Excuse me, but can someone explain this?

Excuse me, but can someone explain this?

If feminists are so smart, wouldnt they get the FUCK OUT THE WAY ???

>be feminist
>dying for attention
>dies for attention

Sounds like a woman alright

because the girl is small so they can easily trump her own

Its just proof feminists hate the upswing market and progress

Because she wants to get fucked by the bull, while her cuck watches.

why hasn't someone hacksawed the girl's head off yet?

feminists standing in they of progress

the girl is placed in front as a sacrifice.
She represents the child or virgin. The Bull represents Moloch / Baal.

nothing has changed in thousands of years

>The bull
Global elite
>The girl
Sup Forums

>Because she wants to get fucked


That is oppression men should break the bull and control it so she doesnt have to get out of the way. Otherwise its not equality.

anyone got the pic where the bull fucks her?

Read that in shaggy's voice.

it's simple

The bull represents the a growing and thriving market. The girl representscout sjw horseshit getting in the way of prosperity

Did David step away? He was bisexual. Did Cinderella stop mapping the floors? She married a King

clearly she wants to get fucked by the bull

>facing bent at the waist
>neither foot is off ground
>hands on hips in fists

Virgin females dont get fed to molech they are used in its paganism


Please, our fake-news media is so fascinated by the fact that snow doesn't melt bronze statues.