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Should Christian Identity be the official religion of our White ethnostate?
Is prolonging your existence pleasure?
I am moral. Just not your kind of moral.
Honestly, I don't think it matters as long as the political philosophy is racially centered. In a perfect world we would practice a sort of secular transcendentalism with a revival of the pagan mindset. As an agnostic, gods aren't of much importance to me as is political philosophy. True spirituality comes about organically, not through force.
I agree with you in this.
The church of christ was international before Alexander Campbell
In 1818 a church in New York sent a letter to "the churches of Christ, scattered over the earth," asking them for a statement of their views and practices. These letters were later printed in The Christian Baptist, a paper edited by (1788-1866).
I want to add to the last sentence there.
>True spirituality comes about organically, not through force.
This is why I think Christianity in large (as in the way most Westerners practice it) is unnatural. It is a religion of force; of promises and threats. I know most faiths, if not all, have concepts of heaven and hell, punishments and rewards. However, no religion focuses so much on the risk/reward aspect as much as Christianity, or all 3 of the Abrahamic faiths in general. That is why it has spread so far and lasted so long; it is the ultimate form of control. To control someone's fear of pain (eternal punishment in the form of Hell) and love of pleasure (eternal Paradise in the form of Heaven) in such a way explains why so many peoples have converted.
Not to say there aren't plenty of good values to be taken from Christianity, though I don't believe those things are exclusive to the faith itself. This idea that morality didn't exist until Christianity spread is ridiculous. But still, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater I always say.
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn’t have to be the only factor of that. If you can’t achieve these things in your real life, then you are probably wasting your time here.
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. So work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for yourself. How can you help others when you can’t help yourself? You can make more of a difference in this world by working on your real life, compared to what you can do by funposting here in the echo chamber. Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
>a jewish religion for a white ethnostate
How retarded can one person be?
If you except nothing else from me, know thateveryone worships something and our choice in the matter is what we worship.
Do not forget
> and pay taxes to support the imported parasites
Christianity is the only truely fairytale religion left in the world. It's the only idea that seems too good to be true but is realistically believable.
Make European gods the saints from which we learn. Purgatory is Elysium, Folkvangr, Valhalla, etc, heaven is the final destination after the destruction and rebirth of the world.
>being a member of a Jewish religion that came from the desert
Christianity is not European. Fuck off with this Christian bullshit. It's no better than the kikes or mudshits
I said it in previous thread - ,
What is Islam?
>when you're so white your religious book says you worship the god of the jews.
Science replaced religion long ago in Europe, starting with the scientific revolution.
Christianity is incompatible with ethninationslism.
Nope. Christianity is universalist and has been that way from day one.
Empiricism has always phased out superstition, this is why most pagan pantheons have died out. We can explain why lightning strikes (the how, not the why) without saying a Thor or a Zeus caused it. The Abrahamic faiths are still around because they focus on what empiricism cannot yet explain: the afterlife. See my post
> the afterlife
You are simply afraid of dying and this is the bait to get you hooked in this crowd control indoctrination.
As proven by well over 1000 years of ethnically uniform Christian European nations.
All going to shit btw right now.
>should controlled opposition kike identity be the identity of white people?
why would a white ethnostate have a nonwhite religion? and a jewish one at that
I am worried there is one.
I wasn't saying the Christian afterlife is accurate, just that it's concepts of the afterlife are very attractive to the masses. Most Christians do not believe in Noah's Ark, that Adam and Eve were the first humans or that the Earth is 6000 years old. Those stories are scientifically falsifiable. I do however guarantee you that most believe 100% in Heaven/Hell due to the fact that you cannot disprove it and that it attacks the most basic of the human senses: pain and pleasure. Slap the word "eternal" on the whole thing and there ya go.
Concept of afterlife is attractive because humans are afraid of dying.
Concept of heaven is attractive because you know that there's an afterlife that's not necessarily pleasant.
Yes we are. Haha I can't tell if we are disagreeing or not. My point is there are other paths to explore in regards to the nether- realms Unexistence, if you will. Christianity just takes such a brutish stance. Being afraid of dying is not a bad thing in my eyes. But we should not be afraid of passing on to the other side, which is where much of my quarrel with Christianity lies.
And the Christian attitude towards afterlife is precisely why it would not work with a white ethnostate. Consider the attitude behind the creation of a white ethnostate: It is prioritizing the future of the real, physical world and ensuring there will be wealth and resources for people ho won't be born until after you've died. This is an attitude expressly condemned by Christianity and its Buddhist-influenced ideal that the physical world is of no importance compared to an afterlife that can't be proven, and thus can't be trusted. It is why archaic Christians resorted to martyrdom instead of riots or open rebellion. That is not the kind of attitude a white ethnostate needs.
1: you do not know if there is afterlife or not
2. someone tell you that there is
3. you are afraid of dying so you want to believe in this
4. someone tells you that there is shitty afterlife and pleasant afterlife
5. someone tells you that you should do a, b and c to get pleasant afterlife and avoid doing x, y and z or you get shitty afterlife
6. you believe him because .. you want to believe in afterlife, because thought about dying frightens you.
Congratulations, you are a drone now. Go get your sword and start klilling those Estonian pagans.
>ci is gay retard nazi jew shit
bumping for good thread
but this is why its so successful and good I think.
I would never go suicide because i fear of eternal damnation. Fear can be good and constructive force, stoping you from making bad deccisions.
Would you grab the grenade and attack that bunker, soldier? There are heretics in there undermining our church.
Question! Sure I would! Half of this board is dreaming of going to war with the name of the God on their lips.
There is nothing good about the augmentation and abuse of fear.
Not Christian Identity.
> "messenger of God" wants to get into burning house
God does not knock on the doors, he created all the locks, remember?
>Sure you don't want to let me in I can help you wirth all your current propane needs
Its quite simple to manipulate the fabric of society. All you need is a thought, a catalyst, some basic understanding of how the human mind works and in a bit of time, presto, you can change the course of history with a strategic use of words. When you learn an idea that completely goes against everything that you once believed. A preconceived notion shattering, an idea that is too ludicrous or illogical, you as a conscious person, a person with a natural bias, an ego will treat the idea with skepticism or flat out dis-reject the idea on a conscious level. But its funny how the brain works. What you learn and choose to reject or not reject on a conscious level, will still end up getting absorbed by your subconscious mind irregardless of your selection, on an unconscious level to you. And within some time, albeit with a few weeks, a few months, that seed, that new idea, will eventually grow and take form till it eventually consumes your thinking and belief system. That idea that you completely forgot about and initially rejected, will have you consciously come to terms with it on your own accordance, believing you came up with the idea, or not, but what does hold objectively true is that you agree with the idea. You can call it subliminal marketing but instead of selling a product, your shifting the make up of society. With a bit of dedication, what you truly believe in can alter and change the ideas of thousands of men who will eventually shape up the ideas of millions of men, who will then go out and shape up the meta functioning of the society as a whole, and on a grandiloquent scale, the direction of where history is heading towards. Whenever your brain will make you realize a new idea, and what you believed you came onto on your own terms according to your ego, just know that the conclusion came to realization by the manipulation of forces outside of your understanding or perception.
I dont take it as abuse of fear.
Is a child being afraid of its fathers wrath something bad? Being afraid of results of your bad deeds is something perfectly fine.
Landlords knock on doors despite having the keys.
the bible isn't even geographically accurate
Even if their property is on fire?
And they leave when told to fuck off when their property is on fire?
> having no memory
Landlords typically don't start fires.
It's an interesting thought experiment, actually, for the significance of choice. The analogy breaks down when it's understood that God is willing to let you choose to burn, because he wants people to choose not to. It's actually a pretty good way to filter out idiots from existence.
The person inside started the fire.
Sounds like humans were a pretty shity design.
Most confusing is that you have gods fist firmly up your ass.
Of course he did =^)
It's a big leap from a father's wrath to a god's wrath. Most fathers don't beat the shit of their children for all eternity.
The Estonian was continuing an earlier thread started by someone else. Judging by his posts I'm pretty sure he opposes the idea.
So telling the person that started the fire that there is a fire is something great if you are indifferent if the person burns in or jumps out of the window...
Special experiment indeed.
Pic Related
>Implying that i dont have my own end game
Of course you do =^)
Nice meme. I tag information I get from outside.
The best Christian I ever knew was the long-ago sex-starved (fugly) nun who made believe my 14 yo anus was the warm bread-of-Christ.
RC would prosper with more such nuns!
If Jesus ever knocked on my door I wouldn't have become an atheist.
Source? The bible was written by 40 people over 1500 years with limited knowledge of the world; trivial mistakes are expected of such a collection of historical documents, and only add to its historicity. I hope you aren't stupid enough to cite phenomenal language used in the bible as its being geographically inaccurate.
wat. Willingness to let you choose to burn doesn't imply indifference, obviously. Ultimately if you're too butthurt to leave and instead make threads like this on Sup Forums, then you deserve to burn. Surely you have better straws to grasp?
False. You were a non-believer to begin with.
just to be clear, in historically orthodox christianity, Christ does not 'ask' to be invited in, nor is man's rescue from His wrath dependent on man's choosing
this is because fallen man is spiritually 'dead' - in just as much rebellion as those ancestors who defied their Creator by eating from the Tree - and being 'dead', has absolutely no ability nor impetus to choose Life
I said the experiment is special because wasting time telling the obvious if you are indifferent to results is retarded, user.
Most fathers dont give you a chance for eternal life an redemption of your soul despite your sins tho.
>False. You were a non-believer to begin with.
Still waiting for that knock, then.
Btw, it is not God knocking. It is some guy.
*tips fedora*
Meme or not, but you dont have a perfect memory regardless if you use a yellow highlighter
I do not have yellow highlighter. This is one of my basic memory functions.
Needed for separating rational from instinctive for starters.
>The person inside started the fire.
The fire rises.
How could I even be considered an atheist
It's not about Christianity, it is about creating a decoupled state/kingdom that is not servile to globalism.
> give unto Caesar what is Caesar's
The collapse of the Bronze Age civilizations was a result from globalist polytheism that created an orgy of nations and kingdoms, the solution to decouple kingdoms from each other was Monotheism. Every nation should be trying to become as self subsisting as possible, Christianity allowed this to happen while keeping a common culture amongst disparate geographic regions through the common belief in Christ.
And who does? A book? A priest, rabbi or an imam? The local witch? Do you trust a mortal with supposed knowledge of the beyond? I would not. And that is not the same as denial, because to put faith in an idea such as Abrahamic heaven/hell, or any other specific afterlife, is the mass denial of every other possibility that may exist, especially one that is within your own soul, one that coalesces through the process of spiritual introspection and growth.
Blame me, contradicting information, first impression, attention span and inner bias.
Has someone here read Surface Detail by Iain M. Banks?
And have you thought what happened to you in those first years of life you do not remember?
Yee let the pagans live on reservations
Consider Estonia a pagan reservation.
Very Augustinian
We can give them Washington state in the us and Oregon
>And have you thought what happened to you in those first years of life you do not remember?
Yeah it's weird to think about. The only clues you have about very early experiences are what their effects were on your current personality. It's like dark matter or black holes affecting gravity. What's even freakier is trying to imagine the existence (if any) before your birth, and I don't mean in a past life sort of way, but as in the state of non-existence, literally. That's interests me more that the afterlife: pre-life.
But no I haven't read that book. Quick rundown perhaps?
So everybody is born Christian?
Fuck you. Estonia is where our pagan roots are. You can not simply detach us from our roots and not expect retaliation.
>That's interests me more that the afterlife: pre-life.
That* interests me more than* the afterlife.
Fuck me. Don't know what happened there.
So it sounds like what you're saying is you want a pagan Estonian ethnostate. Not that you want "our" white ethnostate.
I don't have a problem with that famalam.
I do not want to spoil your experience. Borrow the e-book and read it.
White ethnostate is cuck meme.
You're the one who made a thread about it mate.
Oh I'm a burger speaking for burgers
Europa can settle there own matter about state religion
cough Islam cough
A Christian is anyone baptized in the trinitarian formula
I just continued the old thread that died at 365th post.
the complete opposite
everyone is born spiritually dead, having inherited the same sinful nature as our ancestors
that is why all of us are deserving of hell
What about it?
Isn't there only like 5 people in Estonia
Not asking if you want to be baptized?
No it can be part of our culture and perhaps even taught in schools but people should be free to not believe and access other evolutionary theories or Protestantism etc.
Ironically being Atheist inb4 fat hat man meme, is what eventually turned me into a Natsoc cultural Christian/Pagan due to the evolutionary differences of humans. I see religion as a "necessary evil" in keeping dumb people with no nationalism under control and something to make them push on. We don't want to turn out like some backwater Muslim shithole and say what you want but Christianity did save science and knowledge from the Romans but also hindered it with the Church and official doctrine
Tonight one died because car accident.
You can always chose later on. Baptism just just pouring water on your head if you want to reject it when you become capable of making your own decisions.
It's not like Judaism where they chop your dick up. That's slavery. That's not something you can get back.
Why not wait until someone makes their own decision?
Well I guess if you're Christian and you think it's a good idea then it's like any other good idea you pass down to your children in the hopes that they make good choices as they grow up.
I guess if you're pagan and you think paganism is a good idea, you'd do the same, no? If you can be an adult and think what your parents told you is good enough to tell your own children, then that sign that there's something good about it unless you're just retarded or evil.