Danmark couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week

>Danmark couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
Oh believe you me, us Danes are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Danmark's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it.

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I miss these post.

We have no licorice left, there's nothing in it for you.

>a country
check my epic bants and these 1s

He who laughs last, laughs best. American pig dog

Meanwhile our war ship is sailing around in shithole waters literally giving away welfare and picking up pirates who's engines break down at sea.

We are thoroughly cucked.


can I be a niggerfugee in denmark fiki fiki and get gibs? I swear im 1/16th black

t. 40% white

You are nothing compared to us, Denmark MADE America, and now we will end it.

>Danes are ITCHING for a war with USA

Nah I think you'll find you're allies bro.

whats wrong with being 40% white? we have more white people here than all of europe western europe

eat shit fat nigger


Denmark's military is even weaker than my nation's pathetic excuse of a military

saved, find me if you can fucker

This is true, although broder do not show the subhumans our battleplans

>Denmark doesn't have any memes of its own so it has to import them from Ohio

Toppest of keks.



What positive things would Danish culture bring to any land they invaded? I'm trying to see the silver lining to being some Dane's bitch.

and you have to import your rapes with niggers and spics
that same (((america))) who pushed you into accepting fugees and turkist """"""""""""TEMPORARY""""""""""""" workers?

WTF no

As someone who has no knowledge of naval shit, what the fuck is that boat supposed to do/role to fill?

I honestly can't tell if this is b8 or not. But here is a neat little graphic showing our power as a country in the military sense.

fugtige migmiger

Free clogs and windmills for all, 0 immigration, no taxes yet free healthcare and schooling(This is achived with the war loot we will gain from destroying america), cool fascism, and a free ticket to LegoLand

>No Taxes


You can't even hold onto han's island.

Also can't you find something better for us to drink then schnapps?

Its a supportship/jack of all trades

>When Danmark's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide.
Throwing empty bottles of Tuborg in the general direction of your enemy doesn't count as genocide.

>send 1 H-bomb
>destroys whole country

do you even carrier bro?

Alfred the Great says hi

So that's why Juncker said he would push for both Ohio and the City of Austin Texas to break away from United States.


He knows what a powerful force Ohio really is

Impressive navy, bro. Seems Denmark is a force to be reckoned with.

OP, post yfw I'm marrying one of your women.

Dansker tråd ?

you mean a national

Why did Denmark surrender after 2 hours of fighting in ww2?

tjo. hvor i fra?

Semantics, user.

We dident want to fight our brothers you dirty anglo fuck

French Mistral

Uncle hitla liked us anyway so life just continued

Allies liked us too, so shit why even fight anyone

PET plz, jeg er fra Århus

big difference fag

superior danish wartime diplomacy

you can put in it : VTOL aircrafts, choppers, tanks and boats

Well clogs are a no brainer and the lego land ticket clinches it. Invasion when?

Lads anyone else want to fuck Enhedslisten cutes?

dubbbs of truth

same. AU masterrace.

You seem upset.

Are you okay?

We were neutral in the napoleonic wars. The only reason we ended up joining Napoleon was because England attacked us. While England was firebombing Copenhagen we had thousands of troops stationed in Holsten to defend against a possible french attack because tention was so high.

Not exactly our choice.

>pay highest amount of taxes for generations
>when the old freaks and philanthropists die out, cash out all that tax money, remove taxes and give to the people
>self sustaining economy where robots make everything and everybody can get the wealth they want through non-robot work and other activities

few years after that we'll have free energy and Andromeda will be the first to meet the dragon shaped bow of our war ships

Why do Danish women have square jaws ?

Soon broder

only the commie ones as the one pictured.

KBH området, dig ?

Because vikings probably didn't slap their women. Don't seem like the crowd that'd go gently if their loved ones complained about how Decapitated Head Soccer took too long.


>tfw gf has Square jaw
>tfw I'm not ethnic Danish

Thanks for dem viking genes senpai

you are very clever

>Danmark couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
So what kind of Putin Troll can't even spell "Denmark" correctly?

If you're going to false flag Vlad, you apparently need to buy a dictionary first.

>being this monolingual

You've gotta be as thick as pigshit mate... That IS how you spell it. Danmark forst!

>That IS how you spell it. Danmark forst!
Not in English

Danmark is Denmark in Danish.

please off yourselves

I guess you've never heard of Norge either.

In OP's native Russian language it's Дaния.

So you fuck off, Putinbots.

t. Rasmus Jensen