Keep an eye on Fox News/CNN.
Shit is going down right now - Schiff is at the WH
Too many slide threads. This shit is the real deal.
Is Trump finally finished?
bump, what does this mean for trump?
>Our sources
>Our sources
>Our sources
>Our sources
Stahp, media pls. Stahp
>Is Trump finally finished?
No, but the Dems might be lol
> Sources say
>bump, what does this mean for trump?
Info is surfacing about the intel Nunes saw. Schiff is at the WH looking at it now too.
They're saying that the previous admin was gathering on Trump team from way back before he was nominee, but the info was not about Russia and had "nothing to do with security" but was used for "political purposes".
This shit is huge if true. It will hit Fox later.
pretty sure the opposite
>pic related
We want criminally illiny Hillary!
She just kills and lies but didn't go to jail yet!
She knows what's best see the support she has! Drumpf bumpf humpf hilumpf.
>unnamed sources
>sounds like most Dem sources.
Do you think Trump will pardon Obama?
Yes. Trump is Done.
It was brennan
Are they actually going to deliver something this time? I mean, every week for the past 9 months or so, people on both sides of the political spectrum have made bold claims about political corruption that never amounts to anything.
It's really starting to get old.
Subversion of bots is fun.
Zag that shit, flip it and rip it boys.
Where are all the blumph is finished threads? Did the shills go silent, waiting for their orders?
If this is true, it would lend credence to the wiretappimg claims amd cast serious doubt on the whole witch hunt in regards to Russian influence over Trump and his team.
>They're saying that the previous admin was gathering on Trump team from way back before he was nominee, but the info was not about Russia and had "nothing to do with security" but was used for "political purposes".
It's all coming out now, slowly. The net is tightening. Too many fuck-ups were in on the scheme. Too many people were too sure of a Hillary win, and have hopelessly exposed themselves in the process.
Got a feeling the Flynn thing was flack thrown up to distract from what is coming out now. Just seems to hysterical for a regular spin-job.
Still gonna need sauce on them onion tho.
I'm kind of sleepy...
Fake as fuck. Watching FOX right now. And they haven't said fuck all about any of this.
What's going on? Is something really going to happen because of surveillance most people just assumed was happening anyway? I don't think they'll get our cucked ass country fired up or find any support for it in the congress then to attack the wide angle spying the government does.
Could Brennan be an anchor that brings the whole polluted system down?
>Please kek, let the happenings begin
Check em.
Trump I finished with you liberal faggots and is about to end the democrats as we are about to know them.
Sources! This is literally nothing to me until they disclose their sources. No ones going to trust this coming out of fox news
Nice try, kid. But this is how you get gets.
Oh so tired, Sleepy time, night night
Literally fake news. You're falling for Russian propaganda handwritten by Putin himself. Go to sleep, it's late sweetie.
I guess you're just back from work, it's been quite a shit day for them x)
Fuck, now we're just borrowing numbers..
Chaos is chaos I guess.
Is this from "Lord of the World"?
Now who could it ever be?
Literally fake news. You're falling for Russian propaganda handwritten by Putin himself. Go to sleep, it's late sweetie.
>Fake as fuck.Watching FOX right now
button it retard
Please tell me if I should be excited or worried. I'm against Trump
check'un and praised
This is too perfect. Just need to swap out those stars for stars of david.
Worried. It's coming to light now that Obama and his Justice Dept were spying on Trump for purely political reasons, even before the elections. Strange that part. They must have known he was going to become a political problem for them in the future?
The Dems and press have been taking advantage of your post election emotional state to hinder the Trump admin. The sooner you come to reality, the better.
Is there a reason shills tell people to go to bed? Did I miss the memo? Is the pool closed?
I've been trying to rationalize this too. How could they expect that this wouldn't come out?
>is not in the FBI
just a hunch, still think Comey will get wrapped around the axle
Because it's sleepy time in Russia, comrade.
>yfw you age 10 years in 5 months
it's been a meme for about a decade, mostly transplanted Sup Forumstards say that
Remember, Hillary will hang if that fucking bastard wins.
>posting faux news
embarrassing, why not just post breitbart shill.
They were convinced Hillary was going to win and bury it all.
If digits, this investigation will lead to Hillary and Obama being put behind bars.
This is why Trump's first day he went to the CIA
They clearly expected to win the election with Hillary and for it not to be a problem. They've been using a technique where they fudge the numbers in large cities, wait until all the rest of the state is counted, and then report the city last with just enough to win. They couldn't do it this time. The whole state was already counted in PA and they were still trying to forge more and more ballots and it wasn't enough before they had to stop and report how many they had so far. Same thing in Florida. They got away with it in other states that were blue but not really.
Didn;t Hillary herself say "If that asshole wins we all hang?" Donald Trump was not supposed to be president. She didn't cancel her victory event until just a couple days before. At that point they realized it wasn't working. The plan was supposed to work but it wasn't working. These people don't do plans not working. They've ruled the globe for centuries. This is really a cray time to be alive. If they assassinate him, they're done. They can't pull a Kennedy. They are desperately using ALL their resources to try and discredit him and survive what they will characterize as a witch hunt against political enemies. Meanwhile he is really going to root out the evil in Washington and the evil in Washington is terrified. I feel like I'm watching a National Geographic special and the gazelle is creeping up close to the lion's hiding place right now. What a time to be alive.
Bring down the progressives! Kek, please, I beg this of you! SHADILAY!
>Please tell me if I should be excited or worried. I'm against Trump
Very worried.
kek doesn't like false prophets
8D chess by Trump yet again. Last month when he went on a Twitter tirade about the wiretapping, he knew that the media would immediately come out and spin it and call it lies and essentially hang themselves by their faggy metro skinny ties.
Once the truth comes to light, Trump's claims of media bias and subterfuge will be concrete and many normies will not be able to refute it.
What a fucking timeline, men.
Wait did Bruce actaully wear a trump hat on late night
Whats supposed to be happening this time.
This shit goes deeper. Flynn got fucked because of this. McMaster is a double agent.
not tired of winning folks
Oh I know, brother.
Hopefully the obfuscation of the truth ends shortly and justice prevails!
Praise Kek.
Don't you mean trips?
>Our sources
My sources say this is Literally Nothing and OP Is A Fag.
I guess not
Definitely Big, If True.
Like my dick.
>Schiff told CNN that he can't understand the documents and needs to have other advisors to work on them with him, and more time. Says he wants access to docs away from WH where everyone in the team can review them also.
Now that sounds to me like the Dems want to take this away for a few weeks and figure out how to spin it. How the fuck can he not understand the intel?? Nunes had no problem understanding it.
I hope she fucked Murdoch to get her position, otherwise the old fella has gone senile. He could find any number of less severely retarded human beings to run the Tories and LNP for him. Now he's gonna lose his footing with the Americans.
wow this is literally nothing. im going to bed and you should too.
>Whats supposed to be happening this time.
Dems about to get fucked by Nunes.
>Says he wants access to docs away from WH where everyone in the team can review them also
Or asks for something that he knows will get denied, then fingerpoint and say his investigation was blocked by the WH.
If they are the PDBs, then there is no way his request will be allowed.
If you're against him you should be worried.
This is about to blow up all over the Democrats/DNC/prior administrations.
The game is almost done.
Is Kek dare I say, speaking to us?
>our sources
If I came here posting an anti-Trump story backed up strictly by an "our sources" I would get laughed off of the board.
Most likely they were spying on him before he became a candidate for a number of reasons. Remember, Trump was "the leader of the birther movement". Obama had a good reason to hate Trump long before the campaign season started.
The reason this is going to be an enormously huge story is because it's evidence of an Administration intentionally spying on private American citizens for political purposes.
People are going to go to jail for this for a very long time.
Obama's "legacy" will forever be tainted in the same way Nixon's was for pretty much doing the exact same thing. Nixon had to be pardoned though, I doubt Trump will pardon any of the Obama Administration officials for this.
tl:dr Obama Administration eternally BTFO.
Buckle up.
This Norwegian speaks for me as well.
>People are going to go to jail for this for a very long time.
For real this time?
Yawn I've been up since 4am I'm going to sleep. Goodnight guys.
is king nigger still hiding in tahiti
>This is the man who lied under oath to congress about the NSA collecting information on US citizens.
Clapper is the guy behind this entire conspiracy. Screencap this.
>Most likely they were spying on him before he became a candidate for a number of reasons. Remember, Trump was "the leader of the birther movement".
Holy shit forgot about this lol. Would def explain it.
Exactly the same as the James Rosen shit.
I believe so. This is a Republican led Administration investigation a Democratic led Administration.
Think about all the ways people were alleging the Obama Administration, and his justice department (Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill on the tarmac), were "shielding" Hillary from suffering any consequences for her illegal behavior.
There is no one to shield Obama Administration officials who will implicated in this.
Jeff Sessions' DOJ ain't going to be having secret meetings with any of this scum.
Did Obama know?
Trump has been connected to Russia since the 80s. What's most likely is that in the process of surveilling Russian mobsters/oligarchs, Trump kept popping up. Probably because he deals with bad hombres.
>Trump was "the leader of the birther movement".
No, that was actually Hillary in her first campaign against Obama.
>This is a Republican led Administration investigation a Democratic led Administration.
You're getting way ahead of yourself. There is no investigation. There's a Twitter thread where a guy says "his sources" say X about Y.