Bernie Sanders and supporters are now being implicated in working with Russia lol

There is a concerted effort on social media right now tying Sanders and his supporters into the Russia shit.

Have the Hillary people lost it entirely???

Other urls found in this thread:

Theses media people are acting in unison.

hillary clinton sold uranium to russia

bernie sanders endorsed hillary clinton

bernie sanders now has three houses

It's because Hillary and her fans are dead in the centre. I know Sup Forums likes to call her and Obama Marxists or whatever but liberalism in its current form is just the most soulless centrism which only exists to spread corporate globalism. That's why they slander both the left and the right, and this Russia narrative is the latest attempt.

>Bernie loses
>Bernie supports Hillary
>Bernie is one of the first to attack Trump over Russian connections
>Bernie gets blamed by Hillary supporters for being a Russian plant
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA is there anything more pathetic than this man? Everytime he follows some trend Hillary and her supports are going for they turn on him and cause him to lose even more credibility

if russia is so almighty, why am i impoverished

I am okay with this

>HAHAHAHAHAHAHA is there anything more pathetic than this man?

This is probably Bernie's final chance to stop being a pussy and start calling out this shit.

I bet he won't though because the money is too good.

Nice get. It's because you didn't join putins 1000-strong elite hypno-hacker cabal in order to upset the rightful queen of America (pbuh) from her throne

Also fuck this spam detection shit

They aren't paying him shit
Most of the things he's been buying he used with the money burnvictims gave to him for the campaign