Why can't society just be more accepting of trans* folx?
Jazz Jennings is literally on suicide watch
>when you try to suppress your natural testosterone production but it ends up backfiring on you when it peaks naturally in puberty and no amount of estrogen will stop it from wreaking havoc on your malformed trap body
We are though
Glorifying mental illness instead of treating it is the left's agenda, not ours.
That damn pesky biology!
who cares if some berko trap goes even more berko.
How'd the interview with Tomi turn out
>that fucking Jewish doctor
>oy vey goyim you gotta supress your testosterone or your bottom surgery is kaputz
>tfw you don't want to be a lady anymore but you already signed the contract for next season
> Jazz Jennings
>have tv show
>because of said tv show, liberals and brainless idiots heap you with praise
>probably pretty rich because of said tv show
>want to kill yourself
And nothing of value was lost
Holy shit he's getting fat.
and kek at the tumblr tards getting triggered by Tomi's mere presence in the comments
poor kid he should be playing video games not being a massive fucking faggot.
>Have millions of people kissing your ass since you are a famous tranny in the public eye.
>Still want to an hero
Also wtf is up with xer fridgebod?
some tranny jew
i think what he was getting at is because of her lack of testosterone her penis is too small to make an acceptable vagina from. it happens.
>men dressing up as women
>getting their dicks cut off
Only in USA, UK and Canada, do you see how strange this is? Faggots, Lesbos and Trannies are a mental illness but its celebrated by western cultures.
Man she got fat
Testosterone is the ultimate chemical, nothing stops its effects
>Only in USA, UK and Canada, do you see how strange this is? Faggots, Lesbos and Trannies are a mental illness but its celebrated by western cultures.
Thailand are you kidding me right now?
corporate shill piece of piss go away
Holy shit, doesn't your country have the highest percentage of ladyboys on earth? Fuck outta here, hypocrite.
don't forget Iran. they are in the forefront of sex change technology over there
No, what the fuck are you talking about birtfag?
Do you realize where you live?
Mental. Illness.
>coming from fucking Thailand of all people
ironic asian bantz
>tfw you have to go on test to regrow your micropenis until it's big enough to turn inside out because you've been on estrogen since age 4 but the reversion turns you back into cis male you would have always been had you let your balls drop naturally but you can't deal with the shame so you end it all ;_;
>we don't have the raw materials we need...
Fucking kek did that freak show say to the other freak his cock was too small to make into a pussy?
Because they are anti-life.
can't wait for her to neck herself
the most disturbing part of this is that straight normal boys will one day have to be force to date trannies or be call every name in the book
>those giant teenage-boy-in-gym-class feet
My fucking sides.
>Jazz Jennings
But for real, what are the chances that happened?
good point
He's been on hormone blockers since he was in elementary school. He only got a TV show like 2 years ago.
that's exactly what she meant. jazz's penis must be really really tiny and her balls are probably like m&m's
Just easier to say her. When you say it or that thing somehow people look at you like your the weird one.
"She" should be an aspiring porn "actress".
Im genuinely curious what that little faggot looks like without a pound of makeup on.
It's almost like trannies are mentally ill and cutting off their cocks won't solve anything.
>dick is too small to make a vagina
I like how people say you can’t tell the difference if you start them on blockers early but if you look closely, you still can. Also lol at the deep voice when he's crying.
like any other girl would.
Good. Hope it blows its brains out live on CNN.
There's nothing wrong with transgender ism guys.
As she's getting older she's getting more of a manjaw, man neck, man shoulders. Can't fight genetics with medicine it seems
I started hrt at the age of 14 and I have the same problem. I have a sub two inch penis.
I need to go to Thailand to get a vagina because they use a different technique.
That's why if he was so determined to be a girl, he should've had a castration when he was little.
like a dude with long hair....
unfortunately it's literally true. jazz's penis has to be no more than an inch or two long. so if it were turned into a vagina it would only be an inch or two deep. same thing happens to some later transitioning trannies who have really small penises, just can't be done.
lol why is jazz black Sup Forums? Dad and mom are white
How much you charge per hour?
Why are you white people so fucking degenerate?
lol. typical Sup Forums poster right here fellas
That quandary, stop taking estrogen/start taking testosterone to get a bigger dick to make into a pussy and grow facial hair, a lower voice and Adam's apple, Not growing male features but keep the dick.
>tfw tiny penis but fully grown man
You mean aside from the micro penis and mini balls from being on hormone suppresses before puberty? Also im willing to bet he has some weird looking estrogen induced titties as well.
don't they like use part of the colon or something? it sounds kind of yucky to me
Stop pushing this shit down our fucking throat man! Now kids are guna get picked on at school and stay thinking their gay trans frogs and shit. Dafuq
45 an hour is my current going rate, but that isn't counting the benefits i get. I am the typical tranny programmer. i even have the stripped thigh high socks.
yeah I guess.
They use the ball sack to line the vagina where murican doctors use the penis.
>letting children decide to chop their cocks off
you did well
It doesn't help that she's just ugly.
She looks like an ugly Indian Kid, but her parents seem to be light skinned Jews
her breasts most likely are just like any other girl's breasts. all girls have estrogen induced titties.
You can't "get" a vagina, I'm afraid. The best you can get is simulating a vagina by digging out a cavity and folding some skin, and it's not even as good a simulation as a Fleshlight at the end of the day. Also have fun keeping rods in your "vagina" so it doesn't heal over--you know, like all women do. Since you're a woman, right?
post pics
>penis is too small to make an acceptable vagina from
I want to see his dick.
>hair on the inside
seriously though, don't bother. it will never be real. feel the inside of your cheek and compare it your balls. be happy with what you have.
So what happens when homeboy's beard starts to grow
wtf is a Jazz Jennings?
her mother got BLACKED
They use it for the mucus. It doesn't sound kinda, it's fucking disgusting. Fucking a fake vagina is equivalent to cross swords and fuck a male in the ass at the same time.
Trans women are pretty much female blackface.
You're an embarrassment to women, stop.
Never even thought of that, he fucked his dick and balls up probably permanently by blocking puberty. Micro dick confirmed if he ever wants to revert.
Post boipucci, faggot.
Honestly I don't consider myself a real woman. I am sure a lot closer to woman than man though and since I started at 14 I look like a 7/10 maybe 8/10 with make up and doing a keto diet after a few months.
They dehair the ball sack before putting it in side. I could link you the website if you really wanted.
We are in the decadent phase of our empire. It´ll colapse soon. Nevertheless whites were responsible for the single most productive, creative, innovative period in human history.
>Lady-boi capitol of the world.
That video was so Jewish
Nice sideways picture newfag
man fake vaginas sound like they smell like shit.
Damn, Jazz's Mom is a complete Jew. Probably forced it on him since he was a kid for the shekles.
Kinda feel sorry for the lad. He was just a brainwashed kid.
post pic of your mini weiner, you freak.
Now he will forever be a hormonally and physically fucked up human being, and all because of shitty parents who thought wearing a dress somehow meant that he was an irreversible tranny instead of a hyperactive kid
< - This
You know the rules. Tits or GTFO.
I have no sides.
Probably her melanin got fucked up by the hormones.
do you have a cute girly ass?