>watch out alt right! we're coming for you!!!
ITT we make fun of Antifa
Watch out facists! These guns have 400 fps!
>buy a grande iced venti latte
>tfw still contributing to capitalism because you bought it
Cigarettes? Start smoking them.
this is obviously a meme account
You better wear a paintball mask you fascists!
Cape Cods a pretty nice place desu
this has to be a troll account
>inb4 all the professors on Sup Forums who feel the need to point out why this tweet makes no sense even though it's obvious
I wanna say this is fake but antifags really are that stupid
They do realize that they are supporting capitalism by buying it right?
Why don't they just act like niggers and steal it
> * fucking commie*
>cape cod antifa
These idiots write the memes we use against them all by themselves!
Looks like we defeated antifa to be honest. Culturally, physically,intellectually and more fun.
Schaub bless brother
Unironically purchasing tendies from a corporation, probably with his trail mix in his cargo pants pocket in case his tummy rumbles whilst tipping trash cans.
Really got the old noggin' joggin' with this one
Stop finposting, Canada. You suck.
I think Beverly hills antifa, laguna beach antifa and others are parody accounts?
>inb4 you're a retard!
I know i have a disability, fuck you...
>Mommy, i want tendies nowww!!!!
"We can also use the footage to sue them afterwards"