>gas was 19c/gallon
>gas is $3/gallon
>we literally have 15 times the crude oil but get charged more instead of less


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Mmm I want sushi :3

2k02 .70c

Complaining about gas prices right now is retarded, they were near $5 in southern California for years and finally the past couple it's been under $3.

Three things

1. It is a finite resource used in everything.
2. The worlds population has more than doubled since 1950.
3. Inflation.

you should probably adjust inflation, just sayin'

Adding to my point above

0.19c in 1950 = 1.92 in 2017


World population has grown from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 7.5 billion im 2017.

literally the epitome of not an argument, just because its more expensive somewhere else doesn't disregard the fact that its still expensive

>tfw ride a 125
>about 100mpg
>a full tank costs me about £8 and gives me between 200-250 miles

>1977 gas was .60/gallon.

Hamburger was .60/lb

>4 pounds a gallon
>Close to $5 a gallon
holy fuck my dude

>video games were $60 in the 1980s
>video games are still $60

Its ok OP.

Shut up faggot. Gas was 60 cents a gallon in 1977,and hamburger was 60 cents a pound.

Inflation happens.

International oil companies have a monopoly and collaborate to restrict supply to artificially inflate prices.
Same happens with diamonds.
Same happens with healthcare.

Government control of certain industries is required.
Except diamonds, fuck them and stop buying them retards.

Economists aka jews hate deflation.

i want to marry this woman

really opened my neural pathways

Up until 1964 a dollar was .7 ounces of silver. Try to buy a pre-64 dollar coin today and see what you pay.

Not sure if huge rice ball or tiny lady.

It's because petrol used in the UK is higher octane, hence much higher mpg.

>Getting robbed by the jews
>Inflation happens, hurrr hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

+$60 for the dlc

It's called inflation you fucking boomer.

It's about $4.70 a gallon here, give or take ten cents. Sometimes up to $5 a gallon.

I want to study your brain when you die WTF man?

>gas was 19c/gallon
>gas is $3/gallon
>we literally have 15 times the crude oil but get charged more instead of less

You know, you used to be able to get a literal pound of silver for a british pound note.

Nowadays price of a new phone can be close to a thousand pounds.

Crazy shit right?

what is inflation?

> What is inflation?

It's literally just inflation, it's actually cheaper now adjusted for inflation.

When I was grown you could by a brand new s-20 got $6100

have we had 1500% inflation in the last 60 years?

>TFW I ride a litre
>TFW I can overtake a lorry


Weird, huh?
American and European engines work differently because of it too.

i would say yes, american shit tickets is a meme currency with no real value


Stop crying, here fuel is almost €5 for one gallon of fuel. That is like 44 in dollars when Trump is 3 years President

Goy remember we have to support South Asians and Africans, we can't just greedily hoard all that oil for ourselves anymore.

Consumption has increased > 15x which is why producing 15x isn't lowering oil prices

Things inflate at different rates senpai. Its not a flat inflation rate.

>Shoei helmet
>Honda bike

Doing it right, my man. Good stuff.

Kinda reminds me the diesel boom back in the 80's.

>.20c in 1950 is 2.05 in 2017
>implying it's all inflation.
>implying a company won't just jack up prices cause you have to buy it.

Remind me when quarters are 90% silver again instead of nickel and copper

>what is inflation
>what is increased demand

How many chicks and Indians do you think we're driving cars in 1950 OP?

It's weird but true.

FYI: more than half of that $3 is taxes.


>Yamaha-owning friends are complaining about how they need a trickle charger because they're not riding during the week
>TFW left my bike in the garage for three months (working overseas) and it starts like the engine is still warm

Arai confirmed for master race a long time ago.

>tfw Yamaha rider
Honda are objectively the best bike, their electronics and brakes are top notch.

you make it sound like crude oil magically comes out of the ground and refines it's self, and the cost would be the same from 1950

What the fuck is she doing?

Shoei are the GOAT helmets, Arai are simply very, very good helmets.

that's nothing, check the prices of a brothel from 1912 to todays prices

Japan's land prices increased 15,000% between 1955 and 2015

Shit happens.

got rear ended on my Yamaha and dropped the bike and slide for 5 feet on handle bars, everything is perfect except a scratch I sanded out and mirror came loose but tightening the nut fixed it. my brothers Harley got blown over by wind in Colorado and the handle broke, brake lever broke, cable tore out and the passenger peg bent. my next bike will be a Yamaha as well

That body language is incredibly awkward. I hate pictures too but I'm sure you can at least point your body in a unified direction

I don't have a specific beef with Yamahas (my first bike was a YBR125C), they're priced accordingly and generally don't have any serious problems (vampiric electricals aside), I just enjoy the way Honda do a bike.

>blowing the asshole new style
>new style
jesus though that menu is legit

yeah when I do my direct access next month I will get myself a r1200r. There's one at the local dealer with my name on it.

>Sup Forums is full of Honda riders

Fuckin eh.

Just waiting for a slightly warmer day so I can get my 2013 VT1300CRAD on the road. So soon I can taste it.

I like this image
Gives me good vibes

Totally, in every photo I look like a guy who's in the process of evading justice and has just made eye contact with the filth.

The ways and technologies that are used to produce crude oil today is a lot different and now more expensive than the 1950s were all you needed to do was poke a hole in the ground.

Safe miles man.

>those descriptions

I remember it being 70cents a gallon, and they would even pump it for you

I got rear ended on my R6, all I needed to do was bend back the licence plate and get a new exhaust (which insurance did)

That's fair enough, I prefer Yamaha on a personal level.

If that's what floats your boat, enjoy, I personally have never been enticed by BMWs.

>1.3l v-twin
Post engine noise.

Yamaha rider here, lad

Sup Forums has infected this board with moronic troll threads, or perhaps just loads of morons.

>...while sucking a woman's cunt
>in a brothel

So inflation is half the cost and demand has tripled. Almost like you're retarded.

Are you still riding the R6? I used to have a VFR1200. I miss it deeply but couldn't buy another one, it was more comfortable at 140mph than 70 so I'd have lost my license if I hadn't switched to something more suited to legal speeds.

Dude you're absolutely right

I think that you should form your own oil company and prove once and for all that you can, in fact, sell gas for 19c/gallon


Were you in a coma for decades?

Do you even remember the 1970s and 1980s?

Inflation was fucking rampant. When has the currency ever deflated since the Great Depression? Never.

Yeah, I still ride my R6, I love it. It's hard to keep it at legal speeds and the turning circle is less than desirable, but the engine runs like a dream.

t'was the glory days before AIDS and such

If our quarters we're still made of silver, gas would still cost about ¢25 a gallon.

I'm so old I remember McDonald burgers for $.25 each and a 64 oz can of Hi-C for $.25
10 bean tacos in CA went for $1.00

>woman's cunt
>male penis
What can go wrong?

>hardon gaur'd
I respect a business owner who stands by their product

How many more people drive cars now compared to then?

>64 oz can of Hi-C for $.25
They sold them in that quantity back then?

>1912 $6.00 is $150 in 2017 dollars
jesus fuck 25x inflation in 100 years

I can certainly see the appeal, the CBR600RR wasn't (Euro4 killed it) quite crazy enough on power delivery so, if I were in the market for a 600 supersports, I'd be tempted to cheat on Honda.

>turning circle is less than desirable

>Riding with friend
>I'm on the Twin, he's on his Fireblade
>Troll him by making 'wrong turns' down dead end streets so he has to do a 5 point turn
>Pootle round in half the road width because Twin has dirtbike-tier lock

>stink finger matinee

my new band name

you're retarded.

1. Not every good or service inflates at the same rate. It's not a flat rate
2. US currency is basically fucking fiat currency.
3. You are a faggot

I almost bought a CBR600RR due to its reliability. I ultimately settled on an R6 strictly because I like blue more than red, lel.

>that story

You could also get a coke for a nickel. Inflation nigger. Learn to economics.

top kek

Former CBR600RR owner. Can confirm. It is lacking when compared to it's peers.


I'm here for the beautiful Japanese woman

post more beautiful Japanese women

6 pence. !!!!

Does your r6 power wheelie in first without having to bounce it?

is she fucking chewing through a bin big to get to the rice?

Surprisingly it's quieter than expected.

The two VT1300 versions are Stateline & Fury. Stateline (what I have) is quiet, the Fury is louder.

Look it up on YouTube or something.

I don't hold that against you. A few riders I travel with have Yamaha touring models.

It's nori