Why does the media push for mostly black male/white female relationships, instead of white male/black female relationships? Are white women just more susceptible to the propaganda?
Why does the media push for mostly black male/white female relationships...
Because white women are the ones birthing the negro babies and they have low IQ's. White men have high IQ's, and they know not to go for inferior trash.
because niggers want to fuck white women (they dont outside of porn and fat whores)
black women in general arent interested in fucking white men
Simple answer yes.
Just make memes cleverly written about how black females desire White Superior Men and sexual desire.. watch within months and a year later how many black women will lust for White Men.
Because you are getting jewed and excess shitskin males
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>white male/black female relationships
Becaue that's been around since slavery
Because white male/black female relationship actually works
T. Currently in one
pretty sure it's Monsters ball. halle berry got oscar for showing titties,
becasue they both waste money, unlike white men asians and hispanics who save money
Because it's demoralizing to white men to lose their women. White men built their societies, and are responsible for it all. The same effect would not be achieved the other way. Demoralization of this kind is a tactic of war.
do the negroes ever give you shit for being with a black?
I find that black men tend to be very hypocritical when they see a "sista" with the white man.
who is that?
Because it's taboo and because you help perpetuate it.
Probably to brainwash white women into being attracted to black men. However, this approach unintentionally makes white men hate black men and white women who are attracted to black men.
(((Hollywood))) does not fully understand the minds of the goyim yet.
>Currently engaging in miscegenation
>t. Brazil
What a surprise
>implying that (((they))) don't want a race war among the goyim
white men have already owned lots of black slave women and colonized them. why do you think niggers in america are so light skin? they got that light skin cause their european genes.
there's already been a long history of white men bleaching and colonizing the entire world. they consider it patriarchy, sexist, and racist so naturally they show it in movies
Less acceptably hot black women.
Marxist beliefs.
They think that black people are disadvantaged and that women are disadvantaged.
BMWF is seen as an even playing field. WMBF is seen as colonisation, exploitation, etc.
Plus the Jews who want pliant goyim want white men to be emasculated and weak. Showing black men as strong and sexual with big dicks and taking white women achieves this.
And of course, black women are ugly.
Barry Allen fucks black female.
I mean The Flash.
Why do you care? Looks like another ugly fat whore to me
Two reasons:
1) Whether you like it or not, black men are usually more masculine than white men, and white women are more feminine than black women.
2) In the mind of political correctness, the relationship of a white male and a black female brings up an image of an evil colonial patriarch exploiting a woman of color. Let's not forget that sex is inherently violent affair in which the man dominates over the woman.
Black women are good for blowjobs because they have big fucking monkeys mouths.
I consider it a type of beastiality but they have mouths perfect for dick sucking. That's all they're good for however.
So? I don't care who you find attractive.
You know the answer, a white guy knocking up a black beast would probably stay around and raise the kids in a family friendly environment. A feral nig male will bail out of the white chick or kill her, the globalists like Soros want this, to spread confusion and chaos to dumb down the populace and gain control.
Unironicaly: Jews
Because >>(they)
You don't end 'whiteness' by promoting white men sleeping with other races, you end it by having white women do it.
Oy vey, goy, don't you know anything?
>Are white women just more susceptible to the propaganda?
Easy stop watching shitty films/ tv shows. You're part of the problem if you give them your time.
>Are white women just more susceptible to the propaganda?
Because it is a GENDER war not a RACE war.
Fat lesbians have been perpetuating this for the luz - it's all about hating white men, who cares what black women do.
they know white women are stupid enough to believe it
>And of course, black women are ugly.
This is easily the biggest factor desu, black guys get salty as fuck about BFWM couples because 9 times out of 10 it's a top tier black girl with a mid tier white guy. Granted top tier at this point just means STD free, no kids and less than 250 pounds lmao.
Did you know Halle Berry and BBT actually had real actual sex on camera during that scene in the movie? I am not even joking.
Women aren't loyal to their tribe or people. They care about who's "coolest" most "dominant" or aggressive. Women are adult children with primitive, animal brains.
jews want to destroy the white race
>claim whites aren't superior
>try to get with a white woman for some reason
really makes u think...
It's almost as if white people have more preferable physical features...or something...
Nah that couldn't be it, that would be racist.
It's women in general, not just white women.
not a huge problem irl. Rarely see it and if you do the wf is mostly either a club rat, young and rebellious, ugly and or fat or damaged and needs someone with a father figure like(race is irrelevant for this case)
you're brainwashed by porn. Anyone that sees a bmwf in public usually gives them a stern look
because black males are on a leash and will obey white males tend to fuck everything up when they get forced to do something
Well I live in a pretty black part of Florida and I get hit on quite a bit by black women. They tend to be more forceful than whites.
I have a black gf and I've fucked a shit ton of black women in my 31 years. I began dating black girls when I was in middle school when I realized that it was easy to get a pretty black girl than a mediocre white girl. To this day I have never pursued a black woman and not fucked. Black women absolutely love white men. Your theory is bullshit.
In my experience, black women are much more forward than white women...and they are indeed interested in white men
This. We're inherently rebellious and this is one of the reasons Jews hate us.
I've only fugged one black woman before.
I grabbed her buttocks during coitus and gripped a bit too firmly. I got poo on my finger.
After the deed I teased her playfully by picking up her clothes and handbag and putting them outside. When she went to get them I locked the door and went to bed.
My flatmate said she cried.
Actually white men generally want nothing to do with black women.
Black women will fuck anything.
>Tfw boner
Does this make me a degenerate?
Because women, being naturally inferior beings, are easier to manipulate and make you do whatever you want.
And, who wants women fucking inhuman niggers?
Depends why you have a boner.
I think it's pretty hot to plough a soldier's wife. It means you're sexier than a solider and also there is a frisson of danger.
If it's your wife getting ploughed while you're away that turns you on however...
because lightness of hair, eyes, and skin denotes femininity, whereas darkness of these attributes is an indice of testosterone levels.
>Why does the media push for mostly black male/white female relationships
It doesn't, shill. You only see this is porn. Outside of that, it's white male / black or other nonwhite woman when interracial relationships are shown.
>is porn
*in porn
It's the bitch that was in The Exorcist.
Is that a Sup Forums account in the comments performing a false flag?
Well I'll be damned.
gonna need a bigger version
Black guys will fuck anything and black women get rejected by every race
Thats what I thought. I wonder how many pol heroes are out there subverting the masses
I hear ya, 1st thing I found, and I was unaware that she ever did a photo shoot like that. Now you know. Happy searches.
Funny, I used to be fuckin terrified of the exorcist girl, now im gonna try to jack it to her
Because you cucks put white women an insane pedestal, and see them as the most valuable human living ever. So, it's taking piss outta your cucktard asses.
No you dolts it because women have no allegiance to their ingroup
>male goats raised exclusively around female sheep
>goats fuck sheep
>introduce male goats to female goats
>no interest. will only fuck sheep
>female goats raised around other (male) goats
>plenty of fucking
>introduce male sheep
>fuck them too
women are sluts. there's a biological reason for it but thats the basic gestalt