How come there are no women today that have a personality similar to this character?
That wimpy way she swung the baseball bat always stuck out to me
You have to get them while they're still young and insecure, and then beat them. Then they end up just like her.
The Shining is the greatest movie ever made
If you want a woman like that you need to be like Jack. Start molesting your bowl cutted son and hang out drinking with ghosts.
She went insane and gained like 150 pounds
think i'll watch the shining tonight, thanks OP
haven't watched it since high school
Watch Hal Ashby's Being There and the original Wicker-man too.
Because women like this do not like to bang ugly as fuck lesbians that try to look like teen boys. Go sit on a candle OP.
Watched it last night and it was pretty great.
get fucked faggot
who else thought it was a shit tier movie?
The few left are unicorns and less and less of them are raised like that everyday.
I don't know why, but I always wanted to fuck her.
>women aren't raised like that anymore
In abusive, possibly sexually abusive households?
tell me why you thought it was good
I'll wait
It's about the single most important thing in human history: the nuclear family. Do you still have those in Leafistan?
because I enjoyed it, that's why.
They're gonna point to the intelligent dolly work, intelligent and consistent use of motifs, fantastic framing/scene construction, the compelling ambiguity of prominent symbols/events, etc
It also shows consistency in use of symbology across a lot of Stan's other stuff.
God tier cinematography.
because you men in the US dont abuse their kids as much anymore, you can still get them in S. Korea and Latin America.
It's about how you can't hug your family with nuclear arms
because i'm not a homosexual canadian
and god tier performance by nicholson
All of Kubrick's movies are the greatest of all time.
Same here.
I can recall my peepee getting hard as fucking diamonds the first time I watched the Shining.
Then, years later, I met a girl who looked the spiting image of Shelley Duvall. I swooned.
>god tier performance by Nicholson
Doesn't top Chinatown
didn't say it was his best broski
>doesn't give an argument
typical burger response
I should have known better than to expect any clarity coming from shit munching subhumans
Personal Best > God Tier?
I think Clockwork Orange is a bit better
Most comfy movie I've ever seen. All snowed in with dad and mum.
For some reason that comment made me burst out laughing.
The lack of this type of woman today really cuts me deeply. This was the kind of broad I always intended marrying once I grew up. I always wanted to be the breadwinner and then storm home, looking for something to find fault with and force her to strip to her underwear and go over my knee as I spanked her bare bottom. Her tears would have replenished my life force every night and I would have been able to live happily with my weird quirk, whereby I can only become tumescent at the sound of a woman's screams of terror. But alas, I now am resident in a winnibago of wrath, a lagoon of loneliness
He never molested him, he grabbed his arm too hard and broke it when Danny was fucking with his papers.
>there can't be multiple things considered god tier
They gave clear and concise responses.
What is a movie you think is good?
I did.
I always thought Shelley Duvall looked just like my mom when she was young. Extremely similar facial features plus she also had long dark hair and brown eyes.
Good one famalam
Here is a big problem you'll see these days with modern movies.
if they remake The Shining... hell.. WHEN they remake The Shining, cause lord knows they will sooner or later, the actress is going to be smoking hot.
How many actresses back then were not hot and could just passed as normal people with acting ability. Compare to what you see now. It honestly bugs the shit out of me, you'll never see a woman look like her as the main star of a big film ever again, it really hasn't been done since the 80s, maybe 90s.
uhh guys?
PROTIP: women like it when you beat them. They also like it when you bear their kids.
Ask some children of single mothers. Single mothers in particular instinctively look for brutal, violent men because a primitive part of their brain thinks the father of their children was taken by predators, or something, so a brutal man is needed to protect them.
In reality they let scumbags torture and rape their kids.
I've seen cases of black women that actually offer their kids to men like "I'm ugly and you'll have to fuck me but you can fuck my kids too."
Kubrick broke her.
I am dating one :)
It's fucking rare...probably will wife her.
Maybe they will cast this smoking hot babe
Olive Oil?
>still can't give a consice answer
>resorts to posting irrelevant images to try and deflect humiliation
Never change you mongrels
Goddamnit. Iirc she has schizophrenia.
Or she's just really redpilled.