Why didn't they just put together some makeshift parachutes contructed from office supplies and spare clothing?
Americans are dumb.
Why didn't they just put together some makeshift parachutes contructed from office supplies and spare clothing?
Americans are dumb.
Other urls found in this thread:
>this shitty Sup Forums tier thread
>thinking that office supplies can make a parachute for thousands of people and support even 100 lbs of weight
Cuckada is fucked
welcome your holiness.
The pope even comes to shit on leafs.
i was there that day but luckily i had my wingsuit so i was able to fly to saftey before the building fell
What the flying fuck
Why didn't they jump down with a chair and jumped off the chair at the last second?
OP you should sew a few garments together and test out your theory.
>meanwhile you can't see, breathe , hear let alone want to move due to being paralyzed by fear
Hey , I noticed you're from Canada, you think you'd be fucking your dog in the ass right now.
Or the obvious solution of simply making a ladder with some scissors, a stapler, and a lot of paper. Be sure to remember this when you're in that kind of situation. May come in handy.
I wanna spend my whole life to become a cardinal just to get to shitpost on a Vietnamese basketweaving forum.
why didn't they send a helicopter with rope to save those people?
why didn't the top floors have emergency parachutes?
why did some people just jump instead of trying to climb down at least?
why wasn't the plane capable of releasing poison gas into the cockpit and then safely landing using auto pilot?
why didn't they use firefighting aircraft?
Ex general talks about the government committing 9-11. He starts talking about the attacks at 6:11 in.
>Push somehting heavy near the window
>Climb on top of it and push it out
>Jump off of it before you hit the ground.
you can't have a flag like that and not give proof
saw a video of one tower jumper trying to hold his jacket like a parachute.
it didn't work
Could you imagine how shit a parachute made only with office supplies and clothing would be? Also, try jumping out of an aircraft using a shirt as a parachute. See how much air you can catch before you plaster yourself all over the sidewalk.
Is this now a 9/11 rekt thread?
Did he look like one of the "passengers" in Titanic?
What's your sugestion then?
Because it's hard to be motherfucking Macgyver when seconds count and the building you are in is burning, collapsing, and exploding. What, you think the average jack-off could do that shit? What a nitwit you are. Great thread OP you faggot.
why were you birthed
>why didn't they use firefighting aircraft?
You mean like flying the firefighting aircraft into the Towers as well?
Anyone have a full uncensored news cast from 9/11?
Fuck off francis you are not the real pope
theres quite a few on youtube
heavy stuff
someone actually thought of trying to produce a parachute for buildings, but they found out it would not unfurl and fully open by the time you hit the ground. When you jump from a plane the speed of the plane itself helps to jerk the parachute fully open.
There was also the question of training people to use it, and letting them practice.
yeah but if it happened you'd imagine some people would've at least tried what op said
What in the fuck?
>by some miracle of God you makeshift parachute decelerates you enough to survive the fall
>laying at the bottom of the building in total agony of having broken all your bones
>you have enough time to realize how fucked you are as the building collapses down and kills you.
Are you retarded? Here is how they should have survived.
Step 1: Grab a large piece of wood
Step 2: Jump out of the building while holding the wood under your feet
Step 3: Jump off the wood right before hitting the ground
Step 4: Be a hero and hump a lot of babes
>shittier ideas
Would one of those heavy duty 50 gallon trash bags helped at all?
Feel free to perfect if you want, cause this is rare
In reality this is some milfag with a whole lot of proxies.
>working in a skyscraper and not bringing a parachute to work
Nipbro. We need you now more than ever. Show us the way.
Do us all a favor and jump off CN Tower with a picnic blanket, leaf.
Jesus is a cuck
This is our solution.
This far too vague. I need to know what I need to do.
Show us the light. I will ensure the torch is passed to as many people as possible.
I believe you.
kek if only their milk came in bags they could of build a parashute from them
let that be a lasson hahjah
>grab couple of toilet plungers
>climb down side of building like spiderman
Seriously though americans truly are the dumbest. When under stress they just freak out and jump from buildings and shit.
Am I doing it right?
because rocket jet packs were easier, but they didn't have enough time
Newfags, this guy posts everywhere
Ropes dropped down a stair-well near the top might work better.
Of course some fatbodies, old, and weak people will either fall or try taking the stairs.
Ikr? Theres miles of carpet that can be cut and used to parachute down safely.
>Jump out of burning buildings
>Make peace with god
>Look up to the sky in your last moment
>Some cunt's parasailing off into the sunset with a bunch of tablecloths and a desk fan
than who is cunt
why didn't they extend their arms like sugar gliders and fly to safety by using their suit jackets as improvised air foils
>parachutes from office supplies
America please nuke leafs
I guess this is as good a thread as any to share my story
>be me
>be 9/11/01
>be mailroom temp in the north tower
>doing my rounds on the higher floors
>plane hits or bombs go off or whatever I wasn't really paying attention
>people panicking the stairs are blocked off
>after awhile the heat is very apparent
>bunch of nerds and women all cowering in the break room crying just prepared to burn or suffocate making no attempt to get out
>Eddie keeps babbling about a giant paper airplane
>fuck this not dying here
>go to the paper office
>unscrew paper cutter arm
>hypothetically butcher apart cowering coworkers
>fashion organ rope ladder
>tie to fire hose
>mission impossible my way down with Amy's lower intestine
>hail a cab who's driver tells me "he's seen everything"
>go to McDonalds and get a shake
They're citycucks. Well, were citycucks. All they knew how to do was one thing and they did it full on blast for 12 hours a day. Everything else they paid someone to take care of.
Works well, unless something weird and unexpected happens. And then you're just fucked.
>I've never spent more than a few days in a city my entire life
>fashion organ rope ladder
>what is known as fire on everything
fucking retarded leafs I swear
fpbp & RARE
Praise be unto the Holy Trinity, brother.
May your shitposting be ever be into the Father's enlightening gaze.
Hello Francis :^)
That's bullshit. Base jumpers jump from 500 ft all the time
I will pray for u tonight papa. :)
Why didn't they have emergency jetpacks under the desks to prepare in cases of an emergency? Fucking retarded burgers baka.
and they regularly get injured or killed
that's why base is still an extreme stunt and not a sport
Hatred of the Eternal Leaf unites men like hatred of the Eternal Jew.
Fuck this thread is giving me ptsd about the 9/11 thread on Sup Forums a while ago
I've watched:
and if there were no planes that hit the WTC, there should be footage of the explosions happening without the planes, right? Someone, somewhere must had to be filming that. The closest to anyone saying they have that is the NY Daily Post photographer who took that one PICTURE and said there was no plane, but that seems to be it.
Any thoughts on this?
1:59:50 for the video compositing part, that way you don't have to watch all three hours.