Do you guys think Kek is actually real? Is Kek present in the form of an egregore? Are we his manifest? I'm a Christian...

Do you guys think Kek is actually real? Is Kek present in the form of an egregore? Are we his manifest? I'm a Christian, and it doesn't take too much research to realize that the Bible is filled with other angelic or demonic forms, and how they possess and reveal themselves.

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I like to believe that Gods get their power from belief, so in believing in this frog thing, you guys actually reawakened a dead egyptian God.

Also meaning the amount of belief in the Christian God makes him the strongest,

its fun to imagine

Yeah that sounds fun but I'm don't think that's what's happening

fuck you

You could have made this thread better

No, this thread dies with just you and me, pardner.

I closed this thread, theres no escape, no one entering, no one leaving.

You're stuck here with me alone until this thread falls off the face of this board, enjoy it

Kek is an Aeon, known to the Egyptians as the Ogdoad or Eightfold.

They are a group of 8 primordial deities.

They came before the Archons.

Aeons are Emanations of the One.


I love Kek


Praise him

where are the digits?

Holy shit. Rare!

What the fuck vatican thanks for posting you evil fuck

Rare flag and holy digits. praise kek!

ye boi

Nice digits pope, praise him!

Kek is real

Nice proxy, rare flag.




The Archons come from the Demiurge.

The Chief Archon is Yaldabaoth and he made the other Archons.

Yaldabaoth is the Abortion of Sophia. She is the lowest ranking Aeon. She tried to make a realm like her fathers without his permission.

What she made is our realm and the Demiurge.

Archon means Lord, they are the Lords or Rulers the Authorities and Principalities.


Monolatrism is a thing. It means recognizing the existence of many gods but worshiping only one.

Or you can be straight up polytheist.


In Egypt there is a City called Hermpolis where the god Hermes was venerated.

Hermes is the Greek name for the Egyptian god known as Thoth or Tehuti. He is the same as the Sumerian Ningishzidda.

When we read the writings of Thoth he often brings up references to the Anunnaki like Ereshkigal.

And when we read the Sumerian text they also say the same things.

They further tell us that Ra is Marduk, the other son of Enki.

Enki and Enlil are lords of the garden, some call them Anunna and others know them as Archons

It depends if your a Gnostic or a reader of the Sumerian Texts.

Kek is real and has been awakened. Those who defy him will meet their end soon.

Real quick guys can anyone post the instructions on how to get to the skyfrog in virgo on googlesky

if you sstill have doubts, check' em

i unironically believe every single word posted on this board

If any god is real, Kek could be. It would explain lots of things if it were true.

How the hell do you get a proxy in the Vatican?

It is Hermes the Thrice Great god who taught mankind of the Supreme being known as the One. The Father of All.

The Ogdoad or the Eightfold were also spoken of by Hermeticists because they are the Angels of the the God.

The Archons are the Seven of the Hebdomad. Their Chief is the Jealous god who blasphemes and said no other was before him.

Which is why he is called the Blind, Ignorant and Jealous god.



of course

I've gotten (and witnessed) so many "coincidences" about this KEK GOD that I couldn't doubt his existence even if I wanted to.

if kek is real why did i get singles

if kek is real then i will get singles

this shit meme really needs to go, stop roleplaying you faggots


The Jordon Peterson (((coincidence)))
"I nearly fainted."

God left a gift for humanity to access, but you need a catalyst, a sort of totem to access it. Some esoteric occultists like to consider this black magic, but i call it something else entirely. I call it faith.

>this fuckin guy
I've been watching your work

>muh bible
You ever consider that not everything is either Jesus or Satan?

Yeah I did

There's a lot of good and evil but I believe it revolves around Jesus and Satan

>but I believe it revolves around Jesus and Satan
Because your parents told you so?

Oh ye of little faith.


But those are Thoth digits.

Forced meme by Shareblue to supplant homegrown memes with imported ones.

Dude really?


Shareblue wasn't even a thing when Thoth talk was going on.

It's true, Kek is the bridge for us to transcend our current conscientious state.

The thoth forcing was going on less than a month before Shareblue spammed the unfunny pigeon meme, which they claimed was a sign of thoth's coming. Pure coincidence.

Don't use words you don't understand.

I completely understand my choice of words. Kek is a gateway that would help us in these dark times.


Where'd you come up with that one?

he obviously meant conscious, dont be a dick

learn to spell you fucking retard


My grammar is apparently correct according to the dictionary and Google.

So you Thot.

How does one find and apply absolute faith? Digits will secure my allegiance


Kek is an incarnation of Jesus who is an incarnation of Kek ad infinitum. Proof is you can also crucify a frog.

Praise Kek



Give a long hard thought to the scale of the universe, now realize it goes even further than that. Possibly infinitely further. There's so much we do not understand. Think about our existence in the third dimension, we could control two dimensional worlds like gods. Now think about fourth dimensional beings. Fifth dimensional? Suddenly, Kek isn't so farfetched. In fact, he's fairly weak!

I need to read the bible me thinks, i understand there are parallels between the two but im apprehensive to go either or. I like the idea of kek but it gives off an antichrist vibe

Kek is CIA


is that poo poo in the vape pen?

We live in interesting times anons

If kek isn't real why did I get these digits?

Chaos is your God now


Fuck America and Israel.

After David Rockefeller died on World Frog Day, it became impossible to deny the truth that is Kek.


He is absolutely real. Shadilay.

I've thought a bit about this. It's a new age and a man claiming to be Devine would be dismissed.
The most effective way to bring humanity would be to appear in a way that would span multiple groups and draw them together.
Kek takes knowledge to understand, and everyone sees what they want in kek, occultist, Christians (me), atheists, old goders, etc... doesn't really matter, were all closer together for it.
There will be a grand sign soon, I've been feeling it.

Only if enough people legitimately believed in Kek to give him power.

Then again all religions are fucking stupid. Kek is only for trolling, and if you take it seriously then you're an idiot or mentally ill.

you tried

Got to be an Australian on holiday....


Kek is the real one

Thoth is a Jewish trick to get us to stop focusing our energy on Kek. In posting about him, you may very well be giving energy to the enemy

too bad people in church worship satan

Are Kek and the Father bros? Are they with us?

Or is Kek just part of the Trinity himself? It really activates my almonds.

Its funny watching how a religion can form even in modern times. There needs to be in depth studies made about kek

What is his endgame?

It's because he's a turkroach.

Also, nice digits, check mine.

Shouldn't you be licking nigger toes right now Francis? Stop shitposting on Sup Forums.


kek is real and this post proves it. look at the numbers. look at the ID


>it's nothing


You did it