Would you still endorse Nazi eugenics if it meant you had to be gassed?
No since I am fucking beautiful and have amazing genes and I'm not even white.
I have shitty genes but I'm still reproducing, I'm a manlet. I'll reproduce with a taller woman so my children will be taller and have better genes. In the next two to four generations they will be lanklets.
>not even white
>living in Germany
Why do you do this?
I'm muslim stay mad. My brothers will take over this place and your daugther will marry a beared man. We will drive you out like the animals you are inshallah
There were no gas chambers, so I'm not sure why point you're trying to make.
As far as "eugenics" I would allow myself to be sterilized under the 4th Reich if it were deemed necessary, but I doubt it would.
The only reason you're still alive is because law and order hasn't collapsed yet. Once that happens, every uncucked German will be gunning for you.
Stay mad jew lover you are next
>amazing genes
Pick one.
I'm not even mad. Do you get mad when you see a few cockroaches crawling around in the dirt? I sure don't.
You """people""" are just a bunch of vermin to me.
I hope this is a bait.
In the case you are really a Muslim, consider this:
Ther Überfremdung happening in Germany, will either:
lead to the destruction of the German people, so Germany will be such a shit hole as every muslim country. Thus muslims will not have a civilization to parasite.
Or, the rise of right wing parties, that will something you.
>sandniggers acting hard on the internet
Top kek, nice recent winning record in those wars there abdul
>Would you still endorse Nazi eugenics if it meant you had to be killed?
It's more likely that I'd be sterilized, but yeah, I still would. Even if I had to go, it would still mean that the Reich would be on its way to making the world a better place, and building better men.
Just get out of our country.
He's not going anywhere, Hans. You'll have to remove kebab yourself eventually. Just keep improving yourself and getting /fit/ in the meantime.
I never did nor did hitler ever harm people only help.
2/10 who takes this seriosly should fucking lurk moar
Should people with good genes and high intelligence be forced to breed?
Today they are seldom doing that, leading to an decline in average population IQ.
Gassing doesn't sound like a great way to go
Can I opt for a firing squad instead?
Hitler didn't kill disabled ppl... just studied on how to make population healthy, discourage Down's syndrome retards to suffer yes?
Well CO gassing is even advocated as one of the best and least painful suicide methods, so it should not be as bad as it sounds, or (((people))) told you it is.
And it would have to be done in an industrial way, so CO is the obvious choice.
Did they "gas" people with lactose intolerance?
There was a pension for old people and other disabled people hitler was a socialist who cared for those who couldn't care for themselves.
No, but lactose intolerance is clearly not Übermensch.
The point is, you can set the bar arbitrarily high, so that (you) would still be among those affected by these laws.
Sure, why not. Even though it would wipe out most of the population if the bar was set that high. It would mean the roaches and other shitbirds are gone too and people genetically similar to me remain. Group evolutionary strategy friendo.
And others.
only if feminine penis is the most sacred symbol
if they agree that feminine penis is the best then i would. otherwise they're heretics and need to be purged
>implying they euthanized people
>implying gas chambers
I bet you're one of those idiots that thinks they ran the pesticide through shower heads or some weird shit that even the USHMM.org would disagree with.
It's so easy to convince people that eugenics are a good thing.
I actually did today.
We were talking about degenerative illness and the advances in science and genetics to get rid of down syndrome.
I started talking about eugenics as being the study to ensure a healthy population.
They had never heard of it before and were quite supportive of the idea. Eugenics just makes sense.
Only kikes kill their own supporters.
Still yes.
thanks, german indoctrination is very deep.
this is the laziest bait ive ever seen
Yes. I would leave the areas controlled by Nazis though.
No but a strong nation is necessary to enforce a stable world order
I would just be in favor of deportation. Degenerates can lie on the beach and surf all day then die.
There's literally no reason to straight up kill people if all you want to do is strengthen your next generation. Sterilization is a much more humane method, and can be done on a volunteer basis for select individuals with instances of genetic defects. It's not like you can just create the whole shebang in a single generation, anyway, there's no reason to try to rush shit along. Just set the bottom most rungs of the worst defects and genetic shortfalls you want to not be passed on to the next generation, and work baby steps from there with every or every other generation.
This, eugenics are a very humane process.
It seeks to heal mankind after all.
I never liked planned parenthood goals nor methods.
What the Nazis did was not eugenics.
Systematically murdering the highest-IQ segment of a country's population doesn't improve gene pool.
Neither does importing low-IQ sandniggers to take their place after the war.
It does, however, reduce competition for the globalists' places at the top of the heap and make labour cheaper.
Getting to keep the Jews' money after the war was gravy.
Get back to me when someone actually implements a eugenic policy, okay?
heres a (you) because you seem so desperate for it
Yes, but I'm German so I'm good.
You deserve to be part of eugenics since you have no fucking clue what it means.
Tick tock achmed. Can you hear it? You think your inbred 80iq people stand a chance once we get fed up with your bullshit?
We have the 2nd amendment. Americans don't put up with shit you fucking Islamic fag.
Your hate only makes me stronger. Your time will be up soon and the rightous shall prevail
gas? dont be such a fedora edgelord.
it should just be a little bit of radiation blasted at the reproductive organs