Why haven't Venezuelans taken this faggot out yet?
Kim Jong Juan
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As a venezuelan I don't know why. There are so many murderers in the country I have no idea why one of them hasn't put themselves up to the task of doing whats good for the country. They should take Diosdado Cabello while they're at it.
when you're pretty much unarmed and many of your fellow countrymen are starving or seraching through the gargbage for something edible, it is quite difficult to standup against a brainless piece of shit who has turned your once ,more or less, stable country into such a shithole where even bakers are labeled evil capitalists for doing their job as they are supposed to.
Although i feel sorry for the bullshit they have to put up with, they brought this on themselves for electing Chavez back then.
>then how come Maduro won...
simple, he was Chavez's buddy and things have devolved into this shitshow because it's socialism, it always seems comfy and ""fair"" at first, but then thing sget much worse and before you know it you find yourself in such a shitty situation that you seriously contemplate committing suice because no food/medicine or any quality services
>"...ustedes no lo saben, pero algunas noches voy a donde yace el comandante Chavez y paso la noche allĂ..."
muh fucking sides, the only thing that top that is the "chavez speaks to me through this pretty little bird, yo"...AY KEK
yeah :^)
Verguenzuelans should take a lesson from based Paraguay.
now they've thrown shit in the fan, Venezuela was a "democracy" until now, I hope there will be a coup
have read the posts made by other memezuelans here and on the spanish-speaking chan and from what i could make out, tons of them do not seem to be particularly bothered by what recently transpired with this I IS FULL DICTATOR N SHEEEIT. Many couldn't care less and are eager to spend time on the beaches (kind of disturbing if you ask me because err well, some memezuelans are starving and it appears some disease have made a comeback and are spreading across many regions like wildfire)
>socialism strikes again
Thanks for the rare, senpai
What did i miss?
again you're right :^)
Kek remember that guy that sent all those supplies to that starving Venezuelan a while back? I sure hope that user stored that shit well cuz it sure seems like he'll need it
Maduro is only the face of the monster.
The heart, and the real problem, is a man called Tareck El Aissami.
Real shit will go down in crunch time once he inevitable takes power.
Look him up.
Go back to your socialist shithole.
>Tareck El Aissami
Can i get a quick run down, papi?
mind elaborate a little further on who this Aissami moron is and how fucked up things will get if he seizes power, dad?
Tareck El Aissami is the Vice President of Venezuela and he tied with Drug trafficking
Pray to Kek, Venezuela needs it!
I can only pray to KeK to get out of this situation
News and Wiki also said that he is tied with naturalization of possible ME islamic terrorists with Venezuelan birth certificates and passports.
Kek has blessed you. You get 1 free pass to Florida.
What the fuck?
>Be wanted drug lord
>be connected to Hezbollah money laundering
>Be Venezuelan Vice President.
Why has the Gringo not stamped this shit out?
Because we kinda used up all our political capital in the cold war with stupid shenanigans. At this point we believe South America is free to make its own mistakes.
Sending 2 potatoes so you can eat for a week, gracias
I'd say that cunt is a serious threat.
Works with Farc, and Mexican cartels, helps launder money for your mortal enemy.
That's not leftypol, that's fucking with your exceptionalism.
There were a couple actually saying that he did the right thing to get rid of their congress without any word as to how he'll create a viable system instead of just being a dictator. The country is full of people who have no idea what is good for them, and most are in charge.
Yeah, but if we "did something about it" we would own the mess that is Venezuela.
Much better to sit back and watch them burn their country to the ground. Would serve as a far better object lesson to the rest of South America then if we were to be Imperialist Gringos.
The Vice president has ties with the hezbollah too and there were a some romours about the embassy of Venezuela in those parts of Irak to be selling Venezuelan passports to Terrorists.
Fuck that guy, he's gotta go.
The military is complete pro-Chavista right?
They were involved in the drug smuggling, right? So there no hope for a counter-golpe, right?
Is Colombia invading the best chance?
These fuckers Podemos here haven't even passed comment on the Maduro takeover.
>tfw have a qt blonde LDR from Venezuela
Should I marry her Sup Forums? She's deeply Christian too. I've known her for years.
All of the Military is bribed, they are the only chance and about Colombia Invading I dont really know if them would help us.
And all the Opposition groups are afraid to say shit because of them getting arrested for causing chaos,
Sorry to hear it mate.
Who could have imagined where this has gone so bad so fast. Unfortunately, with the way hispanic politics works, it could happen to any of us.
But this Tarek fucker, he's an outlier. Needs to go.
There going to be supposedly a protest all over the country but the problem is that when they hear a gun shot they all spread and everything goes normal again.
because the government took all the guns.
There is no difference between a dictatorship and a democracy.
Can we invade venezuela already?
Do it already dont ask it
>Why has the Gringo not stamped this shit out?
Everybody has mutually agreed it's better if America stays out of Latin America and South America because they just seem to spend a lot of money and things remain fucked up but in a different way.
> all the Opposition groups are afraid to say shit because of them getting arrested for causing chaos,
Well they're not wrong that every opposition group is in favor of causing chaos because the order is so bad it's actually worse than chaos.
Fuck America and Israel
how much time till the next presidential election?
The next presidential elections are going to be in 2018
Maduro will surely try and pull some shit right? Otherwise he's pretty much guaranteed to lose and I don't see how he doesn't end up arrested.
Anyway, the single bright thing about this is it has made other Latin American countries think twice about implementing a meme economic system. I know there's a lot of native blood holding the collective IQs down, but the ultra left populist economics isn't helping either
The goverment will always find a excuse and im 100% sure that they will say that you guys are trying to destabilize the country and the ignorants would believe it.
Socialism makes people retarded.
Maybe Colombia will invade or annex Venezuela. There are so many possible pretenses, including (((humanitarian))) reasons.
Kek has heard your prayers. Await your salvation
So all the criminals involved in drug trade want Maduro and his buddies to stay in power.
Also, if I'm not mistaken (and correct me if I'm wrong ) it's illegal for citizens to own firearms, so they can't even defend themselves against criminals. The population is disarmed, hungry, and in the dark.
I really should have saved it but did no one save that shit?
That fucking Venezuelan posted pics of his fridge and everything. It honestly had like 10X the food my fridge has.
Its not illegal to have guns but its hard to get one.
I could do a thread about the same. I remember that post and I can assure you that my fridge has more food than it can have.
When American faggot OP's start calling the real non-faggots faggots I start to lose hope in this country. Do you even love Trump?
non white countries suck, that is why
Idk but I want to stream his TV channel now.
Couldn't be more true.
You dont get to talk. Mexicans are pretty much the niggers of the Hispanic community.
no man, Doral is full of those faggy assholes.
even niggers don't deserve the comparison to the beaner menace
might have something to do with the starvation thing.
I don't know. Places like Honduras are pretty fucked up
Please invade Paraguay. It's closer to you
Commies are going full retard on here.
because native niggers are too retarded to know they're being exploited
I hope they all die
south america was a mistake
not killing the natives like they did in north america, and bringing slaves en masse was the true mistake
that's a good point, i bet the nigger influence in the genetics made things a lot worse than they had to be
and why the old fucking cunt pope Francis haven't yet condemned the coup
iberians came to loot and pillage not to settle. they didnt bring their families with them, if they even had one. they got as rich as they could and went back to europe, leaving behind their mixed race bastard children. by the time they decided to settle the damage had already been done.
to be fair though, north americans came to settle only to have their descendants hand over the farm.
future america is not going to be the past america, demographically speaking. whether that's good or bad depends on who you ask, but i'm feeling quite negative about it.
demographically we might survive if we close the borders tomorrow, but economically were completely fucked. its going to be 90s russia tier poverty when the dollar finally gives up the ghost.