Why did it take God 7 days to create the universe?

Why did it take God 7 days to create the universe?

You'd think being almighty, he would have just snapped his fingers and created everything in an instant.

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Try it sometime.

that's called creationism, any serious theist would refute that claim

he had to poop a lot

A serious theist would refute the word of God?

Because He wanted too.
And also as an example to us of how we should live our lives. Work 6 days, take one day to rest.


here ya go kiddo, God Bless You

Why does God need to rest?

You'd think being almighty, he'd never have to catch his breath. Is he getting old?

of course that too, it was allegorical, metaphorical, not a chapter on quantum physics

its for us ya dummy aha :P

Do you know how short months would be if God did that? Come on, give him a little more credit.

Why does God have a Papal Crown in this image?

God isn't his own Bishop, St Peter was the Bishop of God and all future Popes are the same, no?

Fairies bless you

Perhaps He symbolizes the head of the Heavenly Church.

It's all relative. To "God", we're nothing more than stray thoughts of his imagination, we're not even physically real. Relatively, to us, existence seems like eternity, but to "God", the creation of a universe is literally a blink of an eye.

ever have a couple of glasses of wine and start slowly painting something for pleasure? it was a lot like that. the big chief took his sweet time

>Depicting the Father


Das rite jesus remember who owns yo bitch ass

Hello Pancho


You've been here a lot lately, what's up with that

He's a half-assing God. Isn't it obvious?

7 days is just how humans would perceive the time it took. To God, it was both an instant, and an eternity.

Traps caused Him some troubles I gather

Why are any of us here

Vaticano assassin bro

ITT: people think God is bound by time

Also ITT: people not realizing the allegorical and occult significance of the 7 days of creation.

7 days is why we have 7 days in a week, you are stupid if you don't understand this...


Days are not 24 hours in Genesis, that's a modern concept, we're not really sure what constituted of a day in Genesis.

Watch this:

how come dinosaurs aren't mentioned in the bible? wouldn't it be more efficient to use a triceratops to plow a field instead of an ox? why aren't there stories of messengers traveling by pterodactyl? surely a t-rex is something interesting enough for scholars to take note of?

Idk Hans. I can't argue with that.

I guess I'll let my daughters be whores and start smoking weed and abortion

Didn't the lazy cunt take Sunday off?

Ask LemaƮtre

There's a part that explains why it was seven days but I don't know when, either way there's lots of information that you should know about in the video.

The universe was created instantaneously. The "7 days" is only a metaphor for the 7 layers of reality in which creation must simultaneously unfold.

I love smoking abortion

>Days are not 24 hours in Genesis, that's a modern concept, we're not really sure what constituted of a day in Genesis.

So it might have taken him even LONGER?


>You'd think being almighty, he would have just snapped his fingers and created everything in an instant.
That's literally what St. Augustine argued though.

Artistic license. It's the same reason why depictions of angels show pretty girly men and not wheels within wheels with infinite eyes.

>slow and steady wins the race.

God was Jeb Bush.

Wrong premise right off the bat.

The Universe isn't infinite, it's finite. God is infinite, and there are many universes with beginnings and endings.

Found it

Just when i was thinking about you.

Watch the whole thing, it explains all of that.

There are many things that we can think of that God "could have done better", but we are in no position to know at all, we are not God.

Consider the butterfly effect. For all you know, a thread getting bumped on Sup Forums that contains a funny joke, could cause someone to read it and laugh, then choke on some food, then die, his mother catches him, gets a heart attack, and then his dad does too, and because his dad died, a nation will not be born in a 100 years.

Silly example maybe, but the point is that you're human, so don't play God, there's no way for you to know why certain things are the way they are, or why God is the way he is.

Perhaps he was setting the pattern for a week for us? To teach us that we ought to work for 6 days and rest on the 7th?

I don't know, but to think God was somehow limited in power, is just silly

One of the perks of being God, is doing things the way you want and not having to explain it to dumbasses. Dumbasses like you. Maybe He did it so you would ask this very stupid question on Sup Forums.

I think it stupid to assume the a "day" to God is an earth day.

The universe is pretty fuck huge, it actually is infinite because it splits off into the multiverse.

Because when the dumb savages of the past were making this shit up it made sense to them at the time.

Now we're smarter and can think of things beyond their scope so it looks retarded.

Anyone who prescribes to a belief system created in a time when we lived in caves and shit on the floor is an idiot.

How do you measure days? With the sun. It didn't exist back then so the days could be any measurement of time. It just describes that the universe has been created in 7 time zones.

Ya know that the "7 days" are only a symbol, don't you?

Then why was the Bible talking about days before the sun even existed?

And why are you suggesting that God is dependent on the sun to measure days? Because that wouldn't sound very almighty to me.

Introducing the answer to your question...


>Why did it take God 7 days to create the universe?

Time stretches with the expansion of the universe. A day then was months now.

>those chimpanzee toes

I think this is a meataphor for the explanation of the universe on a week long retreat.
"To create" in the imagination of the followers and remind them of the things they should look to.
So on the first day they tried to explain the concepts of existence, "light". That everything is a thing. Every distinct thing has a name and was designed to be a thing by some power, so those things are supposed to be.

It is pretty mad but try explaining your understanding of crazy shit you think to be important to litteral cave men.

It seems pretty advanced compared to "just do it because the leaders says so." A tentative exploration into something greater. Science before science

Best story is still the one where he smashes those Jews tables though. They wuz so mad they Jew'd him into being crucified and a warlord released for some shekles.

Satanic lies dressed up as Christianity

Avoid this

A day will always be a day.

>be outside time/space
>sudo mount /dev/earth
>import earth
>import clouds
>import water
>import plants
>import season
>Set light_level greater
>Set light_level lesser
>import life type sea
>import life type land

Always good idea to restart the sim once all your variables are in place. Clears the cache memory of things like Berenstien bears.


When God rested on the seventh day, it meant that the Creation was finished.

Not that he was tired.

As user above indicated, the creation week is a pattern for us to live by, and a sign of things to come. Work 6 days, rest the 7th and keep it holy.

Rule yourselves for 6000 years, then rest the 7th 1000 years while Jesus rules on earth.

No one can be too dumb to not understand what I wrote. Read it again.

They are. Beasts of the field, behemoth, leviathan, serpents, winged serpents, dragons; these are all dinosaurs.

Bible was finished in 95 AD.

The word "dinosaur" was coined in the 19th century.

Not according to God.

>Then why was the Bible talking about days before the sun even existed?
Not him, but I remember reading some article (sadly can't find it) that stated the creation myth specifically draws parallels (with parallelism being a common vehichle in Jewish poetry and literature).

There are six days of creation
Day one has light, day four the source of light (the sun, moon and stars)
Day one has the sea and sky, day five what fills the sea and sky (fish and birds)
Day four has land, day six what lives on the land (beasts and men)

This would also explain away a lot of nonsense (how is there light before there is a sun? How are there birds when there's no land?)

No, it's 24 hour says. Yom coupled with morning and evening and the counting of the days means that it was 7 24 hour days.

Yes, before the sun was made.

You said there were no days because there was no sun at the beginning.

Then why does the Bible, which is the word of God, speak of "days"?

Is the Bible wrong? Is God wrong? Which is it?

Are you a priest?

because he was sucking nigger cock

Because it turns out God can tell time without a sun.

Again, God can tell time without a sun.

He sets the orbits. He's not the one observing them.

April 4th, 2017

>What are proxies?

April 4th

I also see the matrix

Then what was that retarded Kraut's point?

East Germans should be banned from the internet.

God said "Light, be" and light was.

The sun is not the source of light. God is.

Wow, you and I may be the only two who remember East Germans.

The Vatican City runs proxy servers?

>because god works in mysterious ways

>If we were "created", then why did our so-called "creators" take so long to develop our universe? If they have complete control over our existence, then shouldn't they have been powerful enough to just will us into existence instantly?

It took him 6 days, learn to read.

And I'd love to see what you could make in 6 days fool, nothing without God's creation

We've sunk billions into that shithole that is East Germany with nothing to show for it. We have failed to integrate 16 million miserable subhuman East Germans.

Reunification is our 9/11. How could I forget?

>Work 6 days, rest the 7th

why though?
why not a day on then a day off.
we are not god so why this heresy of mimicry.

We' re shaped in god' s image, ergo God is/was a human, too.

He' s used to working 6 days a week, just like us slobs.

dinosaurs are a lie, they were only discovered after the 17th century, yet everything else under the sun had been found by then. what a coincidence!

That "light" was the big bang, mate.

>It took him 6 days

Uhm, if he had hurried up, he could have had TWO days to rest instead of one.

But I guess that's too much to expect of someone who says he's """""almighty""""".

Because of science retard.

You can't just make shit appear you have to create things in a scientifically logical way. Days in Gods terms could be millions of years long (time is distorted around gravity as well, giving an indication to a location).

When you drop all the hurr durr muh atheism its pretty easy to put into context what people were trying to relay to us from ancient bible stories.

The CIA left Russian fingerprints on SAP projects. You tell me what's not possible anymore.

Aye, and Korea is looking a whole lot like they're going to be reunified the same way, again with people running in only one direction.

If you don't want to follow your own instruction manual, you are entitled to do so.

If you think you know more about how to optimize yourself than your Creator does, you're fooling yourself.

We were created to house the Holy Spirit of God; that's what "in God's image" means. It means he can look at us and see himself.

Adam fucked that up for everybody.

God doesn't work with explosives. He set everything in place and then stretched out the heavens like a tent.

Get a bigger picture of who we're talking about; his hand spans the universe.

And ffs don't believe papist drivel about big bangs.

It was only 6x 24 hour periods, not 7.

why didn't he create everything instantly, including the 6-1 pattern for us to live by?

bit of a silly question desu senpai

why should he not want to make it in 7 days? you're presuming god was working as fast as he could, and only managed it in 7 days. he's not working on a clock. he's not got a boss that is trying to get him to be as productive as possible. he has his own timetable.

>why should he not want to make it in 7 days?
because if he is all-powerful and all-knowledgeable he can make it instantly? and without thinking about it? and without needing to rest? and without the need to 'teach us'? because you know, that's what all those omni- words imply.

Why did the big bang reverse all the known laws of physics, space, and time for an instant, creating matter which we know yo be impossible, before reverting back to normal?

In his manual for being a good human he made it make sense on a human level through the use of allegory.

>Implying you could comprehend the creation of the universe