You know what's interesting is the "Christian cross" is not complete? The cross bar is shaded out...

You know what's interesting is the "Christian cross" is not complete? The cross bar is shaded out, making it an incomplete cross.

Remember how kikes got their name from the German word for circle (kikel), because Jews can't stand to make a cross because they despise Christ so much they refused to mark an X on their immigration sheets?

Think about that.

The jews speak again. Lets see what they have to say.

Starting from the left...

>The wheelchair person is pushed behind everyone, as well as the person with the cane. These appear to be the only "normal" white people in the picture. They are relegated to the back because the Jews will be removing the weak cis-whites first.

>This person is of indeterminate gender, mostly female.overall 6/8 of the people appear to be female, (hinting at the feminisation of our population, see Tyrone Hayes) This person has a Google G with gay stripes. Google is the forefront of the homosexual movement.

>A Muslim woman. Her sneakers stand out because she is halfway acclimating to our society, but the head scarf and closed eyes suggest she doesn't truly belong, much like the Christian girl and black atheist.

>Notice the shadows behind them. Who is making these shadows?????

>The Jew is at the center of the 8, only allowing the Transgender black girl to intrude a bit. Hinting that the Jews plan on making Trasgenderism the norm at their own cost. Notice the Jew has Blue eyes and is very white. Uggs boots portray a grounding in consumer trends. Her eyes are looking almost directly at the camera, the only other person that comes close is the wheelchair girl. Jew is the controlling force in this picture.

>Now for the Black Tranny. Female symbol is above the male, they want female superiority. The arrow points to the trans penis. They want you to know that this person has all the biological privileges of manhood with all of the social etiquette of a female. this is their "muscle". The people that will do the dirty work of genocide when the time comes. The tranny is looking directly at the Jew, waiting for direction. They also share the same style of clothing. The Tranny is the Jew.

>The Christian girl is completely apoplectic. Her legs are bound together, eyes tightly shut. She is cut off from all forms of social expression and is blind the the events unfolding in the group. Notice the skirt. She is vulnerable. She is the only one with sexualized clothing at all, just there to be a baby maker for the new world. The sweater represents the warm embrace of Christianity, maybe it is being used as a sedative to what is happening to her. She is also the only fat person here. Christianity has been resting on it's laurels, getting lazy and fat.

>le black scientist meme?? I think this is an Atheist but not sure. His eyes are closed, black men are a tool to be used by the Jews in bringing about their new ideal world. The disabled white person is behind him. They have a cane which might represent the nightstick police use, notice the hand on his shoulder, it looks like he is being arrested. A nice, smart, black man that didn't do nuffin', (notice he is smiling), being arrested by the bad cop.

>Lastly the agender elderly person. An allegory to police brutality as explained with the black scientist guy. This person is wearing socks with sandals, they are out of touch. They are holding back the black man, holding back science. Their eyes are fixated on the rest of the group. They have no free will. Pushed to the back like the girl in the wheelchair, they will be the first to go in the genocide.

Thank you for reading. Lastly I encourage you to note the shadows behind the group. This is the most troubling sign to me. It is highly chaotic, with bull horns reminiscent of Moloch, and a near broken heart. I think I can see Pepe's head barely, I think it symbolizes a chaotic war being fought just out of sight. Take note lads. And take care.

Also check me jesus this is scary.

I noticed this too, and interesting.

All of you are thinking way too much into this.

This was drawn by a 15 year old girl for a stupid contest.

Look at the tumblr noses in the picture.

She's not smart enough to insert CIA levels of cultural subversion into her art, she's parroting pumpkin spice latte-tier levels of political opinions.

>meanwhile in the UK



Very good.

this shit is not on Romanian google homepage....just saying

I don't wanna live here any more...

What about the brown sandwich



Wanna cut this shit out?

Who/what is the black e= guy?


Okay I understand why you think this but here is the kicker.

The fact that an "ignorant" 15 year old drew this shows that the propaganda is working excellently because she is literally SUBCONSCIOUSLY CHANELLING these things. See the image that shows how the white males are either emasculated or literally crippled etc. Do NOT underestimate the power of mass brainwashing. It is not all "zombie" it is very subtle and the subtleness is what makes it so effective.

I just figured it was just the tumblr "t" that got cut off at the bottom


It's interesting how the Jew is at the center of the picture, showing that the Jews truly do control the world we live in today, influencing the ideology of the masses by controlling the media/press/radio/etc... The Jew is also touching the Muslim and Trans community, for they are a major influence in bringing Muslims and Trans peoples into modern civilization in hopes of destroying it, with the Jews rising as the new masters of the world.

This is just like those cheesy friendship posters in kindergarten classrooms, complete with the kid in a wheelchair

Or it's a self perpetuating meme and propagating naturally without anyone actually at the controls anymore.

This is the superior choice.

think it means equality

That's what the Jews want you to think

the question is where do i fit in this, or do i not belong

i was literally just about to post this to Sup Forums when i saw it kek

need some more r34 to piss these fags off when the search google images

I hate this shit, not because of Multiculti, but because it's just the same empty sentiment the Left's pushing for the last ten years.

How do you plan to make this bullshit fantasy a reality?

I seriously hope no one here uses google and their "services".

>all white in this picture is disabled.
except for the other three white people...

That, or you're incredibly paranoid, trying to shove some kid's art into your ideological narrative.

>inb4 jidf

It is possible that it was edited by other people though to include these messages. Many logos/symbols over time have been changed from their original meaning to promote a different idea/message.

Unless you are disabled or mentally ill you don't belong.

He does have a point though.

not touching a kafir...

3 whites, 1 jew, 1 chink (slanted eyes)

nigga, it's shaded out because it's google's l

No, because you cannot tell me the things that are occuring in the picture are not occuring. Because they are there, literally drawn there for you to see with your own fucking eyes.

Occams razor suggests this is drawn as either deliberate propaganda, or that the propaganda is so deeply entrenched that the gen z artist, drawing to what she feels will be "popular/accepted" has drawn these things.

Prove me wrong negro

If a kid draws a bunch of jesus pics and sends it in because christianity is mega huge popular so it gives him a chance of winning a competition, is that just coincidence? Or is it a witnessing of and conforming to trends?

However it is the holy cross.

The meme conapiracy theory shit aside, this is stupid because apparently it was some kind of contest.

They picked the shitty BK kids crew image because lol so tolerant.

white jews are white moron. and youre seriously saying the redhead is a chink? fucking internet gen retard.

google is not a gender

Is this permanent?

do you ever goes out? asian want to blonde and dying their hair like that

kek its always a redhead or a blonde isnt it?


>black science man

i go out plenty and ive never seen a white skinned asian with red hair. by goes out do you mean jerk off to anime in your basement?


Notice horned signs in the back
Or is it just coincidence meaning some music trend ?
glad we're the resistance

or its e for electron/science/atheism

her slanted eyes is giveaway..

Why is everyone so against this? The evil here is completely out of control.



Meta is the worst kind of shitposting.

How do we troll Google?


you're killing me

my nigga

my nigga


i actually liked the bk kids crew tho.

i don't really remember them other than the dude in the goggles just chillin with the wheelchair and ginger and nigger and bitch etc..

>29 posts by this ID


>Meta is the worst kind of shitposting

and grass is green!! hey!! pointing out the obvious is FUN!! 8D

they double chumped minorities and made them the majority

they all have slanted eyes retard. is the nigger a chink?


Did Tumblr take over Google?



For a moment, yes.

Yep. Pretty much, yeah...

This is now a get thread


oly shit. This is such bullshit. Like that white kid would ever be smarter enough to work at Google or socially well-adjusted enough to get that close to a female.

Absolutely disgusting that we have to sit here and pretend that this is how white people actually are to be politically correct.

At least they got the Christian girl black guy part right.

I like this one

desktop version?

I am glad I don't live in a world like this :^)

As long as there is one of us that calls out the trannys, kikes, sand niggers, faggots and autists this vision will never come true

Bump for shops.

sadly i dont have one


good job


Fuck you.

fun fact : i had to lower the tolerance on photoshop to erase the white

Why does everyone have to be disabled in someway?

It's frowned upon and outright hated by SJW's when you're not disabled in someway, it's so bad that you have mentally ill people getting convinced by virtue signalling commies that they're the wrong gender.




checked and keked


A nigger.

are people seriously getting upset over this?

Best fucking post in this entire thread

More shops pls.