For fuck's sake

for fuck's sake

all i see is Georgia (and Armenia) left out of Europe in your dumb maps. Europe is a cultural concept you retards. Christianity, above else.
Fashions were the same in Poland and Georgia in the 17th century
R1b is west astian originated y-haplogroup. I'm r1b (baseline), ethnic Georgian for last 300 years (at least). so how the fuck is that the r1b Anglo-Irish are white and I'm not. our recent common ancestor lived only 6000 years ago

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Georgia and Armenia tried to defend western civilization many times. all the best for you

Look at your X haplogroup inherited from your mom Wine faggot.

stay in your own countries faggots


Did you just overdose on Hinkali?
Where the fuck are your replies?

yes we are wht you call white....... but whts your point?

because you have brown skin

I do not expect a burger to know better...

I fucking knew Armenians weren't white. You can never trust those bastards.

we'ere not even slav, you dumb fuck

we're not even indo-europeans you stupid blob

we're pre-indo-euro good guys

quite sure, we're whiter than you (on average)

ethno-georgies are pink/white basically

we do have big/jew-like big noses tho, but that's a west-asian thing, i guess. doesn't mean we're into money (that much)

For me people from Georgia were always bros. You are european when it comes to your culture.

Only Indo European is white.

Yeah I've also got to send best regards to the last Christian bastions in the East.
Remove kebab kek

Y-dna doesnt make you white or european dummy but I will concede that in the past there was a lot of influence from the Caucasus area in europe and then later on in the Caucasus area by the greeks

how does it feel that a state with the same name is more relevant on a global scale than your shitty country?

hah, it's not

'Gone with the wind?; ??? cool

not as cool (universally, cool) as 'Argpnautics'

Mtshketa is awesome as fuck, Georgiabro. Great place to be.

hah, it is

we have the busiest airport in the world

If we were a standalone country we'd have the 28th largest economy in the world, you guys are 118.

Only retards say you're not white anyway.

man, thou needst to do thy research

busiest my ass. we ain't either. but you need to differentiate your kind from islamic

>inb4 wikipedia

Burgers be like
>hurr durr look at our isolated and developed economy

Real Georgians (who existed far more than 200 years)
>being literally from the place where whites emerged
>holding border from Muslim invaders
>facing off big Ivan with almost no support

Shills gtfo

Lol how far are you from Iran?

Re-take Constantinople and you and it can join hows that.

But Europe sucks anyway, why do you think the UK is looking for a better continent?

not a big fan of united europe

don't se any point in white nationalism (as it is)

just ethnic natinalism.

Well white nat is very pointless if your country is not white to begin with ( i don't know shit about Georgia it was just a comment )

In general having non sheep , degenerate or extremist citizens should be good enough to keep a country stable and growing