What are the true benefits of being a member of the European Union?
What are the true benefits of being a member of the European Union?
You get to be a good goy.
Get to taste different types of Mohammed cock
You get to experience a multicultural utopia free from prejudice and hatred.
But mainly this:
Cheap labor
A docile Eurasian-Negroid race
A happy Kalergi
Free sandniggers and not being able to deport them.
Your economy will boom.
the EU negotiates on your country's behalf. it gets better deals because it represents a shit load of wealth.
All of your wildest dreams will come true.
Basically, you get pay more taxes to finance the decadent lifestyles of the Brussels globalist puppets. In exchange, they use that money for the undermining of your national sovereignty, the destruction of Western and family values and advancing the mestizo agenda through the inoculation of African and fundamentalist islamic populations and their bronze-age ideologies.
(((stable currency)))
(((cultural enrichment)))
A decent amount if you restricted immigration from the third world.
Absolutely nothing if you accept subhuman immigrants.
If it was any other flag it'd be a joke, this guy is probably serious though
He says to the Irishman.
You're part of the European alliance of nations, leading the world, showing lesser nations what they could become and upholding the righteousness and justice all over the world. You're seen as THE first world, nobody else has as high standard of living as you. You get to share beneficial relations with great nations of past and of today
> Inb4 corrupted communists euussr
Stop for a moment and think, EU is literally the union of whites, imagine what a power house it could be if we elected the right people, fuck off with your shill memes, EU has only had hard times because of slackers, looking at you greece and the uk
Diversity, tolerance and multiculturalism
See:Ireland has benefited greatly because they are a well-educated smart population that has restricted immigration from the third world.
England is the same, but they encouraged immigrantion from the third world.
Refugee cum in your boypussy
You get to be a part of (Germany's) Empire.
it will detonate so to speak
You're literally jealous, look at yourself
what is the mestizo agenda?
Im mestizo btw
For good reason, Empire is what every nation should strive to be.
As opposed to virtually jealous, or practically jealous. Jealous of a superstate coming apart at the seams as soon as one member state objects.
Massive trade within the EU and with countries that the EU has FTAs (50 and more)
The EU takes over certain functions that individual members do not have to be bothered with
And then the people love freedom of movement, me included.
Why are Finns such EU shills? I've only noticed this recently.
>Stop for a moment and think, EU is literally the union of whites, imagine what a power house it could be if we elected the right people, fuck off with your shill memes, EU has only had hard times because of slackers, looking at you greece and the uk
I love the idea of the EU being a powerful empire alongside the American empire. But I don't love the Jew-run third world immigration/ race-mixing variation that we have now.
The EU could be great but for you know who....
Cuckery after WW2
>EU is literally the union of whites
EU is rapeistan. EU has chosen to be rapeistan and are currently spreading Islam throughout the region.
Idea behind EU was to create a "state" able to compete with USA, China and become a new super power.
>Diversity, tolerance and multiculturalism
You can choose to have as much or as little as you want of each of those without the EU.
>EU has only had hard times because of slackers, looking at you greece and the uk
>second biggest contributor to the EU
Literally kill yourself m8
>Ireland has benefited greatly because they are a well-educated smart population
There are no benefits to being in the EU. Not one
Cultural enrichment
Being able to buy weed in Amster withouth getting busted at the border
How do you become "super" by mass importing 80 IQ black and brown Muslims????
That's like saying we're going to build a superbowl football team by signing old fat women. It makes no sense.
This only benefits Jews.
Freedom of movement, like the one the Americans have in their continents.
But Europeans are too scared to seek any opportunities beyond their village.
Bullshit. Ireland is just as open as the UK, plenty of arabs and poles infested them over the last few years.
Their economy went to shit after the celtic tiger bubble burst. They were one of the EU nations claimed to be at risk of melting down like Greece back when that happened.
The brit meant the ORIGINAL idea. The EU was the only way Europe, as a whole, could even hope to compete with the economic powerhouse that was the USA post ww2
I'm pretty sure it was something to do with the USSR actually having a decent economy for it's size during the early cold war.
Even with the Gibraltar shit going on, I just cannot dislike the Spanish.
Dont blame me for EU mistakes. The idea wasnt bad. I blame the jews, who benefit the most from EU being flooded by the africans/asians.
"If we elected the right people," OK and how is that going to ever work when "the right people" are demonized as Nazis and we even have the UN saying the EU should undermine national homogeneity, all perfectly in line with what dicks like Tusk say?
Ireland Per Capita GDP: $50,503
U.K. Per Capita GDP: $41,497
Ireland PISA Score: 517
England PISA Score: 503
we can travel freely to any country. You can go study or work in any country. You can sell your goods or buy raw material or parts to or from any country, without taxes and int he same currency.
For a company, even a small one, it's easy to have 4 or 5 suppliers and clients outside your country. It's a lot easier when all the deals are made in the same currency. Also, when you establish a contract, you don't suddently get fucked when the currency value change and you get from a decent profit to a huge loss while still having to fulfill the contract.
You have the same standards, so it's easier to buy supplies and to sell your goods, because we all respect the same specifications and laws.
Your security forces cooperate a lot more, because criminals don't give a shit about borders anyway. You don't spend useless money and troops guarding roads and worrying everypony crossing a border while the criminal just cross it a few hundred yards in some forest or fields.
and so on, i could keep listing stuff endlessly. Oh yes, there are also cons, and a lot of administrative bullshit ( like all government anyway), but that was not your question, and it's not a reason to blind yourself from the pros
After seeing both British urban areas and Irish urban areas you would not believe the amount of non whites in the country of Britain, usually England.
Getting cucked.
>worrying everypony
Eat shit and die in a fire you degenerate horse fucking man child.
a little more than that will boom
Everything, that's why Norway and Scotland should join the union.
We are stronger together
It's 2017 the Nationstate is dead long live the European union
All of these issues could be subverted by the correct application of an ECONOMIC Union, NATO and Interpol.
You get to be bailed out when your country fucks up, then turned into an economic serf to master race Germany. Who will then end up the Brown Sea of Refugee.
Kys faggot
And you'll experience a trickle-down effect as the shrapnel tears open a few arteries. Nothing to worry about, the pain will be brief!!
The Kalergi plan is GREAT
Hi, Barneyfag!
>implying Scotland would even get admitted to the EU
I can't believe people think that the EU is going to want to take on a newly independent economy while trying to fight fires in southern europe. Scottish Remainers are deluded.
>Votes to stay in UK voting sample when >it suits them economically .
>Wants to leave now it may not.
This 92 score is from ONE test that Richard Lynn did in one part of Ireland 50 years ago.
50 fucking years ago.
He's never updated it. Despite Ireland's test scores consistently topping Germany, England, etc. Its honestly weird and makes me discount all of his work.
good one
You get told that you are a good person while your culture and people get destroyed.
Some people fall for it and then feel good about themselves and superior to the evil right-wing populists.
aren't you supposed to get the euro one day ? I think it's part of the agreements ?
Germany made Schroeder reforms, they took care of well managing their budgets, and built their economy on small scales efficient and exporting factories.
Can't blame them for their successes, while rest of europe just stood there refusing any reform and continuing on throwing away debt money.
RTÉ must be hard up for researchers.
Eu is shit, but deeply depressed peasants love it because of the pipe dream they can swan off to Croatia when this windfall from "The Medical Supplies Place" comes in.
Sad bastards whoring themselves for a fake goal and getting their teen daughters raped by a Muslim invader with a baguette and a beret.
Fucking People.
Would be diverse like right now :) we germans are really stupid, because you know the naziss... Now the africans come and make us smarter bcuz they are doctors and engineers... Not like stupid racist germans now everyone is german :)
Wow, really puts things into perspective. It's like rest of you are just monkeys throwing feces around while only Finns, and the intellectual elite is capable of having real discussion.
You think you can fool us?
Numbers don't go that high.
Check Mate.
Ireland was a third world nation in 1973 when we joined
Now we are one of the richest countries in the West.
Europe was part of that answer, but Sup Forums are edgy contrarians so we can't admit that.
Being able to completely surrender your national identity and culture to a new collectivist model. To not be burdened with the responsibilities that come with individualism, like thinking, to just let go and let my betters tell me what I need and want.
Now is not the time for nationalistic fervour, Finn.
Were also a banana republic/tax haven
i visited ireland int he early 90's. I loved it, nicest people on earth i ever met.
pretty backward and underdeveloped outside main city, thx to english treating it like a despised colony. Roads were 19th century jokes. Literally had to drive over the sheeps and drunks.
But you could see the EU working, building highways. And the Irish government played it really smart, making what had to be done to attract big companies like Gateway.
>Muslim humor
See:The EU is actually generally good so long as they restrict immigration from the third world, and respect nation's sovereignty to an extent.
It's failing because of ISLAM. And debt.
is there any movement happening for Irish exit of eu there mate?
Just look at Greece, or any of the PIIGS sure most are "improving" but they're all incredibly unstable economies.
Ireland nearly imploded economically and would have done so if they weren't bailed out, I know that's hard to hear seeing as you're obviously an """Irish"""" American who has 1/128th Irish genetics
you realize 3.5 percent of germany is non-european, right?
On a related note, I know more than a few people who eat rabbits and pheasant because it's the only "safe" meat they can get. Plenty about like it (not in EU run areas like the cities tho) the west is dieing and Dublin are complaining about a train holiday. Last train past here was in the 1950's
Money from the 4 countries that pay less than they recieve.
Oh wait.. make that 3.
The European Economic Community was not necessarily a bad thing. The EU is definitely a bad thing.
Getting a useless degree and getting 200k on the taxpayer's money so long as you're a good boy and work in Brussels.
The Irish Dream
It's quality, not quantity. They're freedom of movement means they get daily imports of the purest, blackest niggercock.
Yeah but I we have a lot more going for us
>Geographically stable
>Rule of law
>Geographically well placed. In between US and EU.
> Educated
Woah rare as fuck...
You get to consume German products and borrow at German rates, even as a third world shithole. That is the only good thing about it, apart from it being a scam and it won't last long either.
Look its the paki in Norway stop shilling for eu
Tbh this issue mostly seem ti affect the brits, I haven't heard any other fellow EU complaining about freedom of movement and generally being this cold with fellow EU nationals.
Personally I'm packing my stuff right now, my plan is go to Spain, North EU looks fucked too socially speaking.
> wealth
Kek, it represents nothing of the sort. It's an extrotion racket and nothing more.