Hey Sup Forums !, paraguayan nazi user here... lefties were basically fucking up my country since the last dictatorship ended.
A few moments ago our senate broke the institutional order, without even gettin the mayority of votes and quorum, aproved a modification of our Constitution which allows now to our presidents to be re-elected.
The people in here of course is mad because here in Paraguay the figure of a long term president it's practically asociated with TIRANNY.
Some people believe there will be a coup d'etat or a revolution, particularly the press, who just wants to see the world burn and have high ratings for havin the exclusivity ... imo nothing will happen probably a few people will get injured because they were lookin for it.
They just mentioned me also that there will probably be power cut off...

ALSO, Which wagner music do you suggest me to play in case that shit hits the fan and I have to load my luger?

Here are some mainstream media news about whats goin on:

Other urls found in this thread:


I hope the right wing fascists take the power

Wagner soundtrack

That's the thing theres no right fascist shit... theres only corporativism... a big mafia that if you are not part of it... you are screw.
They use the state to legitimate themself... and do whatever they want.

You should probably migrate somewhere else before commies pull out a Maduro and you end up eating your dog because there is no food in the suppermarket
You know english, you are in Sup Forums, I'm assuming you would have no problems integrating in whichever society you run off to

>dabbin this extrem

Good luck

canadian friend... don't get me wrong.. this is my country... my forefathers fought against the spaniards to get the independence, and set the foundations of a NEW ROME, and not to be slaves of another crown.
It's even in our own anthem... REPUBLIC OR DEATH!
Let everybody know that there was a dream, a dream that sought to create a new Republic... not the bastardization that it has become.

Shit is going down.
The protesters took the congress.
The police are being pushed back.

Fucking liberal animals


If Paraguay suffer a coup they will come even in higher numbers here as "refugees"!

I want Paraguay to be the best country so they stay there

The Sheeple in this madness is outstanding

They already took the congress and lot of documentation was stolen... and now they are trying to burn it.

Fucking animals

>Which wagner music do you suggest me to play in case that shit hits the fan and I have to load my luger?

>Paraguayan nazi
Moopio nde kampañero pytajeka reikoa.

post pics paraguay.

>bump for interest

The worst thing that could come from this is a "estado de sitio", which gives the president absolute power on military and security affairs and all the constitutional "garanties" are suspended.

good luck over there my hermano, stay safe.

t. someone who lives close to the frontier

Literal injuns.

Come to parana and see how indians we are, you cuck nigger. Bet you're from rio de janegro.

I'll pierce your ass with so many arrows you'll dance on the next carnival as a peacock.

Ty anons... truly inspiring in these dire times, it makes you think.

Good, the economic situation here is just depressing and nobody cant do anything (besides "farrear" y "asado").

I actually think we currently are victims of an economic Hitman

Everyone is turning in pathetic wage-cucks while the current president goes around cucking the constitution and buying the fucking Sheraton Hotel.

[spoiler]8 c h ( DOT. ) net /paraguay/[/spoiler]

tv news in here say you're burning down the congress building?

yep, congress is on fire

>ooga boiga give shiny mirror cara-pálida

yeap they are burning it... and the police supposedly has orders that no one gets in untill all the protestors are disbanded. So yeah no one is controlling the fire


Hora de hacer el Virreinato grande Otra vez!

Have you forgot about Paraguari and Tacuari battles?? The last time you tried to impose your "Virreinato" it didn't end well for Belgrano...

Remember Buenos Aires was funded by Paraguayans from Asunción... the first fort was destroyed by the indians.

you must be gay.
Our Unitarian.

Plz... go back to your bubble and read Clarin and La Nacion. It's not your fault really Mitre fucked up your country before you could even get a chance. He sold you to the interest of the British and Imperial Brazilian interest.

Pic is the Mcal. Estigarribia in the victory parade after the Chaco War in front of the German Embassy.

Time to gas up the choppers mi amigos

said that to all those cancerigenous NGO that we have in here like "amnistia international" that only defends the criminals and not the victims.

>happenings in latin america
what a time to be alive hermanos

Have you guys caught Pablo Escobar yet?

how could you let the son of castro become president of your country?!

Not a single mention of this on our news.

Which is a good thing, really, as South America is probably the only place on earth that manages to be both isolated and relatively livable so I plan on moving there if things get really bad here.

Good taste m8

well we don't have muslims shits (theres a minority thou that controls ciudad del este but they are as far as I'm concerned engage in a war against koreans and brazilians mafias) and really racism in here is a thing that lefties are trying to push really hard because it doesnt exist...

Dont surrender , burn everything you can if you let the left consolidate the leeches will bring you down to venezuela level all they care is about parasiting the nation.



I want to fuck Paraguay

I mean I'm against re-election but you guys seem to be overreacting.

Pic related: Who is ourparty in Paraguay?

nunca vi esta foto de ella
Gracias hermano Uruguayo

Yahoo news also got nothing.

Please become a right wing dictatorship and bring honour to our flag. Paraguay is my favourite landlocked South American country.


Seems like Brazil desu. Especially canadian ngos

ur welcome

It's not much of a competition though, is it?

Based paraguayo spotted. Exchange info? Skype? I'm Paraguayan btw.

Finally a Brazilian that I like!

Praise KEK


No, just Bolivia, which is a shithole filled with broad skulled indians pretending to be people. They used to have sea access until they pissed off Chile which had just acquired some Prussians to train their army.

any stream of paraguayan news channels?

Stay strong

All cucked to the core! New fascist party must rise from the ashes and take over.

The congress is burning , the leftist bastards will hang for their power adiction , time to kick the fascist left of latin america and embrace capitalism.
Hail KEK

we are on team speak 3 currently if you want to join us..., probably the most used internet news, has only 2 articles about it
pic related

Who has our lord kek's blessing? Which side needs our meme magic powers?

every side is fuckin broken...

What newspaper do you indios read? I want to read what paraguayans are saying. English and portuguese language media isn't doing anything proper

the indios reads abc, ultima hora, ñanduti, and all the mainstream garbage.... the news that i've allready posted.

stay safe paraguay fella
kill lefty militants

Paraguay War 2.0 when?

There's something not right about the expression on her face


I like Paraguay because I used to watch cartoons and anime in Telefuturo

Efrain Alegre a PLRA party career politician was Ministry of Infrastructure during the Lugo presidency. Stole millions of dollars through a fake deal which ended up in nothing. Today he was shot with a rubber bullet. Please send ur meme magic to give to courage to the riot police and end the job!

why tho
they're not trying to invade this time

no non-mainstream meteor to give me The Truth About the Parliament Burning?


Brazilians want to feel important.


Time to bring some democracy to South America, my white friend

>tfw empezaron a transmitir Dragon Ball los sábados y domingos

Praise him


>Manifestantes cierran puente de la Amistad en el Este

are you guys gonna lynch my brasiguayos or what?

Wtf how do we will get cheap stuff now??? That's enough for a war

Can't connect rn. Do u have kik or something where I can add u? I would like to discuss fascist politics with a fellow Paraguayan.

When our great empire returns.

are these all the same or do they have different orientations? which is nationalist, which is leftist, which is conservative or are they all the same?

Ok so
>You guys had a communist priest as president and he got impeached.

>Then the current ring-wing president apparently fucked up with this re-election thing and it's likely that the commies could be the ones involved in the protest.

>From what I heard the constitution was violated by approving the re-election.


As much as I hate commies, I don't know if the decision to approve the re-election was smart.
Even if you get the ring-wing president reelected, you could have a populist communist ruling your country for 10 years in the future... Which is a decent amount of time to fuck things up.

Avoid "Empleaditos" of the president, they would sell their mother for money

Bump for anons educating us

>constitution was violated by approving the re-election.
they literally voted to pass an amendment in congress and had a majority. How is this a violation though?

But reelection is shit anyway

Paraguayans are fine, the problem is Bolivia

Good luck Paraguay...

Remember, a good commie is a dead one. Kill the all, dont spare not a single fucker, fuck their woman and rape their daughter, pop their sons eyes and remove their balls.

Fear is the only thing that put a human back in the line.




your flag looks like the Missouri flag

>Paraguayans are fine
No they aren't. The majority of foreign criminals are from Paraguayan or Peruvian origin.
Bolivians are just unsightly because they are short, fat and extremely dark brown.

Do paraguayans speak with poio or plaia and shit like that?

Pretty much sums it all, he was doing alright but his political aides are leeches that want to suck all of public money.

Paraguyan Woman are 10/10

who is Sup Forums approved in this fiasco?