-Brexit UK so we can crash this union with no survivors but geeze.

Also, your citizens whom are staying in Spain have to go back. There is this town next to where I live that is basically a fucking English colony. They are worried about Brexit but they won't get the Spanish nationality because they don't even speak Spanish, the newspapers in their kiosks are in English for fucks sake. They have to go back.

We need to deport immediately all british expats, A fucking cancer is what they are....


>inb4 brits stop going to Spain and your economy gets fugged even more

>driving to the left
Gibraltar drives on the right, faggot. Did you think you could get away with lying on the internet of all places?
Confirmed for never having been there.

I am pro-remain, but Gibraltar is British. The quality of the enclave compared to the favela-tier shithole of a place you call a "city" on the other side of the runway confirms this. If you were left in charge of Gibraltar it would be as bad as any other Spanish city within a year.

Its all moot. The United States does not recognize border changes in Europe not supported by all parties involved. This is a fight the Eurocrats really should not push. The US has not been involved with the Gibraltar dispute for the same reason we have not been involved with the Trianon Dispute or the Aland Dispute.

There has thus far, been no moved to force the issue.

If the EU does force the issue though, they won't just be contending with a pissed off London, they will also be contending with a pissed off Washington DC. And the EU has no economic leverage on DC, and they certainly don't have the capability or political will to force the issue if America stationed a company of Marines in Gibraltar.

What did you expect? UK denies the right for EU members to freely pass the borders after Brexit, and you want Spain to let people from Gibraltar cross to our country whenever they feel like it?

If we cross the borders, which we'll likely not do because we Spanish folk are kind, it would still be our sovereign right to do so, and it would render Gibraltar useless, even more so if we decided to cut out air traffic (also between our power). The UK has always treated Spain like an inferior country that doesn't deserve an equal standing in matters of diplomacy, the time for you to be arrogant is over.

Implying I even remember or care about trivial details such as to the direction they fucking drive. The point still stands.
>The only British thing there were the buses and the traffic.
Oh, and the useless cabs that don't work. And don't fucking forget their Spanish-English hybrid language, what a cancer.

Gibraltar just told them to fuck off and urged Theresa May to take a harsh stance.

It's also unlikely that the other member nations will put their own deals at risk just because of butthurt spaniards crying about a 300 year old claim to a strategic strip of land. Whoever controls Gibraltar, controls the entrance to the Mediterranean. All we gotta do is park a couple of out Type 45's there alongside a nuclear sub and they'll shut up straight away. Even better if we can rush HMS Queen Elizabeth into service and make her home in Gibraltar to trigger the Spaniards to see a aircraft carrier at the rock.

On the plus side the EUSSR has backed down on the (((£50-60bn))) bill. When Britain leaves it will leave a £25bn blackhole in the EU budget and the other countries don't want to pay it. Particularly the poorer eastern ones and devastated southern ones France,Britain and Germany are the only things keeping it afloat. They keep back pedalling.

>The uk treats Spain like an inferior country

If the shoe fits m8.

The EU has already decided this will be a matter between Spain and the UK. It's Co-sovereignty whether you like it or not.

lol it is funny how the brexit people are defending gibraltar when they voted 95% in favor of remaining in the EU.

Blood is thicker than water.

They are thick cunts but they are still British.

I'm sure you would be delighted to have foreign countries claiming sovereignty over whichever states voted for the losing side of an election every 4 years.

Inferior in the sense of being too kind sometimes, I fear. The word from the Spanish government is that we wish the best to Brit expats and will not deny them a citizenship if they wish for one. We have the power to close traffic to Gibraltar, but we are likely to keep them open in favor of good relationships.

Regardless of this, this is now a matter that concerns both parties. So you can drop the arrogance anytime soon, this is the new reality for Gibraltar, and the UK.

"You can leave at any time! Just enact Article 50"- Says the (((EU)))
>someone finally does it
>They proceed to be petty,vindictive and making threats non stop. Proving the leave campaign 100% correct that it is nothing but an unelected bureaucracy with a penchant for cronyism who cannot accept losing tens of billions of British money that will no doubt derail their gravy train.

Remember UKIP saying that there will be a EU army that will seek to destroy all independant militaries in Europe if we remain run by very vindictive globalist personalities in Brussels and the (((media))) and establishment railed against the claim? Even Cameron said "It will never happen". Literally 4 months later a vote was passed to begin plans and funding budgets for the creation of an EU army initially a small defence force of volunteers that will expand over the next decade.

Notice also how the Remoaners never once campaigned that if we remained Britain would take control of the EU on 1st July 2017? They knew fully well it means literally nothing and you have no power or influence over the other countries and there is no way in hell we would have been able to reform it, in anyway.

m8 I think the american revolution was a mistake. personally.

Same. I really hope FN take France so they can begin plans for a referendum of membership. We need to meme a "cultural enrichment" event on France to ensure victory.

No You dont. The US navy would never recognize a unilateral closing of the straights.

He is talking about land traffic idiot.

Don't forget the EU threatened the US government by vowing to back any secession claims because Trump backed Brexit.

Washington DC will *not* be happy with that attitude to them. If anything it may backfire and cause your country to work only through Britain so the EU can only deal with the US via Britain. That would certainly force them to accept any deal given.

Which would amount to a return to the Franco days
Nothing particularily new.

Spain has no leverage and neither does the EU. If they use economic and diplomatic pressure the UK will retalliate in kind. If they push things beyond that they risk an American intervention that would settle the issue decisively and permanently.