I've played them since I was a little kid. I didn't have many friends and got bullied frequently for being shy so I used them as a form of escapism, my brightest memories from childhood involved me in my pajamas playing videogames all day and watching cartoons. I'm an adult now but my brain is all messed up; I spend hours upon hours playing these and never use my free time for important things. I tried stopping for a week once but the anxiety was too much. I want someone to convince me they're degenerate garbage so I can finally have some peace of mind.
Red pill me on videogames
Video games is a form of recreation. it is done purely for fun and shouldnt be the basis of some "g4m3r culture". Although the gaming community is pretty cringeworthy and the quality of games and of those who make and developing them are falling sharply, there is nothing wrong with playing a game if you enjoy it.
The only way for you to be able to stop playing games or addictions in general is to find a reason yourself and not expect others to give it to you.
btw there are much better places to talk about this than /pol
play a constructive video game
one that has a benefit to playing
I fuck around with pokemon and have a group at my college where i play and destroy the cucks that also show up. I waste all my free time watching garbage and grinding out turbo powerful pokes just for fun.
or just you know, read a book?
"Wah wah I get anxiety if I don't play videogames :( I'm a depressed loser wah wah someone tell me vidya is bad so I can obey like a little wah wah baby."
Just grow up and do what you want to do in this life. Don't be such a pussy.
fucking leaf
I'm not depressed. Thanks for the advice I guess.
>"Hey I'm addicted to cigarettes, can you help?"
>"Just do whatever man don't be a pussy lol"
me and a friend used to play csgo together but he quit the game
I think I am going to go play some WoW now.
Retail or private?
Your relationship with Video Games are a crutch.
You need to stop seeing them as a medication and see that they're nothing more than a toy. It's fine to play them, but they aren't your friends, and they can't help you.
It's a form of entertainment that is more engaging than watching talmudvision or jewish film industry products but which has largely degenerated into shitty timesink-style "content" padding for the last 10-15 years.
I'm sure there's still some good stuff being made.
My nigga. WoW is redpilled if you ask me. It promotes itself as a waste of time, shamelessly charging you 15 dindus a month.
Paradox games let you rewrite history to how it should be.
>Not posting the original Ben Garrison
>Mfw server trade chat is pretty redpilled
Vidya games used to calm my semi-autist brain, but I found that it was much better to repurpose those efforts toward self-improvement rather than constant entertainment.
Dude it's literally designed to entrap the male spirit.
use the time for a skill.
Past few years, as my brother has played videogames I have learnt:
>Music Production (very high level)
>Guitar (fairly high level)
>Piano (decent level)
>Sewing Clothes (ok level)
>Construction/Making furniture (fairly good)
>Studied 2 years of Physics at Uni
>Driving motorcycle
>Read every big Russian author
if only there was a way to make depression go away I'd be set.
Try it, feels really good to be good at things
Try starting a garden, something tells me you don't go outside enough. It is relaxing but physical and should help your anxiety Grow some stuff you like to eat and then revel in the satisfaction that is eating food that YOU grew out of the dirt.
I don't have space for a garden, otherwise I would.
That is the way it was.
Alas, did not work out.
>Music Production (very high level)
You gonna be the next SHM?
Same amount of uselessness as films.
Globalists hate video games because they are probably conducive to generating new little cultures that are not controlled.
I believe this is why the WHO would classify playing them as a mental illness but not transgenderism
This is the only real answer in this thread.
it appeals to the
PS Your anxiety was from having to confront the world without your baby blanket video games to help you. Overcoming the anxiety is literally the functional process of becoming a man, pussy.
Also the idea of them being a form of "escapism" is a meme. You don't get lost in a "world", your brain just shuts off it's awareness of the physical qualities of real life because it's focusing on something that doesn't have them. You're not immersing yourself, you're becoming stupid for 30 minutes
Great time (sort of) to be a vidya consumer. Vidya dev? Not so much.