What if all the snowflakes, Democrats, and progressives are right and we're literally 21st century Nazis and Trump is going to be our Great Leader?
What if all the snowflakes, Democrats...
If they win, that is what will be in the history books.
i hope so
go away evil dogger
[No words needed]
[No words are needed]
>21st century Nazis
I hope so.
This. It's why I can't read mein kampf.
I don't trust ant source to be unaltered by (((them)))
One can only hope
[No grabblers allowed]
[Death to the (((culture industry)))]
[Back to a wholesome society]
You are correct.
We learn from past mistakes
Then I will not back down, proud with my new title.
what is happening in this picture?
is this the jew/celeb slave trade in action?
Trump only appeals to very stupid people. He doesn't have the charisma or conviction of Hitler. Not enough people would follow him.
Trump won the smart vote.
He did well on the college educated category.
Most of them are very stupid people. Communists, marxists, and feminists all fall under the same category.
Yup. See image and this It is all small but it adds up.
They ARE right. That is why we voted for him. We voted for the day of the rope.
He also won with voters making over $50,000 a year. Dispelling the myth that Dems pay more taxes, and are smarter. Dumber people earn less money, and pay less taxes. They cannot recover.
Wow I really hope so.
go away evil dogger
>Trump would lead a right wing revolution
You can't be that dumb can you? Anyway, right about what?
>What if all the snowflakes, Democrats, and progressives are right and we're literally 21st century Nazis and Trump is going to be our Great Leader?
>What if all the snowflakes, Democrats, and progressives are right and we're literally 21st century Nazis
>What if all the snowflakes, Democrats, and progressives are right
>What if all the snowflakes
>What if
>What if