i don't feel patriotic for me Spanish population is disgusting itself.i hate them and of course they deserved this great economic depression...
Why are you patriotic?
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Why does Spain even have all that land? You don't deserve it.
even though ukies are poor and get crapped on a lot I'm still patriotic about my ancestors
It's called Reconquista, muchacho
I'm not patriotic either, Visigothbro.
I'm a self hating Anglo. Hate it here. Horrible people living in a horrible country.
>doesn't feel patriotic for spain
Your grandchildren will, they'll be proud of you for building trumps wall
i wish i was born british
When you are born in a country you are basically given free membership into a club or society that takes care of you and that seperates you from the rest of the world. I quite like that, and want to make sure everyone else can experience that and be able to feel good about themselves
British aren't all that hot.
I like this country. I like the freddos and pot noodles and pasties.
I like the history behind it. I like some of the music that has come out.
It's not extravagant or cool in any way, in fact it's kind of corny but i like that about it too.
I'm sure there's at least something you could find out about your country that you like.
>Having your land conquista'd in the first place
>I'm sure there's at least something you could find out about your country that you like.
sadly but no
>t. El eterno Andaluz,
I blame Visigoths for this.
>Germans letting muslims invade their areas since 700
Because my country is better than everyone else's. /thread
we're not all lucky enough to be born in chile. britain is second best
This is the greatest woman who ever walked on this earth.
>Gay Russia
Just wait until some Ivan sees this
Not even the weather?
What about Hernan Cortez btfoing Aztecs?
that's what the EU does to you. it sucks the life out of your country and turns it all into germany's shadow. The new britain will welcome all that shares her values. come and join us
Is this UKIDF fighting Gibraltar-EU news / threads ?
Acceptable answer.
>Go on Jewtube video
>Go to comments
That's the equivalent of your life. Get the fuck off my rock.
no, but we need your help greatest ally.
You should try to join EFTA again and also get trade agreements with USA and Canada, greatest ally.
H-hola Paco, I just came back for my four wives, never mind you can keep them.
I meant with Gibraltar. First Spain will come for them, next Portugal
> next Portugal
But Portugal is a part of EU, they can't do that.
>tfw can't be an ethnonationalist because Brazilian isn't an ethnic group
>tfw can't be a civic nationalism because Brazil has no civics
Wat do?
You must be patriotic because that's who you are and nothing will ever change it. It's either being a patriot or a self-hating faggot.
I mostly like my country, but our nationalists are fucking nigers
>not authoritarian
>not ruled by german imperialism
>not a pale imitation of what the fourth reich could be
>tfw I have to think really hard to find stuff to like about my country
No fags, nice chicks
>"Groupthink is okay if you're born into it."
Or you can actually give no fuck about that shit :^)
I care nigh about Castillian goatfuckers or Andalusian olympic siesteros.
Hell, I even care less about the fuck living on the other side of the street
Why should I?
Is there any reason to be patriotic aside from 'percieved group safety' and/or longing for belonging?
t, diaspora fag
Gay Russia has annexed all of Ukraine so I don't think they'd be too upset.
Well it would help boosting one's self-steem and avoiding falling for jewish tricks.
A "citizen of the world" without an identity is nothing more than cattle for consumerism and degeneracy.
Because when you're surrounded by enemies, you have to defend yourself and you don't have the luxury to become a spineless cuck.
Last time we fell for the cosmopolitan multuclti meme, history rewarded it with a huge bitchslap in 1920
I wasn't until Wednesday. Now I have full faith in Britain again. We won't be cucked any longer. feelsgoodman
cause we used to have a byzantine-style (thus occidental) kingdom in geographical asia
we sacked north persia in the 13th century and planted crucixifixes there.... that's something to be proud of, actually. you euro crusaders succeeded in syria and palestine, but we fucking sacked tebriz
so that's cool
everything after 1500 is not cool in our history
because otherwise we would be spaniards with an historical artifact as language
also, olivença is ours, an stop pissing/dumping nuclear waste on tagus river, lisboetas are becoming ever more gay because of that
It's easy to be patriotic when your country is the best.