How are you going to celebrate trumps resignation party?
i'll be hosting a party with my fellow ultra high IQ city friends
i can't wait to see the man with the little hands get impeached, this joke of a presidency has gone on long enough already, not even rural and suburban retards will be dumb enough to elect an orange-tinted demagogue again
I'll celebrate mike Pence's inauguration after 8 long years of Trump!
I will kill hundreds. My country will have burnt away its last hope and we will be on the track to South Africa. I have nothing to live for but the odd hope we escape that nightmare for at least one more generation. He goes, I go, and so does everyone in my apartment block.
My rage is only tempered by the fact that such a thing will never happen.
Why would he resign?
>obama staffer says bad thing about trump
>plebbit eats it up
why are they so retarded?
I think Trump will have a good presidency overall.
Oh boy time for them to cry like the election night.
You aren't some sort of rural and suburban retard are you?
High IQs only in this thread please, us hilldawgs need to celebrate after this massive victory!
By saging your gay thread