>Get money
>Have sex
Is there anything else to do in your 20s?
Is there anything else to do in life?
Get money
personal development?
>Become stronger
>Become smarter
>Develop friendships and interpersonal relationships
>Raise healthy, intelligent children
if you have to ask, you're too stupid to truly experience life
if you don't have an IQ of at least 160, you're just going through the motions
Annex the Americas and promote the rise of nationalism, spread kickass memes and praise Kek.
If you're not contributing, you can get in line or get out of the way.
I go bird watching.
Saw an egret last weekend.
Destroying the lives of others is a worthy pursuit as well
Probably true, but that doesn't mean mentally handicapped people can't lead an enjoyable and productive life.
Everyone is capable of volunteering at a non profit organization dedicated to promoting equality for all
money sex then eventually you die
have fun while you can mofo
I'm not doing either of those things though...
She's ugly
Play videogames and watch anime my nigga
she is waifu tier. too bad this paki goddess is already getting colonized.
by a cuck
play runescape
joining the struggle for the survival and prosperity of the white race?
almost to the black pill
also agree with that
>Buy your own land and develop the properties that will sustain your growing family.
Plenty of scros out there living kick ass lives bro
he will not divide us
TFW don't have to worry because my girlfriend poos in a loo.
One can dream
Obviously you never had a proper education. There a multitude of good things in life that do not involve your genitals. Perhaps you should take your low intellect and troll attempt to Sup Forums?
video games (training)
my first wife was tarded
Sounds like Jewish tricks to me.
>Enlighten yourself from the darkness of this world and better your good Christian morals.
>Raise a healthy family full of children who love yet respect you.
>Build your mind and body.
>Focus on expanding your career instead of just making money.
>Learn many skills to maximize your usefulness.
>Live a quiet life, with respect and honor towards God and your common man.
>go hiking
>do nature photography
>record classical albums
>work on building my business
>avoid sex because scared of STDs and knocking up a woman and destroying my life
I like my plan better
My nigga. Where? I live in PA, we have it pretty good over here. Lots of rare birds of prey.
The most important things in life are contemplating the Mysteries.
I have found much joy in things that are not related to Sex or Money.
>equality for all
gtfo nigger
She a pilot now?
Get money, have sex is how I spent my 20's. I blew all the money, got a few STD's, lost friends while they got married and had kids. Now I'm 31, married, house, kid, all that shit. Would definitely do my 20s over.
Why the fuck is it always fucking Canadians posting the shittiest threads? Why?
>Do drugs
>got STDs
>still got married
How does this work?
Or watch a friend play runescape
Check 'em
because our PM said "a Canadian is a Canadian" and it's fucking our culture up again
>my girlfriend
You have to go back.
i have money but no friends and i've never been outside my state. i'm 24 so i'm an old man already
>get money
>play video games
>watch anime
All I need in my life desu, got a good job, my own place, good enough for me.
travel. Of course I've done of little of any of that
>have money
>never been outside my state
Bruh wat. You have a car? You gotta do that shit. The USA is fucking gorgeous. My favorite thing is driving around all the states and hiking the different landscapes
Yes, get more money instead of sex
STDs aren't the end of the world.
Most are treatable if not completely curable. if you catch them early its more of an inconvenience than a life ender
nah, I don't even have a drivers license. I live in jew york city so I've never had the need for a car
Find a field of work and leave it better than you found it through contribution.
Involve yourself in an aspect of society and leave it better than you found it in general.
Get a STEM degree
Have kids
Buy a house
White collar job
Self improvement in general
Found a tech startup
Play in a band
Brew your own beer
Project car
Grow your own food
Build a shed or even a house
Do I need to say more? Oh.
OP is a faggot
STEM degrees only pay off if you go all the way and get a doctorate.
Do neither of those.
Play video games and work out so you can stay healthy enough to keep playing video games when you're old.
Fuck the outside world and the cunts in it.
Reading that I only thought to myself that you've probably done just that.
It's exactly the people you've described who are happiest without thought.
I'm 24 and hate sex
not gonna spoon feed. sorry hashem. :^)
Change often.
I quit my job, moved continents and changed career path completely. Not even 25 yet.
Don't settle in your 20s.
is a 1000 line program going through an endless loop happy?
don't forget
we're all meme magicians here
spread memes for kek
epends on the degree
some masters, some bachelors. PHD in engineering is unemployed territory
what do you do now?
>travel the world
>learn a musical instrument
>get fitter/stronger
>read the great works of literature
>write something
>paint something
>take risks
>do drugs
You know, have fun?>
fuck off nerd virgin. those are all coping mechanisms
I don't do either of those things.
All I do is play video games
im 28 and i feel like it is too late for me to have sex with young women i feel like i missed out on a key part of bean a human bean
vidya stunts you emotionally. every notice how video game players have a really kid sounding voice? like their balls never dropped.
>human bean
nah. nihilist master race reporting in. life is meaningless, either you go with the flow and experience things, or you accept that you will die one day and none of it will EVER matter. even if it makes a difference in the future, it still wont mean anything.
You're all pussy hungry cucks, and your shitty white race will end as a result.
Sup Forums obsesses over used up non-virgin whores.
Sup Forums is so desperate, will hook up with anything they can get their hands on.
Disgusting white female behavior will continue because user gives her attention regardless of her disgusting behavior.
>Muh gurl is gud tho
No.... no she isn't. And you're a cuck and you know it.
Sorry bro, but being 15 and sticking it in a 15 year old schoolgirls butt was as close to God as ill ever get. Lifes been all downhill since that.
Its quite simple to manipulate the fabric of society. All you need is a thought, a catalyst, some basic understanding of how the human mind works and in a bit of time, presto, you can change the course of history with a strategic use of words. When you learn an idea that completely goes against everything that you once believed. A preconceived notion shattering, an idea that is too ludicrous or illogical, you as a conscious person, a person with a natural bias, an ego will treat the idea with skepticism or flat out dis-reject the idea on a conscious level. But its funny how the brain works. What you learn and choose to reject or not reject on a conscious level, will still end up getting absorbed by your subconscious mind irregardless of your selection, on an unconscious level to you. And within some time, albeit with a few weeks, a few months, that seed, that new idea, will eventually grow and take form till it eventually consumes your thinking and belief system. That idea that you completely forgot about and initially rejected, will have you consciously come to terms with it on your own accordance, believing you came up with the idea, or not, but what does hold objectively true is that you agree with the idea. You can call it subliminal marketing but instead of selling a product, your shifting the make up of society. With a bit of dedication, what you truly believe in can alter and change the ideas of thousands of men who will eventually shape up the ideas of millions of men, who will then go out and shape up the meta functioning of the society as a whole, and on a grandiloquent scale, the direction of where history is heading towards. Whenever your brain will make you realize a new idea, and what you believed you came onto on your own terms according to your ego, just know that the conclusion came to realization by the manipulation of forces outside of your understanding or perception. . . .
You did. Human beans are supposed to fuck young.
>Is there anything else to do in life?
You can try to do something unique
Like turning Jews into lampshades
That's literally never been done before.
>Reclaim our country from the roach infestation
>Meet Gerry Adams
>Have more sex
>Learn Gaeilge to the point of fluency
>Get into college
>Find a job
Yea normal shit really but whatever, love it desu
Idk I have a deep voice
But vidya in general attracts those autists with squeaky voices so I see the correlation. Wouldn't say games cause it
fuggg she's a fucking qt
>mentally handicapped people can't lead an enjoyable and productive life
t. retard
>Planning for the future
>coping mechanisms
Coping for reality maybe
Shit you do realize you are going to die some day right? You can't just drink cum and finger your asshole for all eternity.
yeah i should of done that. doesn't help matters that i am a substitute teacher at the high school level mostly and all the girls look at me like they want to bone me it's not fair where was this attention when i was myself in high school
i am a virgin
Pfft... retard. You need at least 200 to be truly aware.
Heroin. Heroin is great
You have. You're still pretty young though. Go fuck a whore or something.
More pix/webm plz
>>Get into (((college)))
these are gods. to merely experience life, one need not be at their level.
36 and sleeping with a 23 year old , man up , boy
What the fuck is wrong with your faaaaaaaaaaaace?!
Do what normies do.
>find someone you don't like that much but will have you
>get huge mortgage
>become a faggot
Lol I'm never getting married or having kids.