TURN ON FOX NEWS RIGHT NOW they just broke a HUUUUUUUGE FUCKING story online and Adam schiff the democrat intelligence chair is at WH now looking at the evidence
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>FOX News
Clempfh btfo ! I'm so sleepy
Let's all go to bed.
What is this shit about?
>source close to the investigation told Fox News.
how is this anything
Fucking Mexicans, man.
Wow 8% battery you've been up a long time *yawns* you should charge your phone while you get some sleep.
Have a link faggot.
all this surveillance nonsense is just a disinfo campaign by shareblue to distract from the fact that hillary is an actual demon. Think about it, why would they need to spy when Hillary has the powers of remote viewing and mind reading? it makes no sense.
indictments incoming
Turn on CNN you faggot
Have I woken up early enough for a Friday Night Happening?
Yes. Yes you have. Today is a huge HAPPENING day. Also trump just delivered the greatest speech of his entire fucking life with Wilbur Ross after signing new anti trade abuse exec orders. It was so. Good.
It's 2:30pm where I am at, though.
show me this speech
Prob John Brennan famm
Schiff == Cohen
No I can't turn on Fox News. Explain this shit for people who don't live in the states and have access to US news channels
>inb4 why do you care
Because I'm directly north of your asses and I want to know if there's going to be an impeachment or not because the civil war would fucking spill up here too I guarantee
literally nothing
there wont be a civil war either way you idiot lmao
Rev up those meme machines it's time to shitpost
>they've been watching him for years and still don't have anything
>despite that, libtards will see this as a smoking gun that Trump is guilty of something
And those of us at work and can't watch fucking TV
2nd post best post
This really makes me want to stylistically waddle down the sidewalk to a synthetic bass beat, dropping little raisin-like black, shiny turds.
I hop from tile to tile with my raisins intact
Shitting out the insides with great track
I remember your face as you sniff and sniff
Diarrhea ploppage whiff
"fox news"
filters: live
>our sources
into the trash it goes
I dont care who does it, bring somthing in front or fuck off
Link us up
Also, basic gestalt on today's happenings schedule?
Then why is Adam schiff literally at the wh looking at the evidence that trump knew about the whole time and that Fox investigative journalists are uncovering now as we speak?
that's nothing
just another fake news frenzy by Fox
Yeah I have my doubts that there wouldn't be
nice try shills/cia it doesnt work the same when you try to call out real news as fake news, you're about to get btfo.
Is this the normie version of doxxing?
>US Intel agencies are basically in all out Civil War between each other
>One or a couple of them started watching Trump before he was GOP nominee
>One or a couple of them intentionally leaked info and intentionally unmasked American citizens to play politics and stop Trump
>Meaning, Trump is not involved in anything shady, but they intentionally tried to make it look like he was in order to stop him
>This is illegal
That's basically it as short as I'm able.
I'm also at work on break. Well considering my work is driving stuff around so what's left of our economy can keep functioning
basically. it's when your info is redacted/unknown in surveillance of foreigners, etc. and is then released because of an investigation. people are saying there wasn't any reason to unmask ppl like flynn and the whole thing was a political stunt to fuck with trump's campaign
>Flynn narrative backfiring on Dems
>he's down to testify for immunity
>Trump says go for it
>Dem senators on CNN melting down
>Adam shift the ranking dem senator at WH right now getting black pulled
>awaiting his comment
Read the article not just the title faggots
also for leafs and workerfags, FOX link: livenewsbox.com
so pretty much what's been obvious ever since it started. deep state goons need to be BTFO big time.
I hope that cunt burns. It's astounding that he not only avoided charges for lying under oath to Congress, but they turned around and promoted the bastard to oversee the entire intelligence community.
or am I confusing something?
Find a CNN link desu they are squirming. Jake tapper
So the whole "Trump is a Russian puppet" narrative is about to be btfo? Is that what is happening?
bumping this above the slide threads, this will probably be developing still through saturday
It's over for flimph well I'm tired might as well hit the sack
Yes! I needed another win today, after the 93% optimism poll by the manufacturing industry.
Hopefully libtards will go crazy and start questioning life.
>911 digits
No fucking shit it did.
This has been going on since they signed the Patriot Act.
Yes. Dems are squirming. Man they repeated the Russia thing so long it almost sounded somewhat vaguely true.
The brainwashers must be very confident in their control over you such that they trusted you with the exact same tools that were used to brainwash you in the first place.
I'd be freaked the fuck out if I were you. It's a scary thing to know that someone else controls your thoughts and actions.
Yeah that's great. Did you watch his speech with Wilbur Ross and Pence? He cited that poll. Was his best speech ever. He's really about to MAGA and he pre BTFO china before their meeting next week
Here's some fun facts about the "deep state."
Truman created them with, like all things, good intentions. Here's what he had to say about it to his biographer:
>I think it was a mistake. And if I’d know what was going to happen, I never would have done it.
Think about that for a second.
There are a lot of narratives that are about to get BTFO. Be prepared, though. Deep state is about to get desperate. THAT is a dangerous thing.
Guys, am I the only one who feels really tired all of sudden? Maybe we should take a nap and watch this later
Lmfao things are so bad for them today they just re dug up Trump university $25 mil settlement hahahahahhaahhahah
Thanks for the quick rundown.
I haven't watched it yet. It appears to begin at about the 0:46:42 mark.
Has Schiff left the Whitehouse yet?
Will watch it before bed. Thanks for letting me know.
Here's CNN link for anyone that needs. They currently bringing up the Trump University thing again lel. They seem shook.
>very well known, very high up, very senior
yea this was written by Donald
Where are the dozen or so anti-Trumpers -who were definately not shills/larpers- that were in every other thread spamming their bullshit?
They all coincidentally fucked off?
Wow such a coincidence fuck drumpf amirite xdded
They're scared as FUCK
>interviewing a dumb bitch who is literally shaking wanting to sue Trump
CNN never changes
christ son, you have to understand that FOX is only giving you the barest of scraps
Fiat justitia, ruat caelum -- let justice be done though the heavens may fall.
We can hold shit together for now, then we'll pickup the pieces and tidy the place up later.
If I go to sleep I won't get to see Santa Claus, but the presents will still be delivered.
As in Peter "Papa Bear" Schaffer?
reads stiltingly from a page, but the content was good
No he is still there
Another Fox link.
Intelligence official who 'unmasked' Trump associates is 'very high up,' source says
Get off Sup Forums, Achmed. Otherwise you'll miss evening prayer again
How long has he been there? The longer the better yeah?
Lmao CNN breaking news "new terrorist laptop bombs can evade security"
Place your bets.
Be prepared for anything. Every possible thing can happen in April.
At least an hour. Sure why not
I've seen it and there's nothing.
Feeling sleepy, don't you? don't turn Fox news, logoff Sup Forums and go to bed, because you should sleep
Clapper. Has to be. He already lied under oath, why wouldn't he commit a felony for political gain?
You can't brainwash people without a brain.
CIA runs a good sized hacking operation out of the US consulate in Frankfurt. There's a good chance that's not an Achmed.
We'll make it through.
Always do.
I've been thinking this dude is involved ever since he went full hillshill:
Is this as huge as it sounds?
This sounds like it could be fucking enormous.
huge news would be front page drudge WITH sirens, kys
>Adam schiff
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Adam schiff]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Absoloutely, it could bring an end to the Russian narrative.