>Thanks to fucking Drumpf we didn't have much needed WW3
This is unironically is a thing now.
>Thanks to fucking Drumpf we didn't have much needed WW3
This is unironically is a thing now.
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Would Germany getting the polish corridor have been preferable to war? I think so
I don't know why, but I peg Moviebob as some creepy pedophile. It's either his physique or the fact that he is vehemently obsessed with children's video games.
hillary clinton sold uranium to russia
we shouldnt of fought ww2, read human smoke
Appeasement fuckers like you are the biggest cucks in history.
He wrote a fucking book about how Super Mario 3 influenced his life
I thought the "muh russian " thing was a meme but people actually beleive it and i feel in minority.
People are insane
I really wish we didn't join WWII and/or intervened on behalf of the Germans. Alas, the Jew did not allow this to happen.
The war would have happened no matter what, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were never going to coexist. That said, we should have backed the fascists. Would have been better for literally everyone who wasn't Jewish, even the Poles.
you wouldn't have if Japan didn't fuck up Pearl Harbors shit
fucking nips ruined the world
The jews would have been in madagascar if Hitler had his way tho
A WW3 over Syria would be more like the first one than the second, honestly.
Also there's no fucking way Bob "Movieblob" Chipman would ever actually fight in the war that he's advocating.
>US is magically the aggressor in WW2 so we should start WW3 ASAP
>Btw I'm a conscientious objector
>Russia getting its' ass handed to it in sanctions and oil market flooding
>US sponsors a bunch of terrorists inside his Ally's country
>Russia are the bad guys
It's astonishing how quickly it transformed from "the only problem I have is with Putin and his regime" to "fuck Russians disgusting degenerate scumbags biggest threat to democracy WAR NOW" hysteria. And that's supposed flower-sniffing liberals triggered from microaggressions. Just wow.
its his facial hair that makes him look creepy i think he is just a sperg for the games
are they literally deciding that the russian federation is evil because trump won? before this election they were so proud of the relations reset and improving ties to russia since the cold war ended 2 decades ago. but now they're clammoring for the cold war, and want to heat it up like it's the 6th circle of hell
They truly believe that Russia had something to do with Trump being elected
Now theyre saying Russia is interfering in France's election
>I would rather having a nuclear war over 4-8 years of a mean president
The stronger Germany got the better a shot it had of conquering Eurasia and winning the cold war against us.
Also, Germans are arrogant scumbags who need to be ground into dust.
How many levels of Russianphobia are you on my dudes?
>he doesn't want the third great happening
Yeah and things would be the same except Russia would be in Germany's shoes as the "hated initiator". Kikes will kike everywhere, be it Israel or Madagascar.
Germany would probably have been later betrayed by the kikes who funded Hitler though
It's more than that. If it was revealed that China hacked the DNC, I doubt very much that liberals would start screaming to "nuke the fucking chinks".
Fucking gooks. Samurai doesn't sound so based anymore does it??
>Racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.
>Hillary was too smart, stupid uneducated flyover states
They say anything that doesn't involve admitting they were wrong
These people are completley hallucinating
if i vaguely recall from gamergate didn't he also mention in said book he ditched his grandma's funeral to play fucking Mario?
Libs are now redpilled on Bezmenov? What a time to be alive.
But really, why do they have such a fucking hard-on for that particular country? Is it because Putin said some not nice things about gays once?
This is what it was at first. Now they actually believe it and want a war with a country that a) probably wasnt involved directly with hack b) has 1000s of nuclear weapons
emails were confirmed authintic also and they have no anger twoards podesta being a creep on email
>wanting war against Russiabros
For what purpose, better off as allies.
Why are we defending Ukraine and Israel again anyways? They are tactically disadvantaged.
>I-It was fake uranium that looks and acts just like uranium that Hillary used to trick putin! Everyone knows that we have always been enemies with Russia.
saving the world from having a war =/= saving us from entering an ongoing war
And people give this fat fuck 3k a month to be a retard.
Russia is extremely anti-lgbt from what I know
But that doesn't seem to concern them when they want to import shitskins by the boatloads
So i have no idea
If 10s of millions of die but it taints Trumps presidency that is a good trade for liberals.
Fugg, fire Trump and start ww3
Your time is coming, Russhill. And the thing is, everyone knows it'll be for the best.
>but I peg Moviebob as some creepy pedophile.
Btw thanks, I'm going to start using russiaphobia/slavicphobia
Sure, we'd be great either under german boot or simply exterminated. I think you should get a rope
I really wouldn't expect a male feminist leftist to understand complexities behind history and twist/distort it to their advantage
More like
>You idiots, if Trump is elected President, he's going to start WW3!
>several months later
>Good job America, because of Trump's bigotry and racism we can't have WW3. Wow, I can't even....
Дa, я люблю видeoигpы и нeнaвижy жeнщин. Aнитa дoлжнa дepжaтьcя пoдaльшe oт пpoмышлeннocти. 2B - мoй вaйфy.
We shouldn't have joined WW1 or WW2 either t b h.
At first I was a little concerned senpai noticed me, but then I checked the date
Is that a selfie or is he talking about someone else?
>Russia is extremely anti-lgbt from what I know
That's not even true though, they only passed a law banning "gay propaganda for children". That's literally it. You can't go teach kiddies in schools to suck dick or you get fined. Other than that - do whatever you want. Yeah, it's pretty radical in modern Western standards I guess, but they make it out to be new Nazi Germany or some shit, fucking insane.
Moralism + Internationalism = Threat to the world
Yeah and they want people like me to go and die for them so they can just virtue signal harder. Fuck these people, I hope nuclear fire consumes this gay earth.
You went under the Jew-Soviet boot instead, how was that?
Palestine was their first choice, so if the British hadn't been controlled by Jewish Bolsheviks the Nazis probably would have been able to dump them all there.
>Call for open war with a country in part because they have anti-gay laws
>Try to tar and feather anyone critical of a culture that throws gays off buildings
HAHA FUCK Drumpf!!!
Well Russia is white
And muslims aren't
In these peoples minds, all white people are oppressors, while all non whites are oppressed.
Therefore muslims are all oppressed, so speaking ill about them is oppressing them even more
No whites = no oppression. No whites = diversity
The difference is Russia has been bombing that culture into the stone age for the past century.
Not only were they wrong but they also took a fuckton of things for granted that they shouldn't have. Every single one if their fuckups can be traced back to vanity.
it all comes full circle
So have we
Why is Ukraine Oblast allowed to have an opinion?
I'd definitely say Twitter helps radicalize people, it's just liberal dipshits and Muslims. Did those retards ever ban the official ISIS accounts?
>im supposed to care that a country cant defend itself or monitor its neighbors activity
Hitler did nothing wrong.
>New Zealand
Explain yourselves now Kiwis. It's 1:30 in the afternoon right now over there and I know the lot of you that post here are NEETs. So explain N O W.
>liberals have become hawks
>encourage their latent rage
>channel it into new era of colonialism
>wipe out blacks and indios
putting it off until 1944 and eliminating the Reich and the Red Menace it a year-long bombing run would have saved hundreds of millions of lives and would have not allowed soviet agents to infiltrate hollywood and destroy western civilization
because raisins.
>I'm supposed to let my enemies do whatever they want
It's because they're the last white christian country on earth.
we /jingo/ now boys
AND having a potential to kick some agressive ass ^__^
%%srsly, ive been xenopatriot for 15 years, this couple of years is finally when russian army is not shits and giggles, but shits, giggles, and some sexy-ass weapons%%
jesus fuck, how do i spoiler text?
You're the cuck, "let's go get our limbs blown off for the sake of Jewish bankers and communists who are all fucking us over"
you should be executed for saying something that fucking stupid
Is this retard implying we should have been involved in WW2? Because that's wrong
this is what happens when hillary clinton becomes your nominee and you actively ignore her plans for war in syria
I don't care what liberals think anymore. Libshits vs Reality= reality wins every single time
When the whites are gone these zealots will just go to another ethnic group that is perceived as having "power". They'll most likely go after Asians next. This will continue down the line until the most unintelligent dregs inhabit the earth.
>Russia is literally Nazi Germany
This guy can only think in terms of good guys versus bad. It mirrors his obsession with video games.
Five bucks Movieslob would bend over backwards and shit his drawers if he ran into the Russian Army. Funny the biggest cowards are often the most pro-war. Easy to sit at home while others die for you.
Does this look and sound like the kind of guy who knows exactly what he's talking about?
what a true manchild
>Implying Poland wasn't occupying Prussian clay
>imagine if we hadn't have gotten into ww2!!!
We would have ethnically nationalist European nations, no Soviet Union and 400k Americans wouldn't have died fighting other peoples fights
>killing other whites for Jews
Well they got grounded up fucker. Dead enemies are dead are no longer enemies.
They've always been on the same team why do you think the debates were always wedge issues about women fags and niggers while the surveillance state and endless march to globalism went on unabated
I made the mistake of going on r/politics and found thread after thread on McCain or Graham or Cheyney or Bush criticizing Trump. The top comment always was some variant on "Wow OMG guys you know things are really bad when you find yourself agreeing with neocon X about Drumpf lol." or "Wow, who would have thought (insert former object of hatred and scorn) would be a real voice of reason here." Its myopia on a political scale.
those dimples would probably get him chicks if he wasn't such a fat manchild.
>Hitler is my enemy
Good goy
Why don't you mind your own fucking buisness instead of demanding others die for your moral crusade.
Don't give him views pls. He needs those to live.
Apocalyptic calamity for who? For the handful of jews on the planet, yes. But their time is up and it's time for the earth to shed itself of this destructive parasite. I think that's why the jew hates nature so much. They are fighting to death against nature because nature wants to end the jew once and for all. Let's join in and help nature out
Only rural and suburban retards didn't want WW3