The more black people that move to Germany then the more people will want to live in the USA. So Germany gets all the blacks and we get the well off educated whites that are no longer wanting to live in Sub-Saharan Africa expansion state known as Germany. Then the Africans will no longer be able to pay NATO fees making us pull back all our armaments and Russia invades them after dropping a couple nukes clearing out the Africans. Either way you look at it we win.
What is so bad about this?
Other urls found in this thread:
The problem is your country is the farthest thing from a white paradise.
You realize how big this country is compounded with the fact that people self-segregate based on income and race means I haven't seen a shitskin in years.
Well, still More Europeans would move to Canada or the USA making us whiter.
>we get the people who voted for and supported the destruction of their nation
Sink with your ship.
>whats wrong with feral niggers coming to rape steal and murder
>what could go wrong by inviting almost 5 million and counting!!!!
Yeah, the same thing exists here. I happen to live in an entire province at 96% white surrounded by other provinces at nearly 97% and 98%.
It's irrelevant when the fact you're basically an conglomerated super-state. Balkanization is what we need.
The USA is less white than Europe, by the time it becomes so severe that the average idiot will want to leave, we will already be dead. Couple this with the fact that European immigrants have a hard time getting to America, means what you described will never ever happen.
USA had to pay to get its slaves.
Our slaves rush to come to work for us.
I don't live in Germany not like I have to deal with that shit. If Merkel wants hordes of niggers then we get the good people who don't want to live in that shit hole obviously.
>the good people
As if you know anything about living here t.Brit
You're just not the sharpest light bulb in the drawer, bud.
>good people
when they get overrun and realize how fucking shitty it is being around so many niggers they move to the next white country and say "ECK TO MANY WHYITES, BETTER IMPORT MORE NIGGERS, AGAIN, THAT MAY WORK THIS TIME!"
That is not an argument
We would get the ones that don't want to live or raise a family around apes last remaining Germans with Nazi blood and enough money or skills to move here.
Who even made that? They didn't bother coloring Sicily and that's where a good part of them is
>That is not an argument
You're right, it's a statement.
Heartbreaking picture. Those poor women and children.
Germany is going to smear the niggers across Europe using EU leverage to fuck up everybody else.
Pretending I could tell you what it is like living in Canada from here is just as retarded.
>Please snow nigger just go
Fucking hell
Please kill us
Coup de Grace nuke us pls
Merilards,Russkibros I beg you
Yeah, you're retarded. Great thread OP. Riveting ideas and discussion.
Good thing the alps will protect us from your cucky ashes.
help pls :(
>Those poor women and children.
Would be diverse like right now :) we germans are really stupid, because you know the naziss... Now the africans come and make us smarter bcuz they are doctors and engineers... Not like stupid racist germans now everyone is german :)
Has this asshole running his snow nigger kingdom calls me retarded.
Please snow nigger
Just go away
Why can't we take in all of Eastern Europe????
Are you kidding nigger,?
You are exactly as bad off as us.
I don't need you to remind you about the (((diversity))) in your country
White immigrants are strongly discouraged by the immigration dept. The powers that be only want non europeans coming over to settle in the US
>doctors and engineers
Wtf asshole it is not like they are not trying to ban Muslims. It is not like they won't make a rapid shift towards only letting in Europeans and shit in the future.
Yeah, and you just got off a 8 year long ride with a nigger. Seriously, you're the one who made a retarded thread about somehow becoming more white by having people flee from the very same thing they voted to receive.
Tell me the sense of that? Do you not understand how this is going to play out? Europe is going to be engulfed in fire, it's not going to plan out the way you think.
>the good ones with Nazi blood
What makes you think Germany has any Nazi blood left when these people are infesting their own nation with shitskins, niggers and Muslims?
Daily reminder we didn't vote for this
>35% FPÖ
>(((47%))) for literally Hitler
Our government is very diverse, not "left and super-left"
The ruling parties are scared shitless and the government controlled media don't enjoy as much credibility as they do in Germany - so this will never fly here.
It's happening because we are not machine gunning them down or at least not give them gibs.
because then those same africans will start a civil war between tribes inside Germany and demand asylum in the USA or Canada or whatever country that will have not been turned to a third world shithole by then
you're not supposed to let problems spread
you're supposed to either solve them, or keep them out. and not even 100 Trumps and Farages can fix africa(ns)
>What makes you think Germany has any Nazi blood left when these people are infesting their own nation with shitskins, niggers and Muslims?
I am pretty sure there are plenty of Germans who are disgusted and want to leave.
If there are plenty of these people why is Germany in the state it is in now? You are living in a fantasy land.
You don't come out of WW2 under the control of both the West and the Communists for decades unscathed.
>these people are infesting their own nation with shitskins, niggers and Muslims?
Whats it with you people pointing at Germany, when you have Trudeau in office.
Does everyone like him?
I don't live in Germany, to know enough and neither do you. That does not mean that you can tell me what is happening or going to happen. I am just predicting that Germany's people that are not very happy will want to move to Canada or the USA. Considering The only place better would be Japan or Australia.
You obviously don't know how hard it is for white people to immigrate to America. It's almost impossible. The Jews only want mexicans, muslims and darkies and they run the whole shitshow
>the same people who voted for Merkel
>coming here
>good thing
>Does everyone like him?
He is a hypocritical retard for the most part, and probably why people are not big fans of Canadian posters.
>Does everyone like him?
Considering 2/3rds of the country that did vote voted for a party that wasn't the Liberal Party in addition to everyone waking up to the fact the man is a selfie taking buffoon, he's not as popular as you think he is.
>I don't live in Germany, to know enough
Didn't need to tell me that.
You think 100% of Germans voted for this woman. What the hell is wrong with you people.
what's it like germanbro? are average germans pissed yet?
They need to adopt the Australian policy of not taking them in, but shippng them back immediatly.
Problem is, that all of North Africa is a mess.
We have no Papua New Guiniea where we could put them.
>Didn't need to tell me that.
But it does not mean there won't be an exodus trying to get away from this mess.
When are you joining us by the way?
you can't keep running away, eventually you will be cornered
We could rent an Abschiebecamp in Siberia where they can stay until they voluntarily go back to whichever shitholes they came from.
I, too, support Germany being infested with 80-IQ Africans.
>Tell everyone the African will work and fill the place of 1 aging German
>Instead 3 Germans has to teach the African how to tie his shoe laces and not rape people
Great way of addressing the future care needs for your old whites, Hans
Merkel is polling around 30%. Problem is that the anti-immigration opposition is not established, but relatively new, thanks to decades of liberalism. So most people don't vote for something they don't know. The only way for the establishment to lose, would be something unthinkable, and maybe even then people would rally around the leader.
We can get maybe 20%. Right now it's looking like 10% and being third biggest party. Which still would be a major disruption in german politics, but in our situation not enough.
If the socialists with Schulz win, who is even worse than Merkel, then you can kiss us goodbye, no question.
Pretty much everyone says what Merkel did was awful, even on the far left albeit for different reasons. Merkel pulled a 180° turn on her refugee policy now so a lot of her voters have returned.
There's also the "unhappy but clueless" voters who now support for Schulz because he's the next guy who promises change.
tl;dr pissed but also bluepilled af
>Merkel pulled a 180° turn on her refugee policy
Really? For example?
Where on earth are /you/? I've been around, but, though there are places without /many/ POC, there's nowhere without /any/. I was travelling and in a McDonald's for 20 minutes in an obscure white town and saw no-one but white people. Then some sort of POC came in.
>Then some sort of POC came in.
Did you relax? Did her rape and mug you?
>there are still people who believe the USSR lost the cold war
This. I refuse to believe you aren't under proxy, btw.
They will eternally spread. Niggers had an entire continent much larger than Europe and they just flooded it with too many niggers. They will just turn Germany and Europe into Africa then come here. Then turn us into Africa. Hell they're already turning us into Africa. There will be nowhere left for us to go, everywhere will be Africa. It's like laughing at your neighbour for having an extreme termite problem when you live in a duplex. They will never stop until the last country is a completely r selective third world shitskin hellhole and every white country is under threat.
Tell your government to leave us the hell alone. And your fucking inbred cousins over here.
Most of it involves sucking Erdogans dick and at least starting with deportations.
The fact that winter means less boat people also helps her. It's a shame people still fall for it, but better then Schulz imo
painfully true
The problem is that the US' immigration laws make it virtually impossible for straight white male to immigrate.
"we'll pay you to go back"
photoshopped article screenshot you dirty filth
It would be much better if those 400k migrants were American niggers being shipped to Germany. In that situation, I'd back this 100%.
Well not impossible, but you would need a company that guarantee jobs for 15 Americans, or be sponsored by an American company.
Or have 1 millions $ on your bank account, or marry an American qt and get a that green card.
Or you could simply overstay your vacation visa and live dangerously.
Wtf we dont need more blacks in this country we already have enough
This, and also securing places like Germany and France, ancestral homelands that have been around for thousands of years, is more important than 60% white mud America that has only been around for ~230 years.
Kek, I'm eager to see how muslims will drown fucking krauts in blood when the critical mass get enough.
Yeah you only have schulze and merkel neck and neck
If only we could make something that only killed shit skins and degenerates oh yeah aids....
Sadly this.
Exactly whites have a harder time immigrating to the US.
IIRC, about 4-5 years ago she said multiculturalism was a failure and doesn't work
Fuck off we're full
I think that she wanted to declare the maghreb countries as 'safe' but parliament blocked it.
>painfully true
At least I don't have to worry about small dicked Chinese men stealing my wife.
What are ya doing lads?
I wish this were true. But unfrotunately, what actually happens is them coming here and continuing their degenerate ways. I wish we could put them on two boats and sink one on the way to you but here we are.
>If we lose we win fellow goyim!
Seriously, these shill tactics are getting pathetic.
>Didn't vote for this
You didn't stop it either.
obviously you are not in any main city..
>Implying you would have the balls for that.
>Problem is, that all of North Africa is a mess.
And you think Papa is ok, or Naru, roflol, we dont give a flying fuck where we put them, as long as its not here.
We tried to send them to Malaysia Strong at one point.
You are a rare, not seen you in all the years I've lurked.
i post a little too much this days, sorry, i don't want to devaluate your flag wealth.
>let's just cede more of the earth to niggers
Tfw you're the new lebensraum
This. White Europeans will not be allowed to flee to North America in big
numbers regardless how bad it gets. If anything Canada will funnel surplus muzzies here instead.
>And you think Papa is ok, or Naru, roflol, we dont give a flying fuck where we put them, as long as its not here.
>We tried to send them to Malaysia Strong at one point.
Philipines etc rank higher than north african countries with me.
Also where do you put them, if these countries just say no?
Did that happen to Australia? Did you strongarm them or did you give them money?
>What is so bad about this?
>>What is so bad about this?
>>>What is so bad about this?
>>>>What is so bad about this?
>>>>>What is so bad about this?
>>>>>>What is so bad about this?
Absolutely nothing, import useless niggers at will :^)
>want to leave be in American
No, they will finally realize what it's like living in a multicultural society and move to Aus, Canada or NZ, places without blacks. We already have a shit load of euros trying to come here.
Only poor eastern euro people still think America is good place to go
Other nations got involved and politics so we left them on the shitty island thats a giant hole. AKA Nauru.
We will be leaving them to rot in PNG or sending them to America, LOL.
Try to come to Australia, get dumped in a pacific phosphor mine XD
Either way, both parties here wont let them in, they will be left to rot, or sent to some stupid western nation that wants them.