Would the world be a better place if the US passed laws stating
>all women and men are monogamous
>no sex before marriage
>there is no pornography
>interracial marriage isn't allowed
Would the world be a better place if the US passed laws stating
It would be better if we just balkanized or converted into a confederacy.
Push all the decision making to the most local level possible.
wew you'd be basically Iran
I'm okay with the 4th one. The first 3 are literally impossible to apply.
Laws like that are useless unless majority of people supports this type of lifestyle.
Wew whitey afraid of the BBC. Admit it, white woman belong to BBC and you are afraid of them.
These laws existed before you fool. White women didn't care, even when the penalty was literal torture and death. They still did it a shit ton lmao...
Slavery is the only thing that will save the west, slavery of the white female and stripping it of all its "rights".
this, the fundamental problem is trying to get dick-hungry faggots in Commiefornia to agree with duck hunters in Alabama. It's a mistake
Oh and this will never happen I forgot to add.
So it's gg.
Let us have pornography if it's like the 1960's playboy images.
That shit is classy.
kek she even wears the same dress
it must have been on the same day
The US as a white entity is finished. The White race is done.
It would be completely pointless. Do you know why? Because it wouldn't work. Look up prohibition. Some things you can't ban.
Yep. The US has grown too far apart, geographically and politically. It's become a system collapsing under it's own weight.
The only thing all Americans would agree on is that we all disagree with each other.
Why is India so scared of the Big White Loo?
>>all women and men are monogamous
>>no sex before marriage
>>there is no pornography
>>interracial marriage isn't allowed
Muh freedums!!!
I support all of them, but they wouldn't work since the problem is CULTURAL. People would just keep doing those things even if forbidden.
You hope this would make a woman settle for you?
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but they'd rather die alone.
That's a poor ass shoop. She's not even in the same pixel density as the background not to mention the lighting is fucked.
Link it or it didn't happen, looks shopped to me
people have literally linked the video before and her fb
Is this shit really serious? Do we really want to be like Iran and the other Middle Eastern countries that let themselves get taken over by extreme traditionalist regimes? This is so fucking retarded, it's not like we don't have historical precedent to see what happens when you suppress literally half of your own population over misinterpreted religious texts, get your head out of your ass.
when it comes to vapid cunts it does
Show me
We also have precedent to see what happens when your country is overrun by shitskins.
disgusting smile
Why do americans always use this fake as fuck smile. Looks so creepy when you look them in the eyes
because nobody would obey those laws
world would be a better place if us men actually man up and take responsibility by enforcing hose thigns themselves
do you think that in 19th century there needed to be laws to ban thsoe things?
All my links are dead. Her last name is Green. Search "Green Girls do porn". She has two videos.
Maybe you should just grow up
You post a picture like it means something beyond the single situation it captures
>not knowing about toilet witches
Men just need to stop giving sluts the time of day. Leave them to rot.
>it's hot and smells
This line gets me every time.
name one thing there is to be happy about
How do you see a smile if you're looking someone in the eye?
Kys cuck faggot the entire world functioned this way until western countries fucked themselves in the head and then attempted to force everyone else to be as retarded as they are.
mate this put me very depressed what's wrong with women this day it's getting worse and worse i can't stand it anymore also this have made me stop watching porn.
I just want to kill myself, all the girls i've meet are literal cunts and i want to start a family but I'm seriously afraid of getting cucked or anything related (also i don't think the militar guy deserve that i think he was a very good guy with her).
Guys i seriously need the easiest way to kill myself, i can't stand it anymore.
That looks shopped
You'd fit in with the muslim shitholes better than the west
No, I want the weak ones to languish in their broken homes and lack of wealth.
It's real, unfortunately. I grew up in a military town. Military wives are notorious cheaters because their husbands are gone for months and they've usually married young, so the bond isn't very strong.
I really hope this is bait.
No matter your intentions, the more the government enters families and relationships the closer we get to some dystopian hell.
Keep that vase close Pandora, we don't need more shit.
I hope he's not too upset, she's pretty ugly and could do better.
B.S. the world has never been like that. People just pretended all those things.
Do you remember that Facebook group of military wives that wanted to cheat on their deployed partners, so they discussed how to cheat and what not on there.
Some guy sent all the military men screenshots of their wives justifying their behaviour on the Facebook group.
no this is not, chilean women are whores, also i was on a church and if they're not whores they become problematics ones and brain dead.
I can't find someone to mate and that is making me feel more alone than ever.
I got friends and all but they do not complete my life, I hope you understand.
The answer is yes OP. Would solve so many problems.
Please do so I don't waste time reading your autistic drivel again.
Sounds like sharia law
what's the difference?
Someone like you/in your situation really shouldn't be on Sup Forums then. You believe the worst shill posts, if they reinforce your depressed, negative bias.
Focus on yourself, your life and your happiness. With or without women.
It wouldn't surprise me at all. Alot of military guys are teenagers from dead towns in the Midwest and use the military to escape. They'll marry their high school girlfriend so that she can have benefits and he'll move up the ranks faster. The first time he deploys, she gets bored and starts finding new "friends" to hang out with. The demographics of military towns are skewed towards having more males, so any group of friends she hangs out with will have more single males, etc etc.
JESUS CHRIST, looks like Tim Horton's is running a nice P.C. commercial up in Canada. Makes me sick.
Thumbs down
>interracial dating
People can do whatever they want with their livestock.
All of the other things can't be enforced. People will just do them anyway,
Personal freedom is the only way. We should just stop paying for people's degeneration.
>pic related
Don´t lose your hope chilebro, You need just 2 thing now: Christ, and to a lesser degree a conservative woman.
Start reading the Bible, from Corintians, for you will there have the guidelines of a good life.
And then about the woman... my advice is to find a high IQ woman and turn her Right, I though that everything was lost too as no woman around me were conservatives, but then I found a high IQ liberal, and in a matter of 2 hours she went from "Turks can replace germans, it´s fine" to "Ok user, turkish culture is rubbish, we can´t allow them to get in the first world" (All of this trough arguments alone, for I´m ugly as a fucking rubbish bin), because she was REASONABLE (and also a german qt 10/10), you don´t need to find a red-pilled woman, just turn a reasonable woman into a red-pilled one.
Shit women, but you know their husbands are doing anything that moves too.
Military people just shouldn't marry.
>white culture
ahahah, what a bunch of bullshit.
, don't listen to:
**Support Only**
the wives still cheat way more from what I've seen, but you're correct
Morality laws don't work
>German birthrates are plummetting
fucking kys traitor
..aaaaaaaanddddd i fapped
Not all womyn are like that.
t. sunnyboy
Women aren´t just wholes, you would actually be surprised to know that it´s possible to emotionally and (more importantly) rationally connect with them.
You're right, they're holes and tits
>Same outfit
>Same haircut
>Same makeup
>Same smile
>Same sinful ambition
She probably filmed that on the same day.
Wow like sharia law?
>muh dik
Jamal what are you doing in India? Refugee ship took a wrong turn?
Look at all those liberated women!
They didn't end up oppressed like pic related.
You nailed it fellow Canadian. Especially the "sinful ambition" part.
people aren't kidding when they say the military is for single people. The problem is that the military incentivizes early marriage, and most young people who join up are extremely naive and marry their "high school sweet heart." Divorce rates in the US military is 75%+ and literally 90%+ in certain racial demographics.
>no, but use of massive propaganda to discourage it
>It should TRULY be limited for 18y and +
there is literally no defense for white culture
Stop larping pajeet, everyone knows you have a sub 4 inch dick
>tfw I am 8.5 inches of full Anglo blood-sausage
>white culture
calm down you fucking crybaby , women arent worth you killing youself, and a family is for faggots and gays, go out and fuck bitches u pussy
Well that sex wouldn't feel as great as if there were actual sexual tension and a build up to shagging some woman you've wanted.
Plus, I can't get over the fact that many men have been there that day and all that body liquid and residue will be everywhere. Imagine what one of those CSI lights would show blehh
I agree. Whites are scum. We should stay away from them. I feel sick even being in the same country as them. Maybe we'd be better off moving back to our homeland?
how do you enforce this? you literally can't.
Get the fuck out if you don't like freedom.
Weird face but top tier body
better yet, let's just send you to russia so you can be closer to putin's dick