>20 images that will make you say fuck borders and shit
shouldn't we all live by the rules of "survival of the fittest"?
what's wrong with being strong and being in charge? why can't i go around the world without a visa, why can't i just punch border patrol in the face and say that i am taller, stronger, and prettier than them.
Idolizing trump is like sucking trumps dick for free and hoping that he will make the world better, having a leader is like waiting for other people to cum in your mouth while you are drowning in another mans sperm. You are literally waiting for someone else to do your job while you are sitting infront of your pc talking shit like "redpilled". None of you would ever bother going to war if this became serious, you are the antifa of the alt-right.
Long ass time ago what we identify as humans decided that that thing doesnt work and that they work better in a group, and from that day on survival of the fittest every man for himself type of thing was kind of forgotten. Because no matter how strong some fuckboy was, a group would certainly handle him. Furthermore there is no more fittest in a way that you perceive it. In fact, absolutely nothing is stopping you from going to the border punching the officer, beating him up. Its just that there are consequences such as: others will help him, others have fucking guns. So essentially you are in the same position as that fuckboy looong time ago, you are stronger than a single person of the group, but not stronger than the whole group.
Henry Mitchell
humans became bugs. the numbers are stronger than the individuals, i don't want that, i am afraid of that.
i know people who will vote for Beli, despite the fact that he didn't say a single word about anything. I met a lot of people that said "beli je skroz kul, malo promene u politici hahaha :DDDD" despite the fact that they never even voted or know shit about politics.
i beli ce za godinu dve da izda dokumentarac po fazonu kako je lako manipulisati srbijom ako si harizmatican i retard.
Chase Myers
come on, justify your border safe space.
Owen Cox
Thats just the way things are, and there is no way to surpass it. A group will always be stronger than an individual, no matter how big the individual. As far as politics go, welcome to democracy. Back when it was invented taking part in politics was an activity a male would participate in, exchange opinions and ideas. Now most voters just sit infront of the TV and repetitively watch the bullshit thats being fed to them. No interest in politics, no knowledge about politics. And somehow they have the power to decide who is going to lead a country, absolutely ridiculous. And the saddest part about it all, there are more often than not, just no good candidates. And even if someone mildly competent appears, some people will not vote for him because of family friends social stigma sometimes simply because they dont like some of his physical or characteristic traits that dont affect his functional capability.
Brayden Bailey
ayy pol, educate me about your superior white genetics.
i am strong, i have green eyes and white skin and i'm 189cm tall. what are your statistics?
Hunter Martin
Emergence, user. Look at the ant: the only animal on Earth, besides us, who engages in farming, animal husbandry, war, etc. We evolve as tribes, nations--and those groups are pitted against one another. Nothing has changed. What I mean to say is, Darwinian evolution is still at play. We protect the "weak" within our tribe, because they can be useful to us in other ways. Specialization. The ants specialize too.
Camden King
i don't like the fact that most of this site is putting all their beliefs and hopes in the hands of their leader.
i hate the fact that all of these people praise one human like he is god himself while the same person they praise doesn't even they exist.
za koga glasas, ja tezim ka seselju samo zato sto je nacionalni socialista, a stvarno ne znam sta dalje. odakle si?
Daniel Barnes
Sebastian Jones
t. african AMERICAN
Xavier Martinez
I didn't know African American faggots like you lived in Serbia.
Andrew Gutierrez
fuck off Amy
Leo Cook
In a way you have to, even though the president doesnt have as much political power in some aspects, he affects the ones that do and can change the political climate inside the political body thats more powerful than him. Kinda like a small pill that changes your metabolism. You kinda hope that the pill makes it better not worse. But id agree that most people on this website are a little bit deluded, just because they like the person apparently he can do no wrong, and the reason they even started pushing him is to trigger liberals, which i dont think is a good reason to put someone in such power. Im not going to vote seeing as i dont follow our politics enough, im not going to become the moronic uniformed voter that i despise.
Oliver Brown
where are you from? who are you voting for? just curious, and why are you voting for the person you are voting for?
Ryder Johnson
As stated in my previous message. Im not going to vote seeing as i dont follow our politics enough, im not going to become the moronic uniformed voter that i despise. And in general it kind of seems that whoever we elect as president we just sink more. At this point i feel like taking time to catch up to everything thats been happening would just give me an even more grim outlook on everything thats happening here, than the one i already have. Born Novi Sad living in Novi Sad
Aaron Peterson
Being strong automatically makes you an oppressor of the weak. Therefore, strength is evil, weakness is good.
This is the unconscious thought process of the bluepilled.
Mason Reed
mene hvata strah, gledam sta se desilo sa ostatkom evrope. Ne zelim da se ovo i nama desi. Vucic podrzava ove nase imigrante, jedino sto je dobro u ovoj drzavi je da cak ni oni ne zele da ostani u ovoj drzavi.
A sta ce muslimani jebeno raditi nego napadati devojcice i zene. Cak i da dodju, nece preziveti, sve sto oni znaju je da skupljaju drzavnu pomoc a na tome srbija generalno nije jaka. Takodje verujem da ce u srbiji biti znatno veci broj ljudi koji ce ih prebijati po ulici. Vukela jebeni hoce u eu pretpostavljam? U tom slucaju nije ni cudo da ce samo da imitira sta god se desava tamo, sto je absolutno pateticno. Bude li ovde pokrenuto nesto kao tipa u kanadi da ne smes pricati nista o muslimanima, bice sranja.
Jose Gonzalez
italija je potapala brodove koji su dolazili iz afrike dok EU im nije rekla da to nije OK. i mene plasi to sto veci deo srba zeli EU.
moje glasanje sledece nedelje nije o tome ko je najbollji, nego vec o tome ko je najveci nacionalni socialista, kao sto je seselj, iako je on sam komedija.
Wyatt Campbell
Sida, tako to ide ovde ovih dana, biras manjeg bolida ali generalno svi su bolidi. Sumnjam da ce ih biti puno ovde, bukvalno zato sto smo djubre, nasa najveca odbrana. Jedno je da Eu kenja drugima koji su u EU, ali da ta EU sranja se sire i van EU, e to je vec novi nivo problema.
Dominic Perry
It's like I'm posting on a serbian image board.
Ian Martin
ajde na rakiju, studirao sam na ftnu u nsu i sad sam se vratio u moj zr. ns je bio pun multi kulti ljjudi i bilo e depresivno,daj enko ludilo.